Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1962)

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Wittbcrger, Allen H. Embury and Ted Wedemeyer Jr.; consideration $210,000 and agreement not to compete with buyers in broadcasting within 35 miles of station while deferred payments are being made. Action Feb. 28. KWKY, Tedesco Inc., Des Moines, IowaGranted (1) renewal of license and (2) relinquishment of positive control by Nicholas and Victor J. Tedesco through sale of stock to E. David Krametz, et al., reducing Tedesco family holdings to 28.58%. Chmn. Minow voted to add condition to renewal, Comr. Bartley abstained from voting. Action Feb. 28. WTKY, WMCV Inc., Tomkinsville, Ky. — Granted (1) renewal of license and (2) acquisition of negative control (50%) by each William H. and Joe A. Clark through purchase of Charles Vaughn's 33.33% stock for $11,666. Action Feb. 21. WRMP (FM), Triangle Bcstg. Co., Detroit, Mich. — Granted assignment of license from Robert M. Parr to Trinity Bcstg. Corp. (Nicholas Tinko, F. Hudson Haynor and Stanley Babiuk); consideration $34,387. Action Feb. 28. KRBO-AM-FM, Rainbow Inc., Las Vegas, Nev. — Granted assignment of license of KRBO and cp for KRBO-FM to Meyer (Mike) Gold; consideration $85,000. Action Feb. 21. WFVG, Radio Station WFVG, Fuquay Springs, N. C— Granted assignment of license from James F. Flanagan and Robert G. Currin to Carl Vernon Venters Jr. and Herbert Cloid Wade Jr., d/b as WFVG Bcstg. Co.; consideration $54,000. Messrs. Venters and Wade own WFAG Farmville, N. C. Action Feb. 28. WOMP-AM-FM, WOMP Inc., Bellaire, Ohio — Granted (1) renewal of license of WOMP-FM and (2) assignment of licenses to Howard C. Weiss; consideration $78,000, employment of Mr. Horton (assignor) as consultant for five years for $47,000, and agreement not to engage in other broadcasting within 30 miles of station for five years. Action Feb. 28. WAEF-FM, North Cincinnati Bcstg. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio — Granted assignment of license from Edward L., Alvin W., and Fred J. Fishman to company of same name; con sideration $15,000 by Big Value Stamp Co. for 50% interest. Alvin W. and Edward L. Fishman each receive 25% interest in assignee. Action Feb. 21. WRKH Blue Ridge Bcstg. Inc., Rockwood, Tenn. — Granted assignment of license to Richard W. Holloway, tr/as Dick Holloway Enterprises; consideration $73,500. Action Feb. 28. KHGM (FM), Gerald R. Proctor, tr/as Woodland Bcstg. Co., Beaumont, Tex. — Granted assignment of license to new corporation of same name with Mr. Proctor, president, retaining 50% interest; consideration $5,000 by five new stockholders for 50% interest. Action Feb. 21. KVWO-AM-FM, Great West Inc., Cheyenne, Wyo. — Granted assignment of licenses to Cheyenne Bcstg. Inc. (Leo R. Morris, president); consideration $85,000 for am facilities, $2,400 for fm facilities plus assumption of balance of monthly payments on equipment, and covenants not to compete in radio or tv within 50 miles of Cheyenne for seven years. Action Feb. 21. APPLICATIONS KARA Wickenburg, Ariz. — Seeks transfer of 50% of stock in Wickenburg Bcstg. Inc. from Mamie Gander to Lowell F. Beer; consideration $10,000. Mr. Beer is retail druggist and owns 50% of cp for new fm station in Sun City, Ariz. Ann. Feb. 28. KBHS Hot Springs, Ark. — Seeks transfer of all stock in Resort Bcstg. Inc. from A. M. McGregor, E. J. Kelley and E. B. McGregor to B. P. Timothy (99.2%) and others, d/b as Tim Timothy Inc.; consideration $135,000 and $10,000 for agreement not to compete. Mr. Timothy has been Midwest director of Mutual Bcstg. System and has owned KMBY Monterey, Calif. Ann. Feb. 26. KUXL Golden Valley, Minn.— Seeks assignment of cp from Charles J. Lanphier to C. J. Lanphier Inc., new corporation of which Mr. Lanphier is 99.8% owner; no financial consideration involved. Ann. Feb. 27. WKTC Charlotte, N. C— Seeks transfer of 51% of stock in Queen City Bcstg. Co. from J. Olin Tice Jr. to Tico Enterprises Inc. (present owner of 49%); no financial consideration involved. Transferee is owned 100% by Mr. Tice. Ann. Feb. 26. KVOO Tulsa, Okla.— Seeks transfer of all stock in Southwestern Sales Corp. from Joan Skelly Stuart, executrix of estate of W. G. Skelly (deceased), to Joan Skelly Stuart (25% individually and 50% as coexecutrix of estate of Gertrude Frank Skelly) and Carolyn Skelly Burford (25%); no financial consideration involved. Ann. Feb. 23. WCAY Cayce, S. C— Seeks transfer of 55% of stock in Lexington County Bcstrs. Inc. from J. Olin Tice Jr. to Tico Enterprises Inc. (present owner of 45%); no financial consideration involved. Transferee is owned 100% by Mr. Tice. Ann. Feb. 26. WZXY Cowan, Tenn. — Seeks transfer of 50% of stock in Guidon Bcstg. Co. from James F. Spencer to Hughes H. Brewer, present owner of other 50% ; consideration $10,000. Ann. Feb. 28. WOVE Welch, W. Va.