Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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.-V PROGRAMS OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT: THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY: tahlislinu'iit. other government agencies arul (.'oinnicri'ial ctincerns on a cash sale basis. The ill Picture Department pnnhices all t\pes ol II photograpliv such as press, serials, ninrals. il official portraits. .Motlerti continuous roll per printing and processing units meet the i\\'s large \i)l\ime print demands. There arc ;o c«>niplete negative. |X)sitive and transparenc\ lor processing facilities. .•\ research and tievelopment gnmp conduct-;ts, experimentations, dexelopment and evaluan of photographic c(|uipment. Here, technical otographic specifications, instnictions and other hlications are also prepared. Information about 'C" max be obtained from: Commanding Ofer. Naval Photographic Center. V. S. Naval ition. Washington 2.5. D. C. C:aptain M. P. MacNair. USN. Coniiniindiiii: Officir Phone; O.Mord 8-2101 Cdr. T. K. DeNeas. ISN, IIkuI. Molioii Fid lire Dcparliiunt Phone: OXford 8-2142 STiuiUTKJN: Prints of all Na\\ films available the pnblii can be purduLsed from Du.Art Labs. \. 24.5 W. 55tli St.. New York, New York, der an animal contract administered by the S. Office of Education, ("ivilians ma\ boiTow ns from Naval District Public Infonnatiou Ofers. Training .Aids Libraries. .Aviation Film iraries. Heiruiting Stations and Public Inmation Offices located throughout the I'nited ites will serve govenuiicntal rc()U('Sts for film )wiiigs. He(|uests for the use of Na\ >• stock )lagc ill commercial productions should be )iiiitted to the Chief of Information, Navy p.irtniciit. Washington, D. C. 20.390. United States Marine Corps • I'or iiilormalion on I'. S. M.niiic ( !orps films, which are produced b\ the Dcp.uliiicnl of the Na\ \ , write to the office of: Head, Pictorial I'nit; C-3 Division Ilea<l(|uaiters, l'..S. Marine C^orps W ashiiigtoii. D.C. 203S0 Plinne: OXford 4-2394 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Office of Information Motion Picture Service ^^ ashington, D. C. 20250 • The Motion Picture Service of the I'SD.V produces motion (jictures in color and black-andwhite on agricultural and related subjects lor various agencies within the Department and. on occasion, tor other (ioveriiment agencies. Production and laboratorv' services are also available on a cooperative basis with land grant colleges and universities. C. A. Carrello, Chili, Molion V'ulurc Service Phone: DUdley 8-6072 Martin Lobdcll, A.v.sotu;/r Chief far rntductiini. Lahomioni Services Phone: Dl'dley 8-3628 Homer Hoor, Frodueer PlKme: DUdlev ,S-,308fi liuld Scott. Frodueer Phone: DL'dlev 8-6518 Cilbert Clourtnev, Frodueer Phone: DUdlev 8-3319 Joseph S:iuders. Chief. Business Mananeiiient Phone: Dl'dJcv 8-7263 Arthur l'\)ster. Chief of L(d)or(ilon/ Phone: DUdlev 8-6747 I.iiues E. Alford, Chief of Distribution Phone: Dudley 8-5246 Mrs .Anne Ware, Stock Footage Librarian Phone: DUdley 8-3629 .AcTivniES: The USDA currently has more tli.iii .300 films in distribution with an estimated audience of 380 million persons. These films cover such subjects as con.servation, forestry, agricultural research, insect eradication, control of animal diseases, consumer information, rural area development, nutrition and marketing. In addition, ihc Department is prepared to cooperate with i|ualificd nou-goveniment organizations in the production :md distribution of agricultural ednc:itional motion pictures and T\' films which are reliited to agricultural programs, if the non-government cooperator is a non-profit organization or association concerned with the dissemination of agricultural information or the production or handling of one or more agricultural prtKlucts. .Maintains an extensive 16min color stock footage library of agricultural scenes which are for sale :U nominal cost. I'.vciLi I u:s: The USD.A Motion Picture Sen ice has complete in-senice production and laboratorv facilities which have been in continuous oper:ition since 1912. Distribution: Films for .school and group show ings arc distributed through 69 cooperative film libraries located in each state. Films for T\' bookings are distributed directly from WiLshington, and prints of all films may be purchased from DuArt Film Laboratories, Inc.. 245 W. 55th St., .New York, N.Y., 10019. Catalogues are available of motion pictures, films suitable for T\' showing, st:ite produced fibns and of stock footage scenes. Publications: Two catalogs contain complete listings of L'SD.A motion pictiaes; one ot these provides data on films for general 16mm distribution; the other lists films available for public service showings by television stations. 3asy as A B originally designed these two Telic cases one of our industrial clients 'or whom we )duce sales training films. The 'ses work h Fairchild's ft^ark IV 8mm soum rojecfor. w other clients are asking i them. erested? . . . They work like this . . A. Pull off the Telicover' •Design c, 1964, Telic. Inc. B. Set the projector on it. . . . It's a stand! BUSINESS SCREEN Bh,..