Business screen magazine (1957)

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EDUCATIONAL AUDIO -VISUAL ORGANIZATIONS AUDIO-VISUAL COMMISSION ON PUBLIC INFORMATION Office: Room 2230, 250 West 57th Street, New York 19, N.Y. Officers: Charles F. Schuller (Director, Audio-Visual Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan), chalnnaii; Don Williams (Director, Audio -Visual Center, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y.), vicechairman: Emily S. Jones (Educational Film Library Association, New York 19, N.Y.), secretary. * * * Executive Committee: Floyde E. Brooker (Executive Secretai'y, Department of AudioVisual Instruction, National Education Association, Washington 6, D. C): William King (Consultant, Audio-Visual Education, State Department of Education, Trenton, New Jersey); Harold Hill (National Association of Educational Broadcasters. Urbana, Illinois) ; Don White (National Audio-Visual Association, Fairfax, Virginia). Purpose: A joint committee of nine national organizations concerned with the improvement of instruction through wider and better use of audio-visual materials and methods. As part of its public information effort on behalf of the audio-visual medium, the Commission is establishing a central file of representative photographs of audio-visual materials in use. Dr. Robert Wagner, of Ohio State University, and Dr. Clyde Miller, of the State Department of Education in Columbus, Ohio, will establish the photo file and maintain it. Soliciting photos from the a-v field, the Commission will supply the central file with glossy prints illustrating all phases of a-v usage in instruction. The file will be available to writers and others publicizing the medium. ■• CATHOLIC AUDIO-VISUAL EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION Address: Box 618, Church Street P. 0., New York 8, N.Y. Officers: Very Rev. Monsignor Leo McCormick, Ph.D., president; Reverend Michael Mullen, C. M., vice-president : Reverend Sister Ignatia, C. S. J., secretary: Reverend Brother Raymond Glemet, S. M., treasurer. Purpose: To further the use of Audio-Visual equipment and materials in Catholic education and to encourage production of suitable films for Catholic school use. * * -X Annual Convention : CAVE is coordinating its sixth Annual Convention with the National Catholic Educational Association national convention April 23-26, 1957 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Audio-visual equipment and materials may be exhibited at this joint convention. No registration fees are required. Official Publication: The Catholic Educator. O' DEPT. OF AUDIOVISUAL INSTRUCTION. NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Office: 1201 16th Street, N. W., Washington 6, D. C. Address: Floyde E. Brooker, E.recutive Secretary. * * * Officers: L. C. Larson (Director, AudioVisual Centei-, Indiana University), president; Robert deKieffer (Director, Bureau of AudioVisual Instruction, University of Colorado), rice-president; The Executive Committee: Elizabeth Golterman (Director, Division of Audio-Visual Education, St. Louis ( Missouri ) Public Schools); J. J. McPherson (Director. Audio-Visual Materials Consultation Bureau. Wayne State University ) ; Charles F. Schuller ( Director. Audio-Visual Center, Michigan State University i ; Paul W. F. Witt ( Professor of Education, Teachers College, Columbia University) ; Walter A. Wittich (Director. Bureau of Audio-Visual Instruction, University of Wisconsin ). * * * Principal Committees: The program of DAVI is carried out primarily through standing committees, such as: Evaluation of Secondary School AV Programs, Daniel Rohrbach, cliairmaii; Adult Education, Kenneth Mclntyre, cliairnian; Archives, Maurice T. Iverson, c/iairman; Buildings and Equipment, A. J. Foy Cross, ckairinan; City Programs. Constance Weinman, cliairman; College and University Programs, Harry M. Kauffman, cliairman; County and Cooperative Programs, Henry McCarty, chairman; AV Instructional Materials, T. W. Roberts, chairman: Legislative, Irving Boerlin, chaii-man; Professional Education, Kenneth Norberg. chairman: Radio and Recordings, Ralph Hall, chairman; Research, Paul Wendt, chairman: School Service Corps, Fred Winston, chairman; Teacher Education, William Fulton, cJiairman; Television, Emma Fantone, chairman. * * * Purpose: The improvement of instruction through the better and wider use of audio-visual equipment, materials and techniques. The membership consists primarily of directors and specialists in audio-visual in colleges and universities, state departments of education, and county and city school systems. School supervisors, classroom teachers and audiovisual specialists in the armed forces, in industry, and amongst religious groups are also sizeable groups. * * * Activities in 1957: National Convention with exhibits— Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, D. C, March 3-6, 1957; Series of workshop leadership conferences. Continuing series of publications in the area of accreditation, school buildings and research. * * * Publications: The Department issues two regular publications. Audio-Visual Instruction, 9 issues, October to June inclusive — a magazine intended to help the classroom teacher and the audio-visual specialist. Audio Visual Communication Review, a scholarly quarterly reporting the latest trends, research needs, developments, and research projects in the field of audio-visual communications. Other important publications of the Department are the series Planning Schools for Use of AudioVisual Materials ( Classi-ooms, Auditoriums; The AV Instructional Materials Center, AudioVisual Centers in Colleges and Universities) ; National Tape Recording Catalog, Second Edition ; Evaluative Criteria for Audio-Visual Instructional Materials Services; The School Administrator and His Audio-Visual Program, 1954 Yearbook; and A Directory of Graduate AV Programs for the Professional Education of Audio-Visual Supervisors, Directors and Building Coordinators. 9' EDUCATIONAL FILM LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. INC. Office: 250 West 57th Street, New York 19, N.Y. Officers: Erwin C. Welke, president; Mrs. Wanda Daniel, vice-president; Mrs. Carol Hale, secretary; Emily S. Jones, executive secretary. Committees: Evaluations — Mary Allison; Nominations — Mrs. Carol Hale; Membership — Mrs. Wanda Daniel. Membership: (Constituent) — 438 nonprofit educational institutions; (Service) — 45 commercial organizations and interested individuals; 4 international members — government agencies, film groups of other countries; 31 submemberships; 79 personal memberships. Purpose: To encourage and improve the production, distribution and utilization of educational films. EFLA conducts a film evaluation service. 19.57 Meeting Dates: July 18-20, Chicago. Publications: For members — Evaluations, EFLA Bulletin, Service Supplements. A catalog containing descriptions of EFLA "General" publications is provided by the Association. » FILM COUNCIL OF AMERICA Office: 614 Davis Street, Evanston, Illinois. Phone: DAvis 8-7272. Officers: H. A. Tollefson, president; Directors—R. J. Bingham (President, Association Films, Inc.) ; Jerome Cushman (Librarian, Salina, Kansas Public Library) ; C. H. Dand (Director, Films and Publications Division, Information Services); Maury J. Glaubman (National Audio-Visual Director, Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith) ; Wesley J. F. Grabow (Audio-Visual Materials Advisor. University of Minnesota) ; Dr. Carolyn Guss (Associate Professor of Education aiid Associate in Selection, Audio-Visual Center. Indiana University); Helaine S. Levin ( Chief of the Film Library, Bureau of Library and Indexing Service, American Dental Association ) ; Alex Sareyan ( Executive Director, Mental Health Materials Center, Inc.) ; Morton Schindel (President. Weston Woods 196 BUSINESS SCREEN MAGAZINE