Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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A-V PROGRAMS OF Illi: I IDKRAl. GOVKRNMENT: AERONAUTICS & SPACE ADMINISTRATION: 11. Lunar Bruifivhrtul. Manned Spaciilifilil 1964; Ranatr Ml Fliolnnmitlis of the Moon: Tin World Was There. A Moment in UMonj. The World Beyond V.iro. and ofluT fecliiiical-rt'port films. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (■oiiiiiiiinjc.itioiis lU'stMirci's Division Stall Di-parliiunt. \\ asliiiit;(<>ii, U. C;. 2U523 (aTalil !•'. W'liitit'jil, Director. Communications Resources Staff ■ PIioiic: Dl' 2-6113, i';\\e C. (.riswold. Chiif. Conoiiunicatityits Techniiiues Hrauch. rhoiu-: 1)1' 2-6102. \'. M. C^iiniiuTcf. Chief. .\udio-\'i.\ual Services Section & /•'i7r»i Production. Phone; Dr 2-T.>3l (ij-jirne (touii. .\s\islant Chief. .\tidio-\'isuul Services Section. FliDiie: Dl' 2-7'i31 Walter E. Smitli. Radio and Television Officer. Phone: Dl' 2-6145. .\cTiviTiK.s; Tliis (>r);ani/atioii is itmiposed of a KToiip of ctiininuniiMtions s|iec-i;dists wliose prime duties are to pn)\i(le professional feelinieal advice and a.ssistaniv to o\erseas fniKtionaries workin); with I'.S. .Mission projects in the cooperating c-onnfries of flie free worlil. Hecause of the niitnre ol cdmmunications ;m(i the tedinicpies emploNttl. this support lH-ix)mes an integral piirt of all .A. ID. proi»riims in fechniciil ;issLstaniv. F.\cn-mE.>i; With respect to film prodiiitioiis. some .Mi.ssions have complete professional stiills and facilities; others var>' witleK in degrees ol completeness. .All rel\ on the \\'iishington stall to a greater or lesser extent tor "l);ickstop " giiidanc-e. DlsTHllirTlo.V: E.xcept for a limited numlH-r ol dims pnKhicvd niider contract in the Inited States, motion pictures, lilm strips and slides are made in c-(M)perating countries and are ilesignwl foroversea.s distribution. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Uashinslon. 1). C;. 20200 Ir.i k.ipciisleiu. .S/k ck// .\s\istanl lo the Tinlniasler C.eneral. Public Information I Public Inlonnation Films) Phone: STerling 3-3100, ext. .500 John D. Horton. Training Staff, l^ureau of Personnel (Training Films) Phone: STerling 3-3100, ext. 8023 The Post Office Department cnrtraining iuid engineering photo re A( rivrriKS; tenth ports. F.\CII.1T1KS; for making This Department has no provisions films. -All work is contracted; for information on contracts write: Bureau of Facilities. Procurement Di\ision Hooni 4206. Post Office Department Washington. D.C. 20260 DisTHiin TioNs: Public information film clips for public service are distributed through I'. S. Postmasters in ;ill regions. Training lilms .ire distributed by Regional Directors in 1.5 regions. U. S. TREASURY DEPARTMENT W ashinglon, U. C. 20025 .Mvin W., A.wi.stant to the Director of Personnel (Project Officer). Phone: W Orth 4-2425 Charles .\I. Lanmiond. Public Information Officer. Internal Revenue Service ( Coordinating Producer). Phone: WOrtli 4-40.37 • The Tre;isur\ Department is entering into a limited lilm production ;icti\it\. wliich in its initial major production will treat the activities ol all ot its bureaus and departments: Burciui of .Accounts. Customs. (>>ast (iuard. Engraving & Printing, Internal Kevenue Service. Mint, .Narcotics. Public Debt. Savings Bonil Division. Secret Service, and Oflice ot the Treasurer of the I'nited States. This film, 2S minutes. 16mm color, will be available in the late spring ;uk1 is designed for use on television and bv' civic m ganizations and schools. On its 17.5th Aruiiversarv'. the Departn.ent pi iluced a 15-minute 16mm color film noting hii;l, lights of the presentation of awards to personnel for superior accompliments, and briefly showing their activities. Internal Revenue Service Washington, D. C. 20025 (Charles ,M, Lanunond, Public Information Officer. Phone: WOrth 4-4037 John Burleson, Audio Visual Training Officer.] Phone: WOrth 4-3962 .Activities: The Internal Revenue Service pr pares, from time to lime, motion pictures either internal or external use. Those prepar tor training purposes are produced imder jurisdiction ot the Internal Revenue Servic Training Divisio:i ..nJ are used at district major local offices throughout the United Stat to instruct new nei sonnet or those being assigne to different tasks in the work thev' are to under-| take. The Public Information Division superxise the production of films and television spot announcements intended to acquaint taxpaven throughout the nation with matters of presumed interest to them involved in Internal Revenue Service operations. F.\ciLlTli:s; The public inlonnation tilnis of In ternal Revenue Service are produced protession allv . usually utilizing the agencv s own offic< tacilities ;uk1 personnel lor background scenes bu hiring professional talent for artion bits, narration etc. Lalx)rator\ production facilities are con traded to complete the lilm after ttie first rougl cut. Training tilms are sometimes i)roduced vvitl lntern;il IVvenue Service personnel ;md some limes v\ ilh professional talent. DisTHiHi rioN: The 5S district offices, and .sev eral ot tlie larger local offices, distribute Interna Revemie Service film i)roductions. .All clearance ;md releases have been obtained for genera shov\ ing ot all Internal Revenue Service films <^ MANHATTAN COLOR LABORATORIES • 210 West SSth Sireel. Nbw York, N V ^ ^ Title EmiilMOo No Oiitr SHOOT THIS AS YOUR FIRST FRAME This grey-scale Is part of a remarkable new advance In filmstrip and slldefilm technology. Shoot It as your first frame, and you're takir advantage of MCL's newly-devised electronic computer system for timlr and density determination. This grey-scale is your assurance o a consistent level of excellence that surpasses even MCL's previous unbeatable standards. Your answer prints and release prints will be markedly superior to anything you've seen before. And, we'll supply the grey-scale ABSOLUTELY FREE. Just drop a li to Bernie Barnett — COLOR LABORATORY INC. 210 West 65th Street, New York 23, NewYorij 64 BUSINESS SCRE