Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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INSTANT MOODS! . . . the freshest, brightest backgrounds for off-the-shelf originality in any production. The world's most comprehensive music library... famous CHAPPELL RECORDED BACKGROUND MUSIC LIBRARY has every musical combinatien... full orchestra... solo instruments, accordion to xylophone. Available on 78 rpm discs, 1/4 " tape, 16 mm or 35 mm magnetic film. Completely catalogued with cross references for quick and easy selection. Educational Institutions given special consideration. SEND FOR CATALOGUE SOLE REPRESENTATIVES IN USA AND LATIN AMERICA C OR POR AT ION 117 West 46th Stret i New York, NY KXXJC Phone: 212 PL 7-3641 American Medical Association's Film Library Sets i Distribution Record With 10,735 Bookings in 1964 A Total oi 10.735 medical and health films svcrc loaned to physicians, hospitals, medical schools or other professional groups by the American Medical Association Film Library during 1964. Many of the films were employed as cckicational material for |ihysicians. medical students and nurses. Largest Bookings in History The number of bookings was the greatest ever recorded at the library. In fact, total bookings have increased each year since 1955 when 3,007 were recorded, according to an analysis prepared by Ralph Creer. director of the AMA Department of Medical Motion Pictures and Television. C'rccr also noted continuing wide distribution and acceptance of the catalog of selected "Medical and Surgical Motion Pictures," published by the AMA. More than 3,000 available mo lion pictures dealing \sith every jiliase of the healing arts are listed in the new book. Listings are kept up-to-date by computer processing. Copies of the catalogue are still available at $5.00 a copy to addresses in the U.S., U.S. possessions and Canada. $5.50 to foreign addresses. Most .-Vctive Usitn i)f l.ihniry Analyzing 1964 film bookings further, he said that the largest single users of films from the AMA library were civilian hospitals and schools of nursing. Every U.S. medical school except one also used the services of the Film Library during the year, and medical societies were increasingly heavy users. The library now consists of 1.829 copies of 41 K films. The total includes I 1 3 health films which can be used by physicians who are invited to address lay groups. A current list of these films is now available. • Below 11,500 11,000 10,500 10,000 9500 9000 8500 8000 7500 7000 «500 6000 5500 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 rluiit v/ioicv lO-i/cd; luillcni of finmth for the .\M A libit Lihiiinj. 1 1 0735 c 9;<) AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION B544 1955 ■ 1964 7837 7570 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 5008 1 4328 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 3J4H ■ 3007 H — II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 Want Big Screen Pictures? The high brightness of the snow-white tight source of the Universal Carbon Arc or the Universal Xenon Arc Slide Projector mokes possible the vivid projection of 3V*" x *", and 7" x 3" color slides on screens up to 35 feet without darkening the room. Complete with blower, slide carrier, power transformer, and choice of objective lens in the range of tVi to 26 inches inclusive. Available with remote push button controlled electric changer which holds 70 S'A" x 4" slides. XENON BULB LIGHT SOURCE Simple to operate. Just push a button. Focus remains constant. CARBON ARC LIGHT SOURCE i Simply plug Into any 1 1 0-volt A.C. convenience outlet. Send for literature ond dctoili on trial offer. The ^^**^ Electric Corp. 39 City Park Ave, Toledo, Ohio 4M0I Phone: (419) 24S-3741 A SUaSIDIARY OF GENERAL PRECISION EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 196? 1963 1964 8S BUSINESS SCREEr