Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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\-\ PROGRAMS 01 lilL FEDERAL G0\ ERiNMEM : u S. FISH & WILDLIFE SERVICE •\i-nimeiit and iiidiistn'. Other :nidio-visiial materials siiili as tislierv tele\'isjtiii spot aniioiiiicc munis, radio s|>ot aiinoiiiieemeiit discs, slides, spetiaii/etl piil>lic-alions. etc. arc also produced and distributed h\ the I'nit. F.^CILITIES: C'oniniercial contractual motion picture facilities. DisTHiiurioM I'lili/ing about 200 Government and private lihn libraries. 22 lislierx motion piclures are distrii)uled free of cliarije upon requt>st. Provisions lias been made so tliat most of the films are cleared for television, alliioui;!! S|)ecial |M-rmission is re<|inred before telecastinn. StiK'k f(M)tai;e is not available. .\ catalog; listing: tlie i-onunercial fisheries films distributed and the instructions for oi>tainin).; them ma> be obtained fre« of charne U|Kin re<|uest. .V central Autlio-\ isua! Servii-es film librarv is maintained. Films and infonnation may be obtained b\' writinn Audio \'isua! .Services. Bureau of (!ominercial Fisheries. ISl.'i N. Ft. Mver Drive, ArliiiKton. \a.. 22209. Pk(>ihi:ti().ns; Heivnt productions include: Siumfiv—Trcajturr h'nmi the Sea. an Edinburgli Film Festival honor film; Sdliiutn—Cdlcli to C«ii, Fishiiifi Five ('.real l^ikes. \ documentarv motion picture. W'atrniieii of CVic.vM/xfjAc. sponsored In the States of .\f;irvland and Virginia, was honoretl at several film festivals. .V new motion picture is KoinK into production for the Marine Sardine Council and a series of filmed public service television spot ainiouiicements are in production. These listini;s are an exclusive l-levievv feature. FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY Office of Headquarters Operations Motion Picture Branch S(l() iMdcpeniicnie \\enuc. S. W ., Hoiiin 4I2E Wasliinnton. I). C. 2t)5:J;l Phone: UOrth 2-5693 John .\. .\uncnl. Chief Motion Pielure Krtmeh. IK,)-4o(l Martin S. Koniuni.iclici Sriiiiir Prodiieliou Supervisor lames I). Ilclliwell, Producer-Director George M. .Mathieu, Project Coordinator .\c.TiviTiKs: The Motion Picture Branch produces motion pictures and television programs designed to meet the needs of the Services and Offices which ct)mprise the I-"eileral Aviation .Agency. I F\< ii.rrnis: The FAA u.scs both in-ser\ ice capabilities and o)mmercial contracts with industry in supplying its Motion Picture services. Film Disrninrri()\: Distribution of F.\.\ films is handled through the .\croiiaiitical (!cntcr Film Library. At:-4:3.I. P.O. Box 1082. Oklahoma C'itv. Oklahoma. Motion Puiriti-; Pnooi ( riox: Productions vary from highk technical training films to those designed for the general public. Editoh"s Note: Federal listings are either in alphabetical order or classified as to relevance of agencies and their audio-visual programs. NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION Office of Educational Programs & Services Washington 25, D. C. Television & l^adio Program .Motion Picture Production Program ISTo Connecticut Ave.. Washington, D. C. lames (;. Cast. F T & H P Clavton L. Edwards. E T & R P Walter E. Whitaker, Director. TV & H Projiwm Phone: DUdley 3-8213 Room 89 James Etheredge, M P P P Bvron \h)rgan. M P P P Donald Swartz, Director. MPPI' Program Phone: DUdley 2-8193 Activities: These branches produce and distribute educational and technical public release films, video and audio tapes on space and aei. nautics. I""acilitii:s: Motion picture ie<)uireinents are ful filled through in-house capabilitv, c-ontractor; ( N.AS.V Centers and industry), and industry spansored programs. DisrniBi'TiON: NASA films. T\' tapes, radio tape^ and stock footage are loaned through N.\S.'' C^eiitral Motion Picture I'ilm Depositor) and Filn Loan Librarv', 1411 S. l-'ern St.. .•\rlington, Vir giiiia. and Motion Pictme Film Service Areas. Henrv Detrich, Depositonj Carroll Eddy, Fi7w Loan Library Warren Phipps, Chief (;uid contact for relea^' of stock ) Depository is run under contract with Bvron Iik .Mrs. Glenice John.son. in charge. PHOmcTiONS: released in 1964 include: Arte. OAL DUNN STUDIOS, iNo. 141 WEST OHIO STREET. CHICAGO, 10, ILL. 644-7600 62 BUSINESS SCREH