Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1962)

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Mr. Smith count executive, Advertising Time Sales, New York, join Petry*s tv sales staff. E. Berry Smith appointed general manager of WLKY (TV) Louisville, Ky. Mr. Smith, a native of Indianapolis, has been associated with broadcasting since 1949. He was vp and general manager of WFRV (TV) Green Bay, Wis., until September of this year when he joined Marine Capital Corp., small business investment firm, Milwaukee, in broadcast executive function. Previously, he was vp and general manager of WFIETV Evansville, Ind. Phil Brestoff, general sales manager of KABC-AM-FM Los Angeles since 1959, moves into account executive post with ABC Radio Network in Los Angeles, succeeding Howard L. Wheeler, who resigned recently to become executive vp and general manager of KGBAM-FM San Diego (Fates & Fortunes, Dec. 10). Robert R. Pauley, president of ABC Radio, named chairman of 1963 national radio broadcasting committee of National Conference of Christians and Jews. John B. Mulderrig, former district sales manager of Conover-Mast Co., joins Metro Broadcast Sales, New York, as radio account executive. Pete Hunter, member of sales department of Dictaphone Corp., San Francisco, joins KNBR-AM-FM, that city, as account executive. Mr. Hunter previously served in promotion department of CFAC Calgary, Alberta, Canada. George Schardt, former salesman and announcer with KREX-TV Grand Junction, Colo., and announcer at KCMO-AM-FM-TV Kansas City, joins WHIP THE HAZARD OF LIBEL, SLANDER, INVASION OF PRIVACY, PIRACY, VIOLATION OF COPYRIGHT WITH 1) Good Practices 2) Good Care 3) Good Insurance. YOU handle No. 1 and No. 2 — WE'LL look after No. 3 with our SPECIAL and UNIQUE EXCESS POLICY, built to do it satisfactorily and quite inexpensively! For details and rates, write EMPLOYERS REINSURANCE CORPORATION 2l w Tenth. Kansas City. Mo. Ne.v York Chicago. San Francisco. Ill John 175 W 100 Bush St Jackson St. BROADCASTING, December 17, 1962 KGHL-TV Billings, Mont., as account executive. Robert L. Maynard, assistant general manager of WMTW-TV Poland Spring, Me., elected vp. Prior to joining WMTW in 1957, Mr. Maynard served with WPOR Portland, Me. He was Mr. Maynard New £ngland sales manager for Vick Chemical Co. from 1950 to 1953. Roger Clark, air personality at WGHAM-FM Newport News, Va., assumes added duties of program director. Gene Loving, formerly with WLEE Richmond, Va., joins WGH as air personality. Scott McKewn joins WGH-FM's sales staff as account executive. Tony James, for past five months sports director of WBAB-AM-FM Babylon, L. L, N. Y., assumes duties of program director. Gilbert Faggen, former program manager of WJAS-AM-FM Pittsburgh, to WIRE Indianapolis as program director. Dale Kelly, former music director of WPOP Hartford, Conn., appointed program director of WOLF Syracuse, N. Y. Buddy Webber appointed program director of KVI Seattle, Wash., succeeding Bob Cooper, who moves to KEX-AM-FM Portland, Ore., as assistant manager and program director. Both stations are owned by Golden West Broadcasters. Ruth Musser, director of programming forWMCANew York, elected to newly created position of vp administration. Mrs. Musser joined WMCA in 1949 as operations supervisor. She has also served in personnel departments of RCA Communications and NBC. Mrs. Musser Thomas Kennedy, since January 1960 record librarian of WWJ-AM-FM Detroit, named to newly created post of assistant program director. Dr. Robert Trotter, music director of KPFK (FM) Los Angeles, has taken an indefinite leave of absence to handle increased responsibilities at UCLA, where he has been appointed chairman of music department. Lois Baum, who has worked with Dr. Trotter at KPFK, is acting as head of station's music department. Mr. Griffin Bill Bodway, assistant production director, named public service coordinator of WJXT (TV) Jacksonville, Fla. Dan Griffin appointed programming coordinator of WBZAM-FM Boston, succeeding Jack Williams, who was recently named program manager of KDKA Pittsburgh. Both stations are owned by Westinghouse Broadcasting Co. Squire D. Rushnell, WBZ production supervisor, appointed producer of PM program, succeeding Mr. Griffin. Dick Hamburger, former sales manager for New York division of United Artists Television, joins ABC-TV Spot Sales as account executive in New York office. Mr. Hamburger, who was with UA since 1954, also served with Joseph Katz Co. and WABC New York. Mr. Hamburger John Merrifield, for past three years in pr with Ford Motor Co.'s tractor and implement operations, joins Capitol MAGNfPHASE AlAGNfPHASE MAGNI PHASE f i ft. :, LINE PROTECTION SYSTEM MAGNIPHASE — protects antenna system from damage caused by static discharge or transmission line faults. MAGNIPHASE — will instantaneously squelch transmitter output, preventing arc from being sustained by RF energy. Immediately self-restoring, transmitter interruption goes unnoticed on the air. C-xrH-LLn-e-H-t-OLL (Lle-cA.nxrvLjLcj* MANUFACTURING COMPANY 4212 SOUTH BUCKNER BLVD. DALLAS 27, TEXAS HJ^F^ Subsidiary of Ling-Temco-Vought, Inc. 79