Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1962)

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35 Cents BROADCASTING THE BUSINESSWEEKLY OF TELEVISION AND RADIO MARCH 12, 1962 ASCAP names price for reduction in tv fees: station divestiture of BMI stock 27 Sugar from Uncle Sam now sure to sweeten etv; House, Senate to decide how much . . 50 How now fare uhf areas in the U.S. flatlands? BROADCASTING reports six years later . . 70 It looks like FCC's coming unglued from plan for both deintermixture, all-channel set . . 42 COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 C'MON UNDER Under the shelter of a single, all-embracing KPRC-TV sales plan. Programs, spots, participations — every kind of television you need, all through one source: KPRCTV, Channel 2, In Houston, Texas. All through one man: Your Edward Petry & Co. representative. And all paid for with one easy-to-handle monthly payment. One station, one man, one payment — that's the one modern way to buy Houston television. P.S. A friendly KPRC-TV representative is waiting for your call. KPRC-TV HOUSTON, TEXAS CHl i "One station, one man, one monthly check to pay — that's the modern KPRC-TV way!" Courtesy of Travelers Insurance Companies, Hartford 15, Connecticut