Broadway and Hollywood "Movies" (Jan - Nov 1933)

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HOLLYWOOD MOVIES 59 ONLY PER VOLUME l SATISFACTION X. -or YOUR ^Vmo NEY Sl'.XUAli EDUCATION SERIES ^tounding Wuines on /kfffUPJiv off « V m will be \ahbMA^' -they warned us f Look at These Contents Only a PARTIAL Li»t— But Have Yon Ever Seen Their Equal? Title Ne. » SEXUAL EDUCATION OF THE YOUNG MAN. Sex Curiosity— Mtit nations — Glands — Activity — Night Emission# — Erotic Pleasures — Disease Symptoms. I'M vent Ion — Female Sex InstinctStrength of Impulse — Longings and Desires. * SEXUAL EDUCATION OF THE YOUNG WOMAN. Family Intimacies— Puberty — Menstrual Irregularities—Love Zones — Sexual Immorality — ’Tarty Girla"— Prostitution— Danger Periods— Infection — Mistakes of Prudery. 38EXUAL DISEASE8. ABNORMALITIES OF ADULT LIFE. Old Ideas — The Terror — Prevention — Hereditary Syphillls — Criminal Abortion — Hermaphrodites—Homosexual life— Degeneracy with Animals— Variation of Sex Act— Impotence, Celibacy, Sterility. 4 LOVE. COURTSHIP. MAR RIAGE. Awakening of SexMating Instinct— Sexual Experiments— Intimate Association Period—Defiling the Engagement— Marriage Fears — Sexual Reactions — The Art of Love — Marriage Rights. 5 COMPANIONATE MAR RIAGE. Birth Control— Divorce— Double Standard — Peculiar Marriage Customs — Physical Needs — The Love Baby— Is Continence Possible? — Sterilization of the Unfit — Fantastic Possibilities — “Quick Change” Mates. MOTHER AND BABY. BexV ual Hygiene — Slgna and Symptoms — Calculating Date of Confinement — Emotional Life During Pregnancy — Care of tile Breasts — Birth and the After Birth — Sexual Education of the Child — Problems of Boy and Qlrl. 7 8 E X AND FA.MILY THROUGH THE AGE8. Happiness and Sex — Sex Crimes — Tests for Manliness — Sex Pleasure — Sacred Prostitution — Public Pleasure — Sacred Prostitution — Public Brothels — The Harem — lb. man DebaucheryWoman’s Position Today. Never Before Has Anyone DARED to Bare Such Sensational Secrets of Right and Wrong Love! 11 f^O NOT publish that e books for general sale!” That is what we were advised by others. People said, “Don’t risk having these books suppressed. Don’t put such fearless frankness before the public 1’’ But we have published them. Here, at last, are books of Sex Knowledge so intensely valuable, so amazingly complete, that for the health and happiness of American manhood and womanhood they cannot afford to be suppressed ! Know Sex— and Assure Happiness! SEX — with all its doubts and fears, its hushed mystery, its embarrassments, its stumbling-blocks . . . only NOW, after ages of whispering prudery, can the real facts _ be told. The right and wrong of every angle of Sex should be KNOWN to every married person, every lover — yet it has all usually been a floundering tangle of wrong ideas and “back-alley” misinformation. Is it any wonder the path of Sex is strewn with broken courtships, blasted lives, and insulted offense where there should be happy love? Probably the best-informed person on sexual matters you have ever met, does not know one-tenth the startling revelations these books contain. Yet every word is plain and outspoken, straight to the point, written and illustrated so anyone can understand. They are printed in clear type on antique paper, in handsome morocco red seal-grain stiff bindings, embossed in 14 kt. gold. Specially Low Priced for Limited Time Only Read the Table of Contents at the left. Realize it is only the barest outline of these 1,500 fascinating pages replete with facts you cannot do without! If prompt action On your part proves you actually need this vital knowledge, then for a limited time only we will allow you your choice of titles at the amazingly low price of ONLY 98c EACH1 Think of it! Or any five titles for only $3.00, a saving of $1.90. 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WOMEN AFTER *oua An*— End of Rcproduo , -lh« Men anauao— Period of Box ual ■Widow nnd Widower — the 8eort>t of Youth — Monkey the Leaks in Sexual Energy — Must Potency w Pro-ut* Gland — Senility without Sexual Power — The Art oi Prolouina Youth — AutrwSuoaeetion — Celibacy in Old Ate. OCIETY. Sex Life a I Child — Burkin* and Erode teal Sexual P.alalionj — Clandeetine Prostitution t / .Jvwr — Man and Lower Animal, — The l>*noe — Pori nd Abi " ~ f A Plewat... . — w normal Sex ■trophic Literature — L I FACTS PUBLISHING CO.. Degt 31 133 East 23rd St.. New Ycrk City. Send me at once the Sexual Education Series boohs I have Indicated helow. I enclose my check, postal or express money order for the correct amount at 68c per volume — FIVE titles for only 33.00 — or ALL TUN titles for only $5.00; postpaid to me In plain package marked “Personal.” 1 will examine books for 5 full days. If then dissatisfied for any reason whatever. 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