Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1963)

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PERSONALITY PORTRAIT CLANCY LAKE Clancy Lake, former City Editor of The Birmingham News and ace reporter of The Miami Herald is "Mr. News" to WAPI listeners. From the Alabama Senate floor or from a plane in the eye of a hurricane, from a disaster area, or the scene of crime ... if the news is breaking, Clancy finds a way to bring WAPI listeners a direct on-the-spot report. Not only are WAPI listeners the best informed people in Alabama, but WAPI is the only station in the country to have its own "great Lake." WAPI-RADIO 50,000 WATTS BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA WAPI radio represented by Henry I. Christal Company, Inc. DATEBOOK A calendar of important meetings and events in the field of communications. ■ Indicates first or revised listing. NOVEMBER Nov. 25 — American Jewish Committee Appeal for Human Relations, dinner for broadcasting and advertising division at New York Hilton hotel in honor of William S. Cutchins, president of the Brown & Williamson Tobacco Co. Senator Thruston Morton (RKy.) is the speaker. Co-chairmen: Everett H. Erlick, vice president and general counsel of American Broadcasting-Paramount Theaters, and Sydney Eiges, NBC vice president. Nov. 25-26 — NAB conference, Fairmont hotel, San Francisco. ■ Nov. 26 — Luncheon meeting of the Advertising Club of Metropolitan Washington, Presidential Arms, Washington, D. C. Guest speaker will be Mark F. Cooper, president of the Advertising Federation of America. Title of his talk is "Advertising — The Voice of Free Choice." Nov. 26 — Annual stockholders meeting, Screen Gems Inc., New York. Nov. 29-Dec. 1 — Annual convention of the National Association of Radio and TV Farm Directors, Chicago. DECEMBER ■ Dec. 2 — Hollywood Advertising Club luncheon meeting, Hollywood-Roosevelt, 12 noon. George B. Storer Jr., president of Storer Broadcasting Co., speaks on "Break Through in Television Portability." Dec. 2-3 — NBC Affiliates annual convention radio meetings and radio network luncheonpresentation followed by evening banquet or Dec. 2, TV meetings and NBC Board Chairman Robert W. Sarnoff address to johvi radio-TV affiliates luncheon and an evening banquet on Dec. 3. Robert W. Kintner, NBC president, addresses radio and TV affiliates meetings. Beverly-Hilton hotel, Los Angeles ■ Dec. 3 — Luncheon meeting of Advertising Club of Metropolitan Washington, Presidential Arms, Washington, D. C. Principa speaker will be Arthur Godfrey, CBS Radio Dec. 3-5 — Winter conference of Electronic Industries Association, Statler-Hilton hotel Los Angeles. a Dec. 4 — Chicago chapter of American Women in Radio and Television dinnei meeting 6 p.m. Fourth Estate, 535 Michigar Avenue. Speaker is John Madigan, new: director of WBBM-TV Chicago. Dec. 5 — Board of directors meeting of the Association of Maximum Service Telecasters Riviera hotel, Palm Springs, Calif. Dec. 5 — Association of National Adver tisers will hold a workshop on "New anc Practical Ways to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Your Advertising," Plaza hotel, New York. Alfred Whittaker, vice president foi marketing, Bristol-Myers Products Co., i: program committee chairman. Speakers in elude: Gail Smith, General Motors Corp. William Weilbacher, C. J. LaRoche; Wallact Drew, Coty Inc.; and William Gillilan Ketchum. MacLeod & Grove. Dec. 5-6 — Fourteenth conference of the Professional Technical Group on Vehiculai Communications, Adolphus hotel, Dallas. Dec. 6 — Association of National Advertis ers' workshop on planning and evaluation Plaza hotel. New York. Dec. 6 — Arizona Broadcasters Associatioi annual fall meeting, Paradise ValleyPhoenix. FCC Commissioner Frederick W Ford will be principal speaker. ■ Dec. 9 — FCC oral argument on proposec rulemaking to adopt commercial timi 12 BROADCASTING, November 25, 196: