Broadway and Hollywood "Movies" (Jan - Nov 1933)

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10 BROADWAY AND Miss Hepburn, who was en route from Germany at the time of her successful screen debut, arrived to find New York aroused to a high point of curiosity concerning the potential star, and the rush of interviewers, photographers and fans eager to have her attention occupied her entire time for the brief week’s stay in Gotham. The young actress had gone abroad upon the completion of her intial film venture to visit, Berlin, London and Paris. Much printers’ ink was used in spreading the story that Kathryn brought back eleven, — think of it, eleven trunks of Paris cloths. “Who said depression?” was our thought, but Miss Hepburn assures us it was as Mark Twain said of his reported demise, “greatly exaggerated.” Hollywood is still gasping at her unique dress, consisting of a Russian smock and overalls, which she wears on the lot, when working. After a week in New York filled to overflowing with engagements enough to wear out a less energetic person, Miss Hepburn left for Hollywood to resume her film career. The first picture RKO put in production with the new star, is “There Came Unarmed.” Joel McCrea will be co-starred, according to the latest advice from David 0. Selznick. It is being directed by Gregory LaCava. It is quite probable that this will be followed by the role of Jo in “Little Women,” that immortal girlhood story of Louise Alcott. This is the role that Constance Bennett went to such great lengths to have for herself. Personally, I believe Miss Hepburn would give a more realistically vivid characterization. As this brief biography comes from the typewriter, the Fox Film company is casting for “The Warrior’s Husband," and we can see no legitimate reason why they should not borrow Kathryn Hepburn from her present employer to handle the leading role in the cinema production. Certainly she could “hop” from one lot to anotfc by airplane, as she loves that mode of travel; it suits her dynamic disposition to a “T”. Watch this little lady climb; she has everything, personality, poise, a serene air of nobility, and a genuineness that will charm you in spite of yourself. In short, she is fascinating, positively bewitching at times, and her face, — with none of the accepted Hollywood prettiness, is like a breath of clean spring air. Success and happiness be yours, gracious lady! And Broadway and Hollywood “Movies” makes this wish a practical one; for, it is now a source of pride with the R. K. 0. officials that Miss Hepburn’s first movie magazine cover will appear with the new year, 1933, on this publication. Before closing this brief biography I want to add this one thought, in the nature of a postscript. It is a tribute to Kathryn’s tact and diplomacy,— a tact, however, which is not the fawning, yielding or saccarine-sweet kind, — but a frank, truthful sort of understanding which enabled her to get along so well on the lot with such temperamental and experienced stars as Jack Barrymore, Billie Burke, Paul Cavanagh, David Manners and others. Tact is a rare gift, and the scions of wealthy American families and the bluebloods of New York and Connecticut have been her instructors and instructresses. She is a thoroughbred from the start, and he who takes her high-strung disposition for just Jdain “ temperament, ’ ’ does so at his own peril. The day is not ar distant when the screen world will be greatly in her debt, — for her new interpretations if nothing else. And her life will be her own ; in no sense can she be called an “American Garbo,” for Kathryn never over-acts, — nor does she go in for the queer sort of solitude some actresses do. Animals respect a person of breeding. Miss Hepburn recently brought her Gibbon monkey cn the R. K. 0. lot, John • a^8° Scottish terriers; Continued Miss Hepburn