Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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A-V PROGRAMS OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT: U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE: Maritime Administration John K. Tcnnant, Public Infornuitioii Officer Phone: DUdle\ B-4461 • This administration engages in limited tilni irodnrtion to promote Ameriian Meicliant Slii])Mny. Tile Maritime Achninistration has ]ire5ared a cooperative project with the Atomic Snergy Commission and commercial indnstrw I special film report about the \. S. Savannah. he world's first nuclear merchant ship, [-"i'ms ire available through the Piil)lic Infomiation Cticcr. OFFICE OF EMERGENCY PLANNING National Office: W ashington, D.C. 2051)4 Emmet F. Riordan. Director. I uf or mat ion Office I'hone: 382-2201 j. lines P. Greenstone. Ass-f. Director Phone; .382-1073 \( TIN ITIKS: This ollicc jilans and produces moion pictures to support programs of OKP. •'.^f II.ITIKS: .-Ml prixhution is contracted to comnercial film iirodiKcrs. or perlonned l)\ other igencies of the Federal C.o\eniment under OKI* ;upenision. For all information on motion picures, contact Information Office. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELFARE Wasliington D. C. 20202 Thomas 1). f:Iemens. Acting Director. Media Research & Disscniiniition liranch Phone; WOrth 3-7931 John .\. Cough. Director Captioned I'ilni.s for iIk Phone; WOrth 2-17.51 Deaf Ihaneh administers Title Act, • The Office of Education \'ll of the National Defense Education which pnnides research grants in the uses of new education media, and for the dissemination of information about such media. The Office of Education also conducts studies and sur\'e>s, prepares catalogs and bibliographies, and provides consultive services on educational uses of audio visual materials. For information concerning this program write to; Office of the Director. Media Research & Di.sseniiiialioii Rmneli Phone; WOrth 3-7931 • The Branch of Captioned Films for the Deaf administers P.L. 85-905 as amended by P.L. 87-715. which provides for a free loan service of captioned films for the deaf; provides for the conduct of research in the use of educational and training films for the deaf, for the production and distribution of training films for the deaf and for the training of ixmsoiis in the use of these films for the deal. l'"or infomiation about this program write to the Office of: Director. Captioned Filtns for the Deaf Rranih Division of Handicapped Cliildreii and Yonlli Phone; WOrth 2-1751 United States Public Health Service Communicable Disease Center Atlanta, Georgia 30333 I'nited .St;ites Public Health Sen ice Public Health Service Audiovisual Facility .\tlanta. Ceorgia 30333 All Phones; 6.33-33 11 COMMUNICABLE DISEASE CENTER: Dr. James Liebennan. Director Edward F. McClellan, Deputy Director J. lines D. Clark, Asst. to the Director K;itherine C. Skogstad. Information and PidAications Officer Dondell C. Cotter. Program Manaa,enient Officer Lucian (Men Lambert, Chief, Motion Picture and Tehvision Section Hobert S. Oaig, Acting Chief. C.raphic and Photographic Arts Section C:harles .N. Farmer, jr.. Chief. Vtiliztition and Distribution Section .\r:TiviTiKS; The Public Health Service Audiovisual Facilitv', a Branch of the Communicable Disease Center, is a national center for development i of a nationwide audiovisual program in medicine and the allied sciences. It iiroduces films, filmstrips, television tapes, exhibits, publications and other audiovisual forms for the medical and scientific communities. In 1964 the Facilitv sjionsored. with the Naval Medical School, a seminar-workshop on television in biomedical communications held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Council on Medical Television. In .April. 1965 a sini-i ilar conference on the single concept teaching film will be sponsored. ,\ special program to promote exchange of medical audiovisual materials between the United States and other nations is now underway. FACii.niiis: The Facilitv has c-omplete in-plaiil motion picture, filinstrip and television, production and laboratory e()uipnient located in a new fonr-storv building designed especiallv for audiovisual activities. In addition, the Facilitv ac<iuires. prints and distributes medical and health-related films, operates the National .■\rcliives of Medical Motion Pictures and maintains an inter national central reference file of medical audio visuals. {Listing continues on page 58") Designed for your film /tape production requirements THE MIDWEST'S ONLY SERVICE STUDIO ,-^ TWO SOUND STAGES WITH EDITING AND PRODUCER QUARTERS IN THIS '^ SELF-CONTAINED PLANT FOR EVERY TYPE OF FILM/TAPE OPERATION Ideal Facilifies for INDUSTRIAL FILMS THEATRICAL FILMS TV FILMS & COMMERCIALS EDUCATIONAL PICTURES and STILL PHOTOGRAPHY within minutes of Chicago's Loop or O'Hore International Airport .Midwest Studios, Inc. has tlu' luust facilities in the Midwest for the ];roduction of sound motion |}ictures or videotaping ... a piodiu lion inaii's dream come true! Here, under one roof, is a complete serv ice studio available to any organi/ation. PHYSICAL DETAILS: riiis sound studio has tieo stages. The ni;iin sound stage is 100 feet long by 60 feet wide, liei'.^lit to overhead catwalk ;?0 feet. C'atvv.ilks on both sides of the stage 16 feet from floor. C round level entrance to stage for passenger ( ars and trucks. .Stage is equipped with overhead electric crane. The second stage is 10 fec^t lonv .111(1 2 I Icct w idc with .i I I loot ceiliim. OTHER PLUS FACTORS: 1000 amps of 120 volt AC cimeiit distributed to stage plugging outlets; hundreds of feet of I .ible . . A permanent sweep set, as well as iiiisi cllaiieous sets and loiiipDUcnts . . .Sep.i rale make-up and diessing rooms for iiieii .iikij women . . . Screening room . . . Modern kitchei . . . Carpenter shop with power tools . . . Largi fire-proof vault . . . Fully ec|uipped editin; room . . . Production office facilities Icir unit renting the stages . . . C'onference loom avail able for top executives' "office-away-from-the office" while VMMking in the studio. Midwest Studios, Inc. Operational Policy Midweit Sludiot. Inc. ii owned by a rcoKy corporation ond will not compete with its tervice customers. No production pervonnel will bo employed by the studio corporolion. A producer desiring to rent studio space may bring his own personnel ond equipment. However, upon request. Midwest Studios will supply or suggest sources of personnel needed, such as directors, set designers, comeromen, sound men, carpenters, pointers and other technicians. TalenI sources olso ovoitoble. Arrangements may be mode through the studio for any and all types of equipment as required. w For informalion on Rates and Scfiedules, contact: MIDWEST STUDIOS, INC. 1037 Woodland Drive, Glenview, Illinois CHICAGO PHONE GLENVIEW PHONE: (312) 273-3880 (312) 7240515 56 BUSINESS SCREEl