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Broadway and Hollywood "Movies" (Jan - Nov 1933)

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54 Splits and Splices (Continued from page 49) rod-haired actress, attired in tight-fitting breeches and waist, wrestles with a huge, male mastiff. Clyde Beatty, world’s greatest animal trainer who makes his screen debut in “The Big Cage,” has worked 40 mixed lions and 1 igers in the same ring, and broken the will of the dreaded black panther, but admits he is afraid to get married! W affles for Breakfast ( Continued from page 14.) PLAIN WAFFLES 2 cups flour 3 teaspoonsful baking powder .14 teaspoonful salt 2 eggs ll/2 cups milk 2 tablespoonsful butter SOUR MILK WAFFLES 2 cups of flour % teaspoon soda }/% teaspoon salt Ij-tj cups sour milk 1 tablespoon sugar (if desired) 2 or 3 eggs 2 to 4 tablespoons butter, depending on the richness of sour milk BOOKS ON CORPORAL PUNISHMENT AND OTHER Mir Ions, unabridged, privately printed and unusually illustrated Send stamp for. descriptive circulars. State age and occupation. Address Zend Avesta Publishing Co. (Dept. BH), 69 Fifth Avenue. New York. LOST 3* LBS. IN ONE WEEK Says MintFlavored Harvin Salts Are As Pleasant To Take As An After-Dinner Mint If you want to get rid of excess fat safely and pleasantly, read the following letter from Mrs. F. Jacobs, 251 West 97tK Street, New York: "I feel that I ought lo tell you how pleased I am with the Harvin System of Reducing. I first started it about a week ago. I took half a teaspoonful of Harvin Salts every morning and followed the Harvin Rian. At the end of the week I weighed myself and was gratified to find that I had lost 3 ^ pounds. What I like about your System is that Harvin Salts are SO PLEASANT TO TAKE, really as you say, AS PLEASANT AS AN AFTER-DINNER MINT. 1 also like the Harvin Plan which permits a stout person to eat like a human being without denying her the things most women like, cakes, pies, cookies and other sweets. 1 shall recommend Harvin Salts and the Harvin Plan to my friends who want to lose weight. *’ Start losing weight the safe, pleasant way. Send 65c. stamps or money order, for a package of Harvin Salts, which contains the Harvin Plan. Harvin Products Corp., 56 West 45th Street, New York. HICH CREAM WAFFLES 2 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder y2 teaspoon salt 54 or 1 cup milk 1 cup cream 3 or 4 eggs (If 3 eggs are used, add % CUP cream, if 4 tire used, add 1 cup of milk.) For berry or fruit waffles add 1 to 2 cups of washed and floured frujt to any of the above recipes. One half to 1 cup of either fresh green corn or drained canned corn makes a pleasing change also. When adding cheese (about x/2 cup grated) be sure to leave out the butter, and use one of the milk recipes, not the cream one. When you do not have enough meat to cream, try this, which calls for only % to 1 cun of minced ham or other meat. CORN-MEAL MEAT WAFFLES M cup corn meal \l/2 cups flour % teaspoon soda y teaspoon salt 2 eggs 1 y2 cups sour milk 1 tablespoon melted ham or meat fat % to 1 cup ham or meat, minced Fast Life ( Continued from page 19) His boat shot away with a roar. Bumpy’s boat followed. The two speed boatswere racing toward a steamer, Sandy’s boat ahead. Bumpy was gripping his wheel, his face a frozen mask of utter panic. His passengers were urging him to greater speed. The passengers were wildly excited and getting a big kick out of the ride. Jameson, too, was enthusiastic. He was watching Sandy closely, noticing his expert handling of the boat. “Pretty good boat, eh?” Jameson said loudly above the roar of the engine. “Naw! Old-fashioned tugboat. I could build a boat to go three times this fast.” “Yes. How?” Jameson bristled. “Oh, a landlubber wouldn’t understand it.” Jameson straightened up indignantly, then relaxed and grinned. He was plainly quite impressed with Sandy’s handling of the boat and the satisfied shouts of the crowd. “Well, that was pretty good speed,” he said. “Naw! Say, I’ve got an idea under cover that’ll make this old tub look like a garbage scow. Jameson, huh!” he indicated the nameplate on the dash. “Thinks he can build racing boats? Why, I’ll show him a boat that’ll make him think he’s been making washing machines.” Jameson’s face started to tighten, then he remembered his unknown role. “What kind of a boat?” he asked. “Better than a hundred miles an hour. New type engine. AH the big companies been trying to grab it.” Jameson showed interest. “It must be big.” “Big? It’s stupendous! Colossal! Mammoth! And it’ll get bigger.” ♦ * * FROM THE yacht club dock Shirley and Burton were leaving in a fast looking speed boat. As Sandy’s boat overhauled and ran BROADWAY AND alongside Burton’s boat he looked across, saw Shirley and gave her the world’s most cocky grin. Jameson looked surprised anfi glanced from Sandy to Shirley. Shirley stared at Sandy in complete astonishment. “Know her?” Jameson asked, indicating Shirley. “Yeah! An old millionaire’s spoiled kid, Ran over our rowboat, then got peeved ’cause 1 kidded her into jumping overboard to rescue me. No sense of humor.” “Think so, eh?” Jameson was greallv amused. “Yeah. And did she steam up when she found out I could swim.” He laughed boisterously. “1 can imagine she did,” Jameson chuckled deeply. The boat drew alongside the pier. Sandy jumped out. Jameson got up. Sandy helped Jameson ashore. “Better stay for your free ride, pop.” “Sorry, young man,” Jameson sai(j, smothering a smile. “I’ll take t?le free ride some other time.” He handed Sandy a card. “Come and see me. I’d like en long talk with you.” Sandy looked at the card and gasped. “Jameson! Well, I’ll be ” The roar of Bumpy’s boat smothered the rest. * * * “JAMESON QUITS CUP RACE.” . . . “FAMOUS SPEEDBOAT BUILDER RETIRES.” . . . “America’s hopes of retaining the famous International Cup went overboard today when John D. Jameson announced his retirement . . the newspapers said. It was early morning, a week after Sandy’s arrival. Jameson was sitting back of his desk, puffing thoughtfully on his cigEir as he read the newspaper article. With a look of suppressed enthusiasm he brushed aside the paper and picked up a shesif of drawings. These were the blueprints of Sandy’s and Bumpy's gas turbine engine. As he studied the blueprints he heard Shirley coming and quickly covered them with the paper. Shirley entered. She wap weeiring a pair of chic beach pajamas over a swimming suit. “Morning, Skipper!” she said gayly. “Missed you at breakfast.” She gave him an affectionate kiss, then sat on the edge of the desk. Swimming?” Jameson smiled jovially. “Training. Going to win the regatta swimming race this year — or drown. It’s up to me to defend the family speed honors now,” she said, indicating the newspapers. Jameson was grinning wisely. “Yeah?” WeU, maybe the old man’s got a punch left that nobody suspects.” Shirley leaned back and studied him suspiciously. “Look here, sir. Has Sandy Norton been talking to you about that silly engine?” “What engine?” Jameson asked with assumed innocence. “Oh, one of his crazy ideas. He told me all about it the da'y I er — rescued him.” “Sandy’s all right. Doing a fine business with my boats at the pier. Guess I owe you a commission — -for saving his life.” “Durn you!” Shirley said reproachfully. “You’re as bad as the others. Can’t a girl, ever live down her mistakes?” she asked, walking toward the door. Jameson chuckled gleefully, swept aside the newspaper and leaned eagerly over the