Broadway and Hollywood "Movies" (Jan - Nov 1933)

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64 Physiognomy (Continued from, page 15) anics and drives and cares for her own car. Her chubby features, full throat and general good health qualify her a singer, and she might possibly make good in light opera. She has absorbed an atmosphere of confidence from playing in such pictures as “The Little Accident,” “All Quiet on the Western Front,” “King of Jazz,” “Three Girls Lost,” and others. She has a loving, kindly disposition, not at all inclined to temperament (other stars please note!), and is the type who would make a good mother. In general, “a good sport,” — a happy-golucky blonde siren with all the vim and pep one expects of a youngster approaching twenty, — to be exact, next July 10th. Dr. Abbuh Randlaw Was $2.50, NOW— for limited time only $1.00. Not sold to children. State age when ordering. Send for this outspoken, daring book at once! Read In plain language all the truths about the ecstacy of true mating. A startling guide to lore. If you don't think this is the greatest value ever received for your money we will refund the entire purchase price. Rush $1.00 with your name, address and age today! PIONEER PUBLISHING COMPANY 110 W. 40 St., Dept. 343, New York, N. Y Sun Kissed Savage (i Continued from page 17) are known for their clothes as well as any histrionic ability. Rochelle wears the leopard skin, g smile and a glowing coat of tan as her sole wardrobe, but her form is so naturally stunning and she walks with su,ch proud grace, that the half yard or so of skin takes on good “lines” and becomes a very attractive garb for this young player. When Rochelle heard she wasn’t going to wear any of the pretty dresses and accessories for which she is known in Hollywood, she was almost ready to cry! Imagine any seventeen year old told that she wouldn’t be allowed even one teeny, weeny party dress in six thousand odd feet before the camera! You’d cry too! Then, Rochelle was handed her “costume.” She looked it over and wondered which was “back” and which “front.” Leopards aren’t any spottier fore, aft or on the bias! Some fun • . . And some figure that girl has! Taking the brief skin in her hands she adjusted it this way and that. She admits it took her many hours to look like “anything.” Then, she pinned it here and tacked it there and a more charming costume we have yet to see. Don’t you think so? A DIVORCE “MECCA”—! Certain conditions, no length of residence required. Reno excelled. For synopsis send $1.00 to BOX 392 KEOKUK, IOWA Famous LOVE Affairs of History Stories Historians Do Not Tell TALES of reckless love and lust! Secret intrigue, the like of which the world has never heard! The secret passions of famous men and lovely women. Here they are — described for your pleasure in “Famous Affinities of History.” In a vividly fascinating style, Lyndon Orr gives you the hidden back-ground of history. 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Y. and mention your ailment I ftVF MAKES THE v • WORLD FREE OFFER To every reader of this magazine who orders tile dynamic, fearless book 'The llrlde's Itoudeir' at $1,118. we will give FUEE of t'HAKCK a copy of 'The Thh,« Called Love,' contalnml the love-wisdom culled from the works of world -famous writers. Two books thui will tear tho veil of ignorance and false modesty from your eyes. At last the curtain lias been lifted on the -private lift* of the blushing bride. The mysteries of the honeymoon, its dangers ami delights — fully revealed In this startling, honest book "The Bride's Boudoir.* knowledge D Not£int Every girl or boy, every newly -married man or woman should own a copy of this exciting expose. Send (C.O.I). plus postage) for the ‘The Bride's Boudoir’, ami we will include without charge ‘Tho Thing Called Love.* PIONEER PUBLISHING COMPANY 110 West 40 Street Dept. 143. New York. N. Y.