Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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\-\ IMiOGRAMS OF THE FEDERAL GOVERN MEM: COMMUNICABLE DISEASE CENTER: Ui.sniiiurio\: Piiliik HiMJtli Sit\ iit films anavailable from tlif l'. S. I'iil)iii lliMlth SfrvictAudiovisual Faiilits , Atlant.i. c;rt)ei»ia .'}().'V?3. on loan to schools of the hoalth professions, otiu'i educational institutions and incdic-al-lieallli orKanizalions tlin>u);liout the I'. S. aiul abroad. Fibiis are listtnl in a Public Health Sen ice Film Cat;JoK publishetl b\ the Facilit\ . Information on teaching! films is a\ailable on request. Rekkiikn( K Sol n< Ks: Three other film tataloi;s are publi.shed b> the Facilit> : rilm Ri-frreiici Gtiitie for MtiliiHiu nml .Kllii'd Snrncis; Cancif Miflion Pirliiri C.iiuli-. and Fi7hi CtiUic to \cuTOloeical and Sensory Diseases. Other specialized reiereni'e worLs are in production. PRor>l'c-ru)Ns: Recont motion pictures prodnied by the Faiilitx' are: CUromc lirmwliilis and Fiiliiuniunj Emftliiisfiiui. I'hf Sriir liiiuuthi a series of 1,3 films on Mrdiriil S<lf-ll<li>. Sornud Ihart Sounds and Innoniil llrarl Mtinnurs. a series of single i-oncvpt films leacliinu laborators techniques and diapiosis inclndint; Isolation of Ent)Tovini.\f\; Prfftoration of Tiwnr Culture, l-'luorrsci-ncf Inhilnlion list for Toxoplasniosis: HrnuiimlutUMtion Tist for luliinoioccosis: MicroliIrr Tichnuiuis in Virolofiij. IIA. HI; Kncnii/ in Ycntr llomr; Safr Food, one of a series of three about miKranI woikers' health. Nineteen films will Im' completed in Spanish or Freiu h \ersions by |uly, 19(v5. This \ear the Facilit\' will pro duce 16 television pronrams ani nounceinents for televi.sion. i"> spot an Social Security Administration Hallimore .'{.>. Mur>laiid Roy L. Swift, Information Offiicr Phone: 944-5000, ext. 2187 Wallace Kendall. Chief. Production Branch. Office of Informalion Phone; 944 .50(M). ext. 298.T .\(TivniKs; The .Social Securit> .Vtlministration produces .ind distributes films on Old A)ic. Survivors and Disability Insurance. These are pnbhc information films designed to explain the Social Securitv Law. .\ll films are desiRiied for lA audientvs. and both spots and film shorts are produced. Facilities: The Administration, located in Baltimore Headquarters, has a small studio and limite<l prcKliiction facilities. Most film work is conI raited to commercial pnuiiii-ers. DisriuiuTioN: 'nnounh (il4 District Offices tlirounhont the countn , prints mav be obtained on ,1 free loan basis, f'rints mav also be Ixumlit. Vocational Rehabilitation Administration W . Oliver Kincannon, Special Axst. (Program .Md.s) to the Deputy Commissioner Phone: WOrth 2-2040 • Tliis office produces T\' spots on vocational rehabilitation for state agencies which then distribute them through local TV. DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR W ashington 2,1, D. C • The Department of Interior produces films which are concerned with the nianaiienient, conservation and development of natural resources in every section of the Nation. I'ilms are available from the bureau in which thev have been produced. Office of the Secretary Harlan W'ooil. Divixion of Information Phone: REpublic 7-1820, ext. 3171 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR: ln<(uiries concerning the use of Department of Interior films for television should be addressed' to this office. .\ Departmental film catalog iv av ailable on re(piest. The Bureau of Mines .\. Nicholas X'ardac, Motion Picture Repr., bureau of Mines. Washington, D. C. 20240, Phone: REpublic 7-1H20. ext. ,3.3.59 Mever Reiness. Chief. Bureau of Mines Disttihuliim. 4S00 Forbes .\ve., Pittsburgh, Pa. 1.5213 .\(TivrnKS: The bureau ol Mines has a broad film ijrogram dating from about 1920. Motion picture subjects deal with natural resources of states and areas and with mineral commoditi including metals, non-metals and petroleum Mecentlv released films include: Cast Iron, th. Itiofzraphy of a Metal, and a new version of Wash I'jifi^oii and Its S'atural Resources. Facilities: .■Ml films are made in cooperatioi . with private iTulustrial finns which pav produc-}* tion costs and select commercial film producer-The Bureau maintains no production facilities !■ these lilins. DisTUim TION: .\bout 5,000 prints ol films an distributed to the jiublic on a free k)an basi from the central film distribution center ol thu Bureau of Mines. 4800 Forbes .\ve., Pittsburtill 1.3, Pa.. :ind from depositories in 40 states. ,\nnii.i number of showings is 200,000. Most films an cleared lor free T\' use. Single or block bookini; arranged. Catalogues available. I'lioDicriONS: Films in current production elude: The Story of Potash; Ilchum; and jireentlv untitled films on aluminum, steel and nal ural gas. Educational T\' Program Series: Th foUowing television series are available: Dou to Earth; States of the Union; Out of the Eartl (FEDERAL LISTINGS CONTINUE ON PAGE 60 You Beat The Drum and We 71 Do the Rest! // yoti r<> <i fiood ilrumhviitvr you can .saiv up to 1/3 ihc of each spousorvd film hookiiif; placed for your companv. Do voiir own inailiiifis and dealer projirains keep present prints liii-v 'f 11 that s your situation. Ideal reeofrnizes vou as a suecessful pronioliiinal driindieater and iiHers to eliminate :ill pruinotionai (-Iiar<:es from voiir dim (li>Iri])iiti<)n account. ^ e>. Noii liaiidle iIk <lriim and Ideal will liandle all liookin-:. re|iortin{;. sliippinji ami in>pf(tion with the sure ^kill ol l() years" experience. |{iil it von waul promolioii loo. we've '2H ofliees across the ecMinlrv — each with il> own drnmheater. And a list id more than 1(10.000 film andiem-o who think our .service is jiood enonLdi to pav for tiiev are onr re^nlar rental enstonier>. 77»e> ran hv your nrir. mass film midirncc. 10.5 major lilm -poii-oi now ii.< Meal. :ind were i;rowin^ to heal iIk hami or drinn. Idlecill ]Piicl UlJlf"^ INCORPORATED • 1010 Church St. Evanston, Illinois 60201 312 273-4565 58 BUSINESS SCRE^