Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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NEW ENGLAND STATES BAY STATE FILM PRODUCTIONS: CoM.NtEBCiALS for: Massachusetts Dept. of Public Health; Fastener Div. United Shoe Machinery Corp.; Wilson, Haight & Welch for Minit Auto Care; Connecticut River Watershed Council; Greater Springfield I'nited Fund. DEKKO FILM PRODUCTIONS, INC. 126 Dartmouth St.. Boston. Mass. 02116 Phone: KEnmore 6-2511 A C 617 Date of Organization: 1946 Joseph Rothljerg. President Webster Lithgow, Creative Director Arthur M. .Maccabo, Sales Manager Da\id Adams. Production Coorditiator Claudio Pelizon. Head Editor Dorothy Cohen. Treasurer Services: 1 6mm and .3.5mm film productions and sound slidefihns. Design, animation, hot press, titles, storybook, script editorial and consulting. .\11 st-rv'ices a\ailablc to iiulustr> and producers. Sales promotion and sales training packaging. F.\i ILITIES: 2.000 ft. sound stage; lighting equipment; Bell & Howell, Arrifle.v with swc generator. Maurer, .\\iricon 16mm ;ind 3.5mni cameras; 16mm and 3.5mm projection room; recording lv)oth, editing rooms with 16mm and 3.5mm Moviolas; synchronizers; hot splicers; magnetic and optical sound readers; animation stand; hot press; Hydrolly and tracks; Mole-Richardson mike Ixxmi; Western Electric and RC.\ mikes; