Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1962)

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Outstanding Newton N. Minow, FCC chairman and Peter G. Peterson, president of Bell & Howell, are among this year's Ten Outstanding Young Men (Closed Circuit, Dec. 4, 1961) selected by the U. S. Junior Chamber of Commerce. TOYM is designed "to honor 10 young men of jaycee age (21 to 36) whose exceptional achievements exemplify the opportunities available in the free enterprise system." Past winners include John F. Kennedy, Richard M. Nixon, Dr. Thomas Dooley and Leonard Bernstein. L utive, WIP Philadelphia, named manager of newly opened Metropolitan Broadcasting national sales office, that city. Alan J. Bell, Peters, Griffin, Woodward, New York, named director of promotion and research, Advertising Time Sales, that city. W. W. Warren elected president and board chairman of Washington State Assoc. of Broadcasters, replacing Ronald A. Murphy who resigned. James A. Murphy appointed executive vp and general counsel. Other officers and directors: vp, Thomas C. Bostic, KIMAAM-TV Yakima; secretary-treasurer, Allen Miller, KWSC Pullman; immediate past president, James W. Wallace, KPQ Wenatchee; directors, James R. Agostino, KXLY AM TV Spokane; Adrian DeVries, KCLX Colfax; Jerry Geehan, KTAC Tacoma; Fred Goddard, KXRO Aberdeen; Saul Haas, KIRO-AM-TV Seattle; William Taft, KRKO Everett; and Joe Chytil, KELA Centralia-Chehalis. L. D. Bolton II appointed assistant general manager of WKRC Cincinnati. Mr. Bolton was commercial manager at WNAX Yankton, S. D. Robert L. Tuttle and Paul S. Watson, formerly of WSFA-TV Montgomery, Ala., named sales manager and operations director, respectively, of WCCBTV, that city, which is scheduled to begin telecasting Feb. 1. John F. Hurlbut, formerly promotion and public relations manager, WFBM Indianapolis, assumes active management and ownership of WVMC Mt. Carmel, 111. Kenneth G. Fuller, NBC Spot Sales, joins San Francisco tv sales staff of The Katz Agency. PROGRAMMING Glenn R. Dolberg, vp in charge of stations relations for Broadcast Music Inc., retires today (Jan. 1). He will be succeeded by Justin Bradshaw, who joined BMI in 1953 and served as director of station service in New York since last March. Mr. Dolberg has been in radio and tv for past 35 years, served with stations such as KEX Portland, Ore., KHJ and KFI in Los Angeles. He had been program director for NBC in San Francisco, leaving in 1943 to join BMI as station relations representative on West Coast. He was elected vp in New York in 1953. Mr. Bradshaw was in stations field in Kansas and Colorado, and later served as BMI field representative. Mr. Dolberg Mr. Bradshaw producer. Henry Colman named associate producer. Joseph P. Freyer, administrative assistant to comptroller of Paramount Pictures Corp., promoted to comptroller. He replaces Frederick E. Koehner, who resigned to join Cinerama Corp. Parker R. Daggett named vp of Com mercial Recording Corp., Dallas. Mr. Daggett was with KR1T Milwaukee as sales manager and with Miller Brewing Co., Milwaukee, as district sales manager. David Victor, associate producer on MGM-TV's Dr. Kildare series, named BROADCASTING THE BUSINESSWEEKLY OF TELEVISION AND RADIO 1735 DeSales St., N. W. Washington 6. D. C. NEW SUBSCRIPTION ORDER Please start my subscription immediately for — □ 52 weekly issues of BROADCASTING $ 7.00 □ 52 weekly issues and Yearbook Number 1 1 -00 □ Payment attached □ Please Bill tide/position* company name -e o ec IB a. 3 O U o * address city Send to home address tone state Mr. Daggett 58 (FATES & FORTUNES) Lewis M. Marcy named vp of M-E Productions, New York. George Newi, tv program executive, named director of daytime programs, and Bart H. McHugh Jr., vp and associate director of tv-radio at J. Walter Thompson, joins M-E Productions as program executive. Marvin Lowe appointed sales manager of north central division of Screen Gems, succeeding Art Greenfield. EQUIPMENT & ENGINEERING Philip D. Reed, retired chairman of General Electric Co., named member of board of directors of National Educational Television & Radio Center, New York. Ross D. Siragusa, president and chairman of Admiral Corp., elected board chairman of General Aniline and Film Corp., New York. Mr. Siragusa, formerly vice-chairman, succeeds John I. Snyder Jr., who resigned. Carl R. Rollert appointed manager of broadcast product line of Collins Radio Co., Dallas. Mr. Rollert was formerly sales manager of Communication Accessories Co., Collins' components division. F. Stuart Leitzell promoted to midwest regional sales manager, and Thomas E. Ciochetti to Los Angeles district manager of Clevite Transistor division of Clevite Corp., Waltham, Mass. Albert C. Sofe appointed chief engineer, audio products, for American Concertone Inc., division of Astro-Science Corp., Culver City, Calif. Prior to joining Concertone, Mr. Sofe was manager of audio magnetic heads and chief engineer at Ampex Audio Div., Sunnyvale, Calif. GOVERNMENT Stuart H. Johnson Jr., formerly with New York law firm of Breed, Abbott and Morgan, named chief counsel of BROADCASTING, January 1, 1962 I