Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of Public Affairs: Directorate for Information Services— Audio-Visual Division The Pentagon, Washington, D. C. 20.')()1 • Tliis division is the central Aniicd Forces contact for the news niecha and producers in the important fields ol radio, television, still pictmes and motion pictures. Direct contacts on national and inteniational release matters in these fields are: Rohert W. Har\ey, Deputy Director Information Srniccs (Atidio-Vixiial) Phone: OXford 7-4162 Norman T. Hatch. Chief. Radio-TV Sens lirinuli Phone: OXford 7-51 1 1 Maj. F. \. Satterlee. USAF, Chief, News Photo Rranch Phone: OXford 7-5331 Donald F. Banich. Chiii, Motion Picture Production Cooperation Branch Phone: OXford 7-4596 AcTlvrrtEs: The Motion Picture Production Cooperation Branch appro\es of Armed Forces stock footage which cannot lie procured commercially for nevvsfilm television programs, theatrical productions, etc. The Branch cooperates witii producers of .some 35 major theatrical productions and 10-12 T\' series featuring or relating to the .Annetl Forces. Information on Armed Forces films available for public non-profit showing or cleared for public senice T\^ programs can be obtained from the Motion Pictiue Production Cooperation Branch. The Radio-T\' News Branch releases approximateK 260 (2-3 minute) subjects to the TV, newsfilm and theatrical newsfilm media annualK . It maintains two small Pentagon studios for servicing the news media and radio programs, which feature inter\iews with top Defense officials. In addition, the Radio-T\' News Branch releases taped and filmed messages by Secretaries and Service Chiefs and radio trailers for Armed Forces Da\ . The News Photo Branch releases to the press and television approximately 1.500 photographs per \ear. PnoDiCTioNs: The o!iK film directK produced by the Office of Public .Affairs for the Secretarv' of Defense is an annual film report on the progress and achievements of the Armed Forces. It is expected to be available in May. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Medical Illustration Service Morris M. Cioldhcrg. Chief, Medical lUustration Service Phone: 576-2866 John A. Ey, Jr.. Asst. Chief, Medical lUustration Service Phone: .576-2867 James N. Young, Chief, Training Aids Division Phone: .576-2865 Miss D.aisy B. Howze, Chief, Audio-Visual Coniniimication Center Phone:. 576-2864 AcTiviTrE,s: This Institute makes or supervises films for the .\rmed Forces on medical subjects. F.\ciLiTiES: In-house capability, and contracts through the .\rmy Signal Corps. Di.sTKiiuTioN: .\FIP operates a U. S. Amiy Signal Corps film exchange for medical films. The In.stitute procures and loans films for the Medical Services of the Armed Forces wherever and whenever they are needed. Unclassified films are avaiUible to members of the medical profession, with borrowers paying return postage. For information about available fihns, write the Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C., and refer to 77if Film Riierencc Guide — Medical and Allied Suhjecls. Directorate for Armed Forces Information and Education Paul j. Murdotk. Chief. Motion Picture Ditision Phone: OXford 7-2967 Dallas IlaKcrsl.idl, .\s\islanl Chief Phone: OXford 7-2967 • This office produces and distributes information films for the of the .Armed Forces. Films are distributed lliiougli the film exchanges of each service, through on-i)ase theaters, and to .Amied Forces T\' networks in .31 overseas locations. DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE The Pentagon, W ashington, D.C • Tlic I'.S. .\ir I'"()rce produces approximately 1(1(1-500 reels of fihn each year by contract with commercial producers or in-serviie. These films are used b\ all levels of manag<'ment for education, training antl inlonnational brietings. AcTrvrriES: Headquarters, USAF at the Pentagon, Wiishinglon D.C. Ilie managetnent focal point within the .Air Staff for all photographic policy is the .Audio-\'isual Systems {Irouji. Directorate of Operations. Complete address is: Ilq U.S. Air Force AFXOPB Waslungtou, D.C. 20.330 The key [lersonnel in charge of the program are: Lt. Col. Donell F. Bjoring Tliomas E. Farmer This office is responsilile for delennining or validating requirements for all -Air Force motion pictnrj'S and insuring that tlie caiiabilitv exists within the Air I'Orce to either procure them by contract or jiroduce tlieni with in-h()us(> facilities. In this respect, ttiev monitor the .Air Photographic and Charting Servii-e. This organization is a technical service under the Militarv .Air Transport Command and is directly responsible for producing or iiroc-uring films, adetiuate photographic document.ition ol the total .Air Force mission and distribution of release prints. Facilities: The .Air Photograpiiic & Charting Servic-e, Orlando, .AFB, Florida, is tlie head(iuarters for the Air Forc-e world-wide photographic program, Clomiilete motion picture production facilities located at the 1.365th Photographic S(|uadron, Orlando .AFB, Florida, and at the 1352nd Pliotographic Croup, Los .Angeles, C'aliloniia, support .Air l'"oree-vvitle production re(juircments. |.3.5()th Motion Picture Squadron, .APCS, W'right-Palterson AFB, Ohio, is responsible for contract procurement and commercial production of .Air Force films, and provides in-service engineering and film report t>pe productions to 'l"echnic-al Commands. The 1350th Motion Picture S()\iadron also maintains the I'S.AF I'ilm Depository, a film archive with liistorical and current film iool.ige lioldings in excess of 99.000,000 feet. APCS also maint.iins photograpiiic units at \'andenburg AI"B, Santa Maria, C;Jif,; Ent AFB, Colorado Springs, Colo.; and .Andrews .AFB, Camp Springs, Md. to provide documentary and instrumentation coverage of .Air Force missile and other activities. .APCS also maintains combat documentary teams capable of rapid deplovment anvvvhere in the world. These teams are permanentlv located at Marcli .AFB. Riverside. Calif.; Offutt AFB, Omaha, Nebr.; and Westover .AFB. Chicopee F.alls, Mass. Photographii Del;ichments are located overseas, in the Far IvLst, Euroj-H and certain other areas of the world, to provide historical and combat tlocumentation film coverage of important events of national and .Air Force interest. .Additional information regarding the .Air ForctFilm Prognun mav be obtainefl by contacting: (LISTING ABOVE CONTINL^ES ON NEXT PAGE) I NUI\(1BER 1 • VOLUME 25 • 1965