Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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Text recognition is never 100% accurate. Many parts of the scanned page may not be reflected in the OCR text output, including: images, page layout, certain fonts or handwriting. ProdiKcr and LaboratoiN Groups THE ASSOCIATION OF MOTION PICTURE PRODUCERS AND LABORATORIES OF CANADA ■FICK (of the President): 1^ Fairmont Ave, tawa 3. Ontario, (of the Executive Secre■>■): Suite 1301. 55 York Street. Toronto Ontario. Canada. •FiCERs: C. H. Everett (Crawley Films niited, Ottawa). President: S. Dean Peterson cterson Productiims Limited. Toronto), 'St Vice-President: Roger J. Beaudry ( Pathc•luxc of Canada Limited. Toronto), Second ve-Presideni: John T. Ross (Robert Lawice PriKluctions (Canada) Ltd.. Toronto), st President: Frank A. Young, Executive vretary. rectors: David Bier (David Bier Studios d Film Laboratories. Montreal); Robert B. ■srosicrs ( Rodesfilm Inc., Montreal); E. illy Mamilt(Mi ( 1 rans-Canada Films Ltd.. incouvcr); Pierre Harwood (Omega Producns Inc., Montreal); Mort Lesser (Lesser idio Ltd.. Toronto): Andre Prefontainc rans-World Fihii Laboratories Ltd., Monal); Wm. C. Kennedy (Crawley Films Ltd.. ronto). MiJiKSHiF': Canadian firms, proprietorships, rtnerships and corporations engaged in mon picture proiluction or laboratory work arc zibic for .Active Membership. Persons, firms organizations acceptable to the membership J interested in the furtherance of the motion ture industry in Canada are eligible for As:iatc Membership. Present membership: 53 tivc Members; 12 Associate Members; Total Rposi;: To promote the common interest of )sc engaged in the motion picture producn and laboratory industries in Canada by linlaining the highest possible standards in ■ prcKluction of motion pictures for comrcial. theatrical, or television release; to repent the intlustry in its relations with govern:nt, other associations and the public at gc; to encourage government agencies to ve required films let by tender to private iduccrs. 65 Am VITUS: 1. To emphasize the posin of the Canailian private film production lusiry — that in order to survive, governnt agencies must halt their growth and let increasing amount of work by tender to vate producers and laboratories. 2. To conue and enlarge our program of acquainting lustry, advcrtisiiiu' agencies, television stans, networks, anii other potential sponsors h the work of C: 'Kidian film producers. 3. intensify our eff. to assist the developnt and promotion the Canadian lilm /ards presentations .rder to gain rec lition for this event as 'H-Canadian Film 3wcasc. • FEDERATION OF SPECIALIZED FILM ASSOCIATIONS Oi lu t (of the Secretary) : 2, Bourchier Street. London, W. 1, England. Telephone: REGcnt 3781. R. C. Elstone, CBE, MC, Secretary. Purpose; The Federation represents and promotes the interests of all branches of the specialized film industry through its constituent member Associations: ( I ) Association of Specialized Film Prtxlucers representing the producers of cinema shorts, documentaries, sponsored industrial and Government films. (2) Advertising Film Producers Association representing producers of advertising films for television and cinema. (3) British Animation Group representing producers of carto(Mi. animated diagram, special and model animation films. Each Association is represented on the Federation Council by its Chairman and ViceChairman and elected representatives. • SCREEN ADVERTISING WORLD ASSOCIATION LTD. Office: 35 Piccadilly, London W.l. England. Cables: FESTFILM LONDON W.l. Officers: Jo Linten, President: Ernest Pearl, Honorary Life President: Charles Rucdi & Fritz Rothschild, Vice Presidents: Peter Taylor, Director General. Purpose: To promote and develop cinema screen advertising on an international basis; to assist in the pronmtion and trade among members of the Association by provision for distribution facilities and a central information service; and by arranging for the exchange between members of information for their mutual assistance. 1965 AcTiviriiis: The Association is responsible for the organization of the International Advertising Film Festival. The Twelfth International Advertisini; I-ilm Festival will be held during the period June 14-19, 1965. at Cannes, France, under its auspices. • NalioiKil Ory-aiii/alioii of Xuclio-Visual Dealers THE NATIONAL AUDIO-VISUAL ASSOCIATION, INC. Naiionai. Office: 1201 Sjning Street, lairfax. Virginia 22030. CoNTAC I ; Don White, li.xecutive Vice-President or James W. Hulfish, Director oj Injornuilion. MiMiti rsmip: a trade association of the com mercial audio-visual industry: membership consists of ( I ) A-V dealers and film libraries, (2) A-\' materials" producers: (3) A-V equip ment manufaclurers; and (4) indejKiident A\' suppliers' re|iresentatives. Pi Ri'osi : The Association was organized in 1939 to (1) collect and furnish data which will benefit A-V business; (2) improve tin professional status and business practices of the industry; ( 3 ) provide business education and information; and (4) promote better relations between A-V suppliers, distributors, and customers. Officers; Harold E. Newman (Newman \ is ual Education. Inc., Kalamazoo, Mich.). President: Eloisc Keefe (T.E.A. Film Library, Dallas), lirst Vice President: Max Rarig (Rarigs Inc., Seattle), Second Vice President: Frank S. Bangs (Frank Banks Co.. Wichita). Secretary: ]o\\n Ellingson (Inland Audio-Visual Co., Spokane), Treasurer: Robert P. Abrams (Williams. Brown & Earle, Inc.. Philadelphia), Cliairman of the Board. DiKECTORs-AT-LAR(iE: Paul Cox (Coast Visual Education Co., Hollywood); Howard Holt (Audio-Visual Film Service. Inc., Birmingham, Ala.); Matt Dowling (Dowlings, Inc., Oklahoma City); Jack Spire (Ideal Pictures Co., Miami). Regional Diric iors: C. M. Meserve (A. H. Rice Co., Inc., Manchester. N.H.); C. T. Chandler ("The" Film Center, Washington, D.C. ); Jack L. McCracken (Tarmac AudioVisual Co., Asheville. N.C. ); Alan P. Twyman (Twyman Films. Inc.. Dayton); Ray Swank (Swank Motion Pictures, Inc., St. Louis); I. L. Miller, Jr. (Miller's Visual Aids, Inc.. Fort Worth); Ronald Nelson (Redland A-V Sales & Service, Redlands. Calif. ) ; Peter Allinger (Viewsound Supplies, Vancouver, B.C.). Principal Committees: Listed with their chairmen — Convention, Eloise Keefe; l-.ducalioihil, i;ilsu()rth C. Dent; /'ihn Council. C. T. Chandler; Industry & Business Council, Robert P. Abrams; Membership. Max Rarig; Nominatint;, E. E. Carter; Relit^ious Council, Roa Kraft Birch; Resolutions, Matt Dowling; Loni; Rcini;c Planning. Max Rarig; I eclinical Standards, Ainslie Davis. Pi HI iCATioNs; The Association's regular bulletin, NA VA News, is published 26 issues per year, available to members only. Of general interest are: The Audio-Visual hlquipmeni Directory, Eleventh Edition, published January, 1965 (343 pages. ,S6.00): Tiw NAVA Mei'nhcrsliip List and Trade Directory, 1963-64, coded It) show services and products available (free lui request); Tlw Audio-Visual Speakers' (iiiidc. 1964 (free on request); and lalk Is Not l-.noui-ii, 1962, an A-V utilization handbook for industry (single copies, free on request). 1965 At riMiiis: The NA\ A Coinention and Trade Show. July 17-20, Hotel Sherman, Chicauo. Illinois. Guests admitted on fee basis. •