Broadway and Hollywood "Movies" (Jan - Nov 1933)

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56 together on the oars. Shirley stopped and sighed. “Let me give you a lift?” He reached around her, took her oar and continued to row with his arm around her. Shirley smiled up at him. “Bit familiar, aren’t you?” “Freedom of the seas,” he said. “There’s a grand dance in the village tonight.” He watched her hopefully. “I’m having dinner — with Mr. Burton.” Sandy was disappointed. “But dancing is great practice for swimming . . . develops your wind.” “Then I’ll dance a lot tonight,” Shirley answered teasingly, “with Mr. Burton.” Sandy scowled — took a husky pull on the oars, and as the blades slipped out of the water he went over backwards, carrying Shirley with him. * » * THAT EVENING, Shirley and Burton were strolling along the w alk. He was trying to make love to her. “Don’t be so persistent, Clarence. You never give me time to decide if*I love you.” They paused, leaning against the railing. “Isn’t a year long enough? Seems like we never get a chance to be alone long enough for you to give me an answer.” Sandy walked in behind them and stopped for a moment. “Oh, now, you know that’s not so ” Shirley said pertly. She glanced around and saw’ Sandy. “ ’Lo, Sandy.” Burton burned up. “Past ten o’clock.” Sandy was playfully stern. “Teacher spank!” "Oh, to the devil with that training nonsense,” Burton said angrily. “Sandy’s right, Clarence. Mustn’t break training. I’ll run right home.” “Well spoken,” Sandy agreed. “Marvelous pupil. Wish I had a dozen like her.” Shirley looked at him quickly. “Beginning tomorrow,” Sandy said to Shirley, “I don’t think I’ll allow you out nights at all. I told her to dance with you tonight — just for exercise,” he told the other man. “Thank you. Will it be against the training rules for me to walk home with you?” “Not if she walks straight home,” Sandy said airily. “You’re very lenient!” Burton said, taking Shirley’s arm and started away. “It’s my one great failing.” “You think you can trust us?” Shirley smiled back over her shoulder. “Nope! Guess I had better tag along.” Sandy fell into step and grinned at Burton. “Just forget that I’m here,” he said, and then to Shirley: “Now take a deep breath every third step. One, two, three — breathe! One, two, three — breathe!” Burton was boiliDg with suppressed indignation. * * * THE FIRST BOAT Sandy and Bumpy built blew up in trial, seriously injuring Mr. Jameson. The two boys were in disgrace, and finally had to resort to “piracy” among the millionaires' yachts, giving I.O.U.’s for the money they took, payable the day of the big race. Sandy and Bumpy continued their efforts to get money, and finally got their boat in shape, after borrowing it from the yard, where it was tied up under bankruptcy proceedings. Burton tried to rush Shirley BROADWAY AND into marriage, with the promise that he would 9ave her father's company. Sandy showed up at the wedding mas querade party and kidnapped Shirley in the speedboat that w as now ready for the race. Police boats scoured the harbor looking for the “pirates” and kept Sandy and Bumpy on the go to avoid arrest. They kept Shirley with them, and the next morning sneaked through the harbor to the starting line, where they zipped through and beat all contenders, to win the International Trophy, with" prize money to pay off their I. 0. U.s. Jameson and all the yachtsmen who were robbed were overjoyed to see America retain the title, and wished Sandy luck as he and Shirley embraced on the judge’s boat. ( Copyright , 1932, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.) ART MODEL POSES Six beautiful photo* of Franco-American models; pretty girls; sent postpaid for one dollar while they last, if you mention this magazine. Address; KATHOS CO., Dept. M-K, P.O. Box 830, City Hall Sta., New York, N.Y. ich.s 98' PHOTOS ENLARGED Stz* 16*20 inch** 8am<* price for full . Inngth or boat form, I group*. Intxiseap***, I p«»t animal*. etc.. or ’ enlArtfvTr.ra ta of any L txi rt of group pic* ~ ture. Sale return of your own original photo guaranteed. SEND NO MONEY Juntmallphoto or »napnbot(any rite) and within a week you wi» yecoive your beautiful lifo-like enlargement hIm 18*20 lu. guaranteed fadeless. Par po*tman plus postage or *«nd $1.00 with order and we pay poctage. Special Free Offer ^ enlargement we will Rend Free a hand-tinted miniature reproduction of photo eent.Take advantage note of this amaalntf after — aend your photo today. uh,t«d Hggm tOOW.UkaSL.1 TRIAL OFFER OF ANY 4 ARTICLES (REGUI-AR SIZE) YOU Can Be Beautiful! 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