Broadway and Hollywood "Movies" (Jan - Nov 1933)

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58 Roar, Lion, Roar f (Continued from J>uge 11) send for Alice Doll. She’ll scream for you — and how!” Months ago, during the filming of John Barrymore’s “The Mad Genius,” Director Michael Curtiz shot a theatre panic sequence. A feature, of course, was screams, shouts, yells and wails. That was when Alice Doll’s amazing talent was discovered. Up to then she had been hiding her shrieks under a bushel. After the young player had been put before the "mike” and had screamed long and loud in varied degrees of agony she was put down on the studio casting office records as an “A-l Official Screamer For Screaming Sequences.” Simply because a star’s voice is too valuable a thing to risk in the middle of an expensive production. The human throat is a delicate contraption and in some people can be easily damaged by straining. So it came about that Alice Doll, whose throat seems to stand up well under the strain of repeated and unholy screams, has screeched for the Best People of Hollywood. She varies her cries to fit the personalities and the voices of the lovely ladies she screams for. Ruth Chatterton is not often confronted with the necessity of screaming in her roles. In “The Rich Are Always With Us” not a peep was called for, but in her latest, “Common Ground,” Alice Doll was summoned to raise her voice to the skies for I .a Chatterton. Barbara Stanwyck is the champion screamer among the ladies of the screen and therefore never used Miss Doll’s vocal pipes. In “Ladies They Talk About” you will hear Barbara scream long, loud and repeatedly. It’s dandy. Before the sequence was photographed Director Howard Bretherton murmured words to the effect that he didn’t think she ought to risk her voice. Maybe Miss Doll should be sent for. “I’ll do my own screaming,” Miss Stanwyck said. And that was that. Loretta Y oung screams her own screams in pictures, too, a high, immature scream Late it CAMPUS CRAZE Silver Idem meat Ion Bracelet .. . suitable for lady or a«ntleinan. Makes a useful key chain. Sent IHIBtlUllll for ONLY SOc Name and addrosa engraved FREE. Ralted letton SOc extra. Write plainly. PAUL RQEMPKE 1314 Avenue H Galveston. Texas Date Broadway and Hollywood Moviks 1-150 Broadway New York, N. Y. I enclose $2.00 (check, cash, express or postal money order) lor which send me your magazine for 2 years (24 issues). Canada and foreign, 2 years, $3.00. Name Address City and State which promises in time to reach really admirable proportions, Joan Blondell owns a scream which will positively terrify you. Did you hear it in “Miss Pinkerton?” You’re going to hear it in “Central Park” some more. And there are wild animals in that film. It makes the hair rise on the heads of the studio electician, and Joan loves to frighten electricians. Kay Francis plays more stately parts and her emotions are seldom expressed by screaming. She can do it with the best of them, but it ruins her voice for days, which makes her shrieks too costly for use. And so you see how a little girl made good in Hollywood by means of a great big scream. Perhaps you, too, can scream. Try it out at the dinner table some night and see what happens. If your family collapses beneath the table, dragging table cloth and dishes with them, if the neighbors rush in, if the police arrive — then you have a future. Hollywood is waiting for you. ( Continued next month) STOP “PLATE BREATH” Unpleasant odors from false teeth positively banished. Just place plates few minutes in DEN ALAN solution; removes odor, film, stain and sweetens them. NO BRUSHING. Price SOc postpaid. Money back guarantee. Send for FREE SAMPLE. DENALAN CO., Chemists, 985-987 Page, San Francisco, Calif. How to Have V I T A L I T Y If you are always fatigued, tired, worried. If you lack vim and vitality, try OR-GATONE Tablets, a marvelous remedy that will help you as it has helped thousands. Especially effective for middle-aged men. No harmful or habit-forming drugs; simple and easy to take. 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BEX ART, 538 So. Dearborn, Dept. 69, Chicago, HI. Songs '-Talking Pictures BIG ROYALTIES paid by Music Publisher* end Talking Picture Producers. Free booklet describes most complete song service ever offered. Hit writers will revise, arrange, compose music to your lyrics or lyrics to your music, secure D. 8. Copyright, broadcast your song over the radio. Our Hales Department submits to Music Publishers and Hollywood Picture Studios. WRITE TODAY for Free Bookie L UNIVERSAL SONG SERVICE, (28 Meyer Bldg., Western Ave. and Sierra Vista, Hollywood, California LONELY? Let me arrange a romantic correspondence for you. Find yourself a sweetheart thru America's foremost select social correspondence club. A friendship letter society for lonely ladies and gentlemen. Members , P introductions by letter; efficient, dignified and continuous service. I ha ve made thousands of lonely people happy — why not you? Write for FREE sealed particulars. Evan Moore, Box 908, Jacksonville, Fla. Consult Yogi Alpha About Your Future 10 33 will be one of the moat crltl»ul In world's nli'airu. What does It hold for you? Yogi Alpha, Internationally known psychologist and astrologer. who has amazed thousand* by his urcann.v predictions, offers a 2500 word Giant Astrological Head ing. baaed on your sign in the Zodiac, giving you predlctlonu month by month with exact days, dates and hap penings for 1933 and balance of 1932. Consult It before making any changes in business, signing papers, love, marriage, employment . speculation, health, accidents, lucky daya. travel, etc. Send 50c and eract birth date for complete Astrological Forecast. Handwriting Character Analysis FREE. Money retiried if not sotliifled. Yogi Alpha, B. x 1111, Dept. 1. . San Diego, Cal. If you have a friend who wishes roadlno. send $1 lor the two reading! NEW STUFF! WINNIE WINKLE For men only. Tillie & Mac, Toots & Casper, Boss & Hubbles, Fannie Hill, Only a Boy. Harold Teen »tc Llllums. 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Stimulates circulation, cleans out impurities and toxic poisons, and leaves skin delightfully healthy. Easy to use; positively cannot harm you; no skin peeling, massaging, dieting, or apparatus to fuss with. Send for free bro* chure which tells amazing history of Rejuvenfi and how to keep a youthful-looking face. fl{ REJUVENE 888 Chronicle Bldg., S. F., Cal. HHH Money Back Guarantee