Broadway and Hollywood "Movies" (Jan - Nov 1933)

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HOLLYWOOD MOVIES ray tube emitted a weird light. The r eyes were fastened on the rabbit und< ray. Suddenly they saw a slight ' ripple over its body. Soon it was str to be free. With a cry of triumph t feasor released it and the little scampered out of the room. 7 stared at each other in wonder. “You are a superman,” excl Sturm. “Yah!” grunted Bauer. He the rabbit playing on the terr “He is having some fun. Too permanent.” “What” “The vital energy generatec lasts only six hours. That’s a been able to go now. Maybe will last sixty hours, sixty knows?” “But you can bring it back queried von Sturm eagerly. “No! I can only give it lif subject. Well, Monsieur,’ the commissioner. “You example. Will you let science work together? will mean," seeing the r “you will be the first pol to work with modern sciex her — Captain Onslow knc him. He might be able t c “All right,” the Con \ “You can try.” In a few minutes in goggled group crouch* like hooded gnomes. T on the wall as the lowered. This time lithe ray. More and i in. The hum of the shriek. “Are you certain hours,” queried the C “I can’t be sure,” never experimented before." As he spoke he fe under his fingers. I mouth quiver. “He moves, he li cried. Not long afterwart around Paul as he s chair. His first words „ “Ivan, let me have the ess left for roe. And thank keeping this from her.” They were amazed. “You know?” asked the Bar, founded. “Of course,” smiled Onslow, Commissioner showed him the noos^ “To whom does this belong?" he asked. “Ten minutes sooner you’d have seen the gentleman yourself,” said Paul. “Who is he? This is urgent Captain — this is murder." “Yes, I suppose it is — or was — but for six hours you couln’t get any jury to accept me for a corpse. Didn’t you say, Professor, that the vital energy should last for six hours?” Then as Bauer nodded. “Six hours — six hours to live." He looked up. “All I ask is that you keep what has happened here a secret, especially from Valerie.” He rose and walked to his desk. With decisive fingers he tore up his resignation. “What did you tear up?" asked the Commissioner. “My heart if you must know.” it euu,u interesting tnau you were before. Now you can have at your fingertips facts about which most people are ignor* ant. Now you can talk interestingly and convincingly on subjects about which everyone wants to hear. irAen Cottar re/uted to tee her, Cleopatra had h&rtel/ wrapped in a rug and borne to him at a Q\ft. The gift was opened, and out of the rug the came — a radiant vision , alluring , irresistible! So many of us read the half truths, the surface facts of history! The startling, fascinating, intimate side — is hidden from us. You can now have at the tip of your tongue the stories which made history— the true details of the loves of the notorious Catherine of Russia; of George Sand; of Lord Byron. Patriots turned traitors! Chaste women turned wanton! •And QtRUbu. _ subscription for only two aou».„. Don’t Delay! Send your coupon TODAY! Inspirational Publications, Inc. 1450 Broadway, New York, N. Y. I"“ — | Inspirational Publications, Ino., | 1450 Broadway. New York, N. Y. BHM— 133 | Send me a copy of 1 'FAMOUS AFFI NITIESOF I HISTORY. aB a free premium with a special 8-month subscription to PSYCHOLOGY Magazine. I enclose two dollars (check or ■ money order) for the subscription. | Name I | Address | Foreign order — add 75 c. for extra postage.