Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1961)

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sale of 81.2% of stock from S. W. and Wanda E. Townsend to WKST-TV Inc. for $975,000. Edwin E. Estabrook Jr. is president and 100% stockholder of WKST-TV Inc. He also owns 50% of WCUE Akron, Ohio. Ann. Feb. 8. WCJV (TV) Charleston, S. C— Seeks assignment of cp from Atlantic Coast Bcstg. Corp. to First Charleston Corp. for $12,500 and >3 stock ownership. Other major stockholders will be Edwin H. Cooper, lawyer; Margaret W. Cooper, housewife, Geddings H. Crawford, banker; Richard deG. Keenan, oilman, and Phil E. Pearce, broker, 10% each. Ann. Jan. 30. KIHO Sioux Falls, S. D.— Seeks assignment of license from Sioux Empire Bcstg. Co. to Northwestern College, Minneapolis for $100,000. College also owns KTIS-AMFM Minneapolis, KNWS Waterloo, Iowa, and KFNW Fargo, N. D. It will operate KIHO as non-commercial station, as are others. Ann. Feb. 7. „ , . . WMAK Nashville, Tenn— Seeks transfer of control of WCMI Radio Inc. to John R. Ozier for $25,000 for 50% interest. Mr. Ozier has outdoor advertising and softdrink bottling interests. Ann. Feb. 7. KIZZ El Paso, Tex. — Seeks assignment of license from Corando Bcstrs. to Sunland Bcstg. Co. for $85,500. Purchasers are I. T. Cohen, Anne H. Cohen, Norman L. Posen and Miriam W. Posen (25^c each). Mr. Cohen owns advertising agency and is employe of WEEL Fairfax, Va. Mrs. Cohen is housewife. Mr Posen is employe of WCAW Charleston, W Va Mrs. Posen is housewife. Ann. Feb. 7. WBNB (TV) Charlotte Amalie, V I. — Seeks transfer of 9%% of stock of Island Television Service Inc. from Robert Moss and similar amount from Robert E. Noble Jr., presentlv holding 50% each. 10% interest is being sold to Kenneth E. Granger and 62,3% Mrs. Faye R. Russell. Ann. Feb. 8. WPDR Town of Pacific, Wis. — Seeks assignment of license from Portage Bcstg. Co to Comstock Publishing Co. Both companies have same officers and seek consolidation. No consideration involved. Ann. Feb. 7 ' KBBS Buffalo, WyoSeeks transfer of majority control by sale of stock by Malcolm D. Wyman to Edward H. Weinberg. Mr. Wyman held 51% interest, now holds 29% interest; with purchase of 20 shares from Mr Wyman for $10,000 and 5 shares from Jack Rosenthal for $2,500, Mr. Weinberg holds 28%, as does Mr. Rosenthal. Ann. Feb. O ' KASL Newcastle, Wyo.— Seeks transfer of control through sale of 10,500 shares of common stock, 60% of total, by Stella Sue Parrott to Northern Wyoming Bcstg. Corp. Malcolm D. Wyman (29%), Jack Rosenthal (28%) and Edward H. Weinberg (28%) will hold majority of stock in station. William L. Fisher sold 7.000 shares. Aggregate price: $40,000. Ann. Feb. 8. Hearing cases FINAL DECISIONS ■ Commission gives notice that Dec. 16, 1960 initial decision which looked toward granting application of Bay Video Inc., for new tv station to operate on ch. 13 in Panama City, Fla., became effective Feb. 6 pursuant to sec. 1.153 of rules. Ann. Feb. 6. ■ By memorandum opinion and order, Commission granted petition by Marion Radio Corp., removed from consolidated proceeding in Dockets 13694 et al., and granted its application to increase daytime power of WBAT Marion, Ind., from 250 w to 500 w, continued operation on 1400 kc, 250 w-N, conditioned to accepting such interference as may be imposed by other existing class IV stations in event they are subsequently authorized to increase power to 1 kw. Ann. Feb. 8. ■ By memorandum opinion and order, commission granted petition by Franklin Bcstg. Co., severed from consolidated proceeding in Dockets 13741 et al., and granted its application to increase daytime power of WMIN St. Paul, Minn., from 250 w to 1 kw, continued operation on 1400 kc, 250 w-N, conditioned to accepting such interference as