Business screen magazine (1957)

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(^ue44u/i4yn^ out o^ 'Pcctune i?^£>^' We'// do t/ie PACKAGE ^^flT. ^^Ai:^ fesf af PWCfS $fO«T <»«c<« Eastman Kodak Reports Soles Gain in First Half of 1957 ■¥■ Eastman Kodak Company sales and earnings for the first half of 1957 (24-week period ending June 16) were better than for any corresponding period, the company reports. Consolidated sales of the company's I nited States establishments for the period amounted to S347,977,709. an increase of 7 per cent over the .$325,110,431 in the corresponding period of 1956. Net earnings after taxes amounted to 840,221.346. a 3.8 per cent increase over the S38.753.316 earned in the first half a year ago. The best previous first half for sales and earnings was in 1956. Sales of photographic products in total were higher than in the first half of 1956. Though professional sheet film, x-ray film and color roll film sales advanced, professional motion picture film sales were lower. Sales of photographic items to the government increased but sales of special military products continued lower. The combined business of Kodak's associated companies in other countries was larger than for any corresponding first half. Dividends received from these companies amounted to .S3.099.161. compared with S2. 332.478 received in the first half of 1956. »■ Morris Schwar+i; Sam Rose: Hy Schwarti Rose Named Victor Chairman; Hy Schwartz Becomes President ■¥■ At the 21st annual meeting of Victor Animatograph Corporation and its distributors, Morris Schwartz, president of The Kalart Company, of which Victor is a division, announced that Sam Rose, who with Alexander Victor founded the Victor Animatograph Corporation in 1910. has been appointed Chairman of the Board of the pioneer 16mm projection manufacturing company. It was also announced that H^■ Schwartz, vice president, had been appointed president of the Victor firm. In his talk to the companys distributors. Hy Schwartz reaffirmed Victor's exclusive distributor policy. He also announced Victors plans to expand its Class A Dealer organization serviced by these distributors, lii" Choose any of these services to complete your production and you'll know the costs before you start to work. • Edge numbered Work prints • Titles . • Editing • Narrators • Narrative recording • Music scoring • Sound effects scoring • Multiple channel Mixing • Interlocked picture and sound preview theatre • Conforming • Release printings-color and black & white • Plus complete custom production and laboratory service , ^ Write today for Complete Information and Price List. PREMIER QUALITY • FAST SERVICE • PERSONAL ATTENTION 19 rodwceri Service Affiliated with Gdlbred' Inc 2905 FAIRFIELD AVE.. FORT WAYNE. INDIANA MOTION PICTURE PHOTOGRAPHER Experienced motion picture photographer sought, capable of assuming responsibility for the production of high-quality motion pictures. Will be required to produce training films, public relations films, and progress report films to Air Force specifications. Excellent opportunity for highly qualified motion picture photographer with full understanding of all motion picture equipment and accessories. Responsible position with excellent pay and benefits for riglit man. Relocation expenses paid. Excellent salary and working conditions. Advance bv merit. Compan) -paid benefits. Write, outlining qualifications and exlierience to: Mr. P. E. Strohm Department 208 Engineering Personnel Employment IBM Corporation Owego, New York ssa! FOR COLOR FILMSTRIPS AND SLIDES The masters make the difference itl FRANK HOLMES LABORATORIES INC. 1947 FIRST STREET I SAN FERNANDO, CALIF.! I EMPIRE 5-4501 \ ^SSi WRITE FOR BROCHURE SSi 22 BUSINESS SCREEN MAGAZINE