— Seeks assignment of license from Community Bcstg. Co. to South C. Bevins, d/b as McDowell County Bcstg. Co.; consideration cancellation of $54,000 note held by assignee. Mr. Bevins owns WMLF Pineville, Ky. Ann. Feb. 23. WTMB-AM-FM Tomah, Wis.— Seeks transfer of 50% of stock in Tomah-Mauston Bcstg. Inc. from Thomas M. Price to Hugh W. Dickie (present owner of other 50%); consideration $20,000 plus assumption of Unpaid balance of mortgage on transferor's home. Ann. Feb. 23. Hearing cases FINAL DECISIONS ■ Commission gives notice that Jan. 3, 1962, initial decision which looked toward granting applications of Jet Bcstg., Inc. (WJET), Erie. Pa., and WBNY Inc. (WBNY), Buffalo, N. Y., to increase daytime power on 1400 kc from 250 w to 1 kw continued operation with 250 w-N, each with interference condition, and Lake Shore Bcstg., Inc. (WDOE), Dunkirk, N. Y., to increase daytime power on 1410 kc from 500 w to 1 kw, continued operation with 500 w-N, DA-N, became effective Feb. 23 pursuant to Sec. 1.153 of rules. Action Feb. 28. ■ By decision, commission granted applications of Washington Bcstg. Co. (WOL), Washington, D. C, Delaware Bcstg. Co. (WILM), Wilmington, Del., WDAD Inc. (WD AD) , Indiana, Pa., Centre Bcstrs. (WMAJ), State College, Pa., Sky-Park Bcstg. Corp. (WFTR), Front Royal, Va., Miners Bcstg. Service Inc. (WPAM), Pottsville, Pa., and Cumberland Valley Bcstg. Corp. (WTBO), Cumberland, Md., to increase daytime power from 250 w to 1 kw, continued operation on 1450 kc, 250 w-N, each with interference condition, and WPAM and WTBO with additional engineering condition. Chmn. Minow, Comrs. Hyde and Bartley not participating. June 14, 1961, initial decision looked toward this action. Action Feb. 28. ■ By memorandum opinion & order, commission made effective Oct. 17, 1961, initial decision and granted application of James E. Walley for new am station to operate on 1340 kc, 250 w, unl., in Oroville, Calif., with interference condition, and denied application of SanVal Bcstrs. for same facilities. Action Feb. 28. ■ Commission gives notice that Dec. 29, 1961, initial decision which looked toward granting application of John M. Bryan and William K. Bowes Jr., d/b as Champion Electronics, Joint Venture, for new am station to operate on 1540 kc, 1 kw, D, in Provo, Utah, became effective Feb. 19 pursuant to Sec. 1.153 of rules. Action Feb. 23. ■ By memorandum opinion & order, commission granted application of WEATTV Inc. to relocate trans, site of WEAT-TV (ch. 12) West Palm Peach, Fla., from about one mile southwest of West Palm Beach to point about 12 miles southwest of that city, increase ant. height from 310 ft. to 990 ft. and visual ERP from 100 kw to 306 kw (maximum lobe 316 kw), with aur. ERP 153 kw, conditioned that, prior to licensing, acceptable data is submitted for trans, type acceptance, and construction involving am station WEAT not to commence until appropriate application to make changes in its ant. system has been granted; denied petition by Wometco Enterprises Inc. (WTVJ [ch. 41) Miami, to deny WEATTV application, and dismissed statement by Biscayne Tv Corp. (WCKT [ch. 71) Miami, in support of Wometco petition. Action Feb. 21. ■ By decision, commission denied applications for new am stations of Sayger Bcstg. Co. to operate on 1250 kc, 500 w-N, 1 kw-LS, DA-2, in Tiffin, Ohio, and Malrite Bcstg. Co. to operate on 1240 kc. 100 w, unl. in Norwalk, Ohio. Comr. Bartley not participating. June 29, 1961, initial decision looked toward this action. Action Feb. 21. SUMMARY OF COMMERCIAL BROADCASTING Compiled by BROADCASTING, March 1 ON AIR CPS TOTAL APPLICATIONS Lie. Cps. Not on air For new stations AM 3,626 63 98 857 FM 892 84 178 161 TV 4851 77 80 138 OPERATING TELEVISION STATIONS Compiled by BROADCASTING, March 1 TOTAL VHF UHF TV Commercial 463 90 553 Non-Commercial 41 14 55 COMMERCIAL STATION BOXSCORE Compiled by FCC, Jan. 31 AM FM TV Licensed (all on air) 3,622 900 4851 Cps on air (new stations) 77 67 74 Cps not on air (new stations) 140 176 85 Total authorized stations 3,839 1,143 645= Applications for new stations (not in hearing) 455 122 40 Applications for new stations (in hearing) 185 21 63 Total applications for new stations 640 143 103 Applications for major changes (not in hearing) 489 89 3? Applications for major changes (in hearing) 76 4 11 Total applications for major changes 565 93 44 Licenses deleted 0 1 0 Cps deleted 2 11 3 1 There are, in addition, 11 tv stations which are no longer on the air, but retain their licenses. 2 Includes one STA. 3 Three commercial cps have been changed to noncommercial educational. 96 (FOR THE RECORD) BROADCASTING, March 5, 1962