Business screen magazine (1957)

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GOOD NEWS! ARRIFLEX 16 SHIPMENTS STEPPED UP Many important motion picture producers, cinematographers, and industrial users waited months — even years — for delivery of Arriflex 16 cameras. With the intense demand for this outstanding equipment far in excess of initial production, a long waiting time was unavoidable. Today, more new buildings, more new machinery, and a growing staff of highly slcliied technicians enable the Arri factory to fill orders with increasing speed. If you want the ultimate in 16mm cinematography, you will, naturally, turn to the Arriflex 1 6. Its mirror reflex shutter — not a beam splitter — gives you positive through-the-lens focusing and viewing without loss of lens efficiency, eliminates finders and rackover devices. A registration pin film movement assures rock-steady screen images. You have a choice of electric motor drives for any purpose including synchronization, animation, or time lapse. Sound blimp, 400 ft. magazines, and wide selection of useful accessories, plus many other built-in features make the Arriflex 16 the outstanding all-round cine camera. What's more its weight of only 6 V2 pounds makes it ideal for hand-held shooting. See your franchised Arri Dealer for a complete demonstration. X.XZIB-G FKCOTO COK-F. 257 Fourth Avenue, New York 10, N.Y. 7303 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood 46, Col. P Arriflex is a member af the Kling fomily of fine Wait Germon pholog'ophic products. NUMBER 5 VOLUME 18 1957 23