may be imposed by other existing class IV stations in event they are subsequently authorized to increase power to 1 kw. Ann. Feb. 8. STAFF INSTRUCTIONS ■ Commission on Feb. 3 directed preparation of document looking toward granting application of KDEF Bcstg. Co. to change operation of KDEF Albuquerque, N. M., on 1150 kc from 1 kw, D, to unl. time with 1 kw-D, 500 w-N, DA-N. July 29, 1960 initial decision looked toward this action. Ann. Feb. 6. ■ Commission on Feb. 3 directed preparation of document looking toward granting application of Kingsport Bcstg. Inc., to change facilities of WKPT Kingsport, Term., from 1400 kc, 250 w, unl., to 1550 kc, 10 kw, D, and denying application of John K. Rogers for new station to operate on 1550 kc, 1 kw, D, in Bristol, Tenn. July 5, 1960 initial decision looked toward this action. Ann. Feb. 6. ■ Commission on Feb. 3 directed preparation of document looking toward granting application of Star of the Plains Bcstg. Co. for new am station to operate on 1050 kc, 250 w, D, in Slaton, Tex., and denying application of Plainview Radio for new station to operate on same frequency with 1 kw, D, DA, in Plainview, Tex. April 20, 1960 supplemental initial decision looked toward this action. Ann. Feb. 6. Announcement of these preliminary steps does not constitute commission action in such cases, but is merely announcement of proposed disposition. Commission reserves right to reach different result upon subsequent adoption and issuance of formal decisions. INITIAL DECISIONS ■ Hearing Examiner David I. Kraushaar issued initial decision looking toward granting application of Altamaha Bcstg. Corp. to increase power of station WBGR Jesup, Ga., from 1 kw to 5 kw, continued operation on 1370 kc, D. Ann. Feb. 8. ■ Hearing Examiner Basil P. Cooper issued initial decision looking toward granting applications of Alexandria Bcstg. Corp. to change facilities of KXRA, Alexandria, Minn., from 1490 kc, 250 w, unl., to 1230 kc, 1 kw-LS, 250 w-N, and KISD Inc., to increase daytime power of KISD Sioux Falls, S. D., on 1230 kc from 250 w to 1 kw, continued nighttime operation with 250 w, adn denying application of Western Minnesota Bcstg. Co. to change facilities of KMRS Morris, Minn., from 1570 kc, 1 kw, D, to 1230 kc, 250 w, unl. Ann. Feb. 7. ■ Hearing Examiner Thomas H. Donahue issued initial decision looking toward granting applications of Floyd Bell for new am station to operate on 940 kc, 1 kw, D, in Texarkana, Tex., and Belton Bcstrs. Inc., for new station on 940 kc, 1 kw, D, DA, in Belton, Tex. Ann. Feb. 7. ■ Hearing Examiner Elizabeth C. Smith issued initial decision looking toward granting applications of Finley Bcstg. Co. to in crease power of KSRO Santa Rosa, Calif., on 1350 kc from 1 kw, DA-1, unl., to 5 kw, DA-N, unl.; Western States Radio (KIST), Santa Barbara; KATY, Sweetheart of San Luis Obispo, Inc. (KATY), San Luis Obispo; KOMY Inc. (KOMY), WatsonviUe, and McMahan Bcstg. Co. (KMAK), Fresno, to increase daytime power on 1340 kc from 250 w to 1 kw, continued nighttime operation with 250 w; with KIST, KATY, KOMY and KMAK subject to condition that permittee shall accept such interference as may be imposed by other existing class XV stations in event these stations are subsequently authorized to increase power to 1 kw. Ann. Feb. 7. OTHER ACTIONS ■ By memorandum opinion and order, commission denied petition by Atlantic City Bcstg. Co. (WLDB, 1490 kc, 250 w, unl.), Atlantic City, N. J., for special reconsideration, reinstatement of application to increase daytime power to 1 kw, and for acceptance of amendment; returned amendment tendered for filing Jan. 3. Application was dismissed Nov. 30 for failure to file engineering data required by revised sec. V-A of FCC Form 301 by Nov. 3 cut-off date. Ann. Feb. 2. ■ By memorandum opinion and order, commission denied petition by WWNS Inc. (WWNS, 1240 kc, 250 w, unl.), Statesboro, Ga., for reinstatement of its application to increase daytime power from 250 w to 1 kw. Application was dismissed Nov. 30 for failure to file engineering data required by revised sec. V-A of Form 301 by Oct. 3 cutoff date. Ann. Feb. 2. ■ By memorandum opinion and order, commission dismissed protests and petitions for reconsideration by Rodio Radio and Marymac Bcstrs., applicants for new am stations to operate on 1320 kc, 500 w, DA, D, Hammonton, N. J., and 1570 kc, 1 kw, DA, D, Ventnor-Margate, N. J., respectivelv, directed against Dec. 7 grant of cp to Hammonton Bcstg. Co. for new am station to operate on 1580 kc, 250 w, D, in Hammonton, N. J. Comr. Bartley not participating. Ann. Feb. 2. Burlington Bcstg. Co., Burlington, N. J.; Burlington County Bcstg. Co., Mt. HollyBurlington Bcstg. Co., Mount Holly, N. J. — Designated for consolidated hearing applications for new am stations to operate on 1460 kc, 5 kw, DA-2, unl., made WFPG Atlantic City, N. J., party to proceeding. Comr. Cross dissented. Action Feb. 8. WAMD Aberdeen, Md. — Designated for hearing application to change operation on 970 kc, 500 w, from daytime only DA to unl time with DA-2. Comr. King not participating. Ann. Feb. 8. ■ By memorandum opinion and order, commission denied petition by Edward L. Waterman to sever from consolidated proceeding in Dockets 12604 et al., and grant his application for new class A fm station to operate on 105.5 mc in Park Forest, 111 Comr. King not participating. Ann. Feb. 8. ■ By memorandum opinion and order commission denied petition by WMAX Inc ' for rehearing on Sept. 7, 1960 decision which denied its application to increase power of WMAX Grand Rapids, Mich., from 1 kw to 5 kw, continued operation on 1480 kc, D Comr. King not participating. Ann. Feb. 8. ■ By memorandum opinion and order commission denied petition by Metropolitan Bcstg. Corp., for reconsideration of Nov. 22 action which enlarged issues in Wilmington, Del., tv ch. 12 comparative proceeding; and, on commission's own motion, modified issue 7(d) relative to programming service proposed in each of applications as considered in light of the following factors: (1) whether there are particular types or classes of programs for which there is unfulfilled need in area proposed to be served; (2) extent to which program proposal of each applicant would meet such needs. Comr. Cross concurred and issued statement; Comr. King dissented and issued statement. Saul M. Miller, Reading, Pa.; Arthur W. Arundel, Charleston, W. Va.; Suburban Bcstg. Corp., Elkton, Md.; Lancaster County Bcstrs., Lancaster, Pa.; Elias and Robinson, Glen Burnie, Md.; North Penn Bcstg. Co., Quakertown, Pa— Designated for consolidated hearing applications for new am stations to operate on 1550 kc; Miller with 1 kw, D Arundel with 5 kw, D, Suburban with 250 w, DA. D, Lancaster with 1 kw, DA, D, Elias and Robinson with 250 w, DA-2, unl., and North Penn with 250 w, D; made WBOF Virginia Beach, Va., WBUX Dovlestown, Pa., and WJMJ Philadelphia, Pa., parties to proceeding. Ann. Feb. 2. Edward Walter Piszczek & Jerome K. Westerfield, Des Plalnes, 111.— Designated for hearing application for new class A fm station to operate on 96.7 mc with 1 kw; ant. height 246 ft., made WBBM-FM, WND3 both Chicago, WJOL-FM Joliet, HI., and Federal BROADCASTING, February 13, 1961 America's Leading Business Brokers Interested in buying or selling Radio and TV Properties7 When your business is transacted through the David Jaret Corp., you are assured of reliability and expert service backed by our 38 years of reputable brokerage. DAVID ,1 50 MONTAGUE STREET BROOKLYN 1 , N. Y. U Later 2-5600 JARET CORP. 84 (FOR THE RECORD)