Broadway and Hollywood "Movies" (Jan - Nov 1933)

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HOLLYWOOD MOVIES TSfove y#z&L A4z#z a/AZmz. jzcuufy CrtlCfMy urlrt. ifa. V. S. Fat. 1,866,555 Other pats. pend. JIqxxjjcJjjjx^ WAVESETTER CAP Automatic Adjustable Wave your hair with Beau-T-Wave as often as you like— for the mere cost of one wave at a beauty parlor! Think what a tremendous saving that means to your “beauty budget!" BEAU-T-WAVE sets the hair in lovely, natural waves, by patented automatic action. It is flexible and adjustable to any hair style or to any number of waves. BEAU-T-WAVE saves time as well .as money — it sets your hair, while you’re busy with other things ’round the house. You’ll find it easy to use and comfortable to wear. Order a BEAU-T-WAVE cap today. If Your Dealer Cannot Supply You WE WILL SEND Jlexxu3UuuxLu-e-/ for #!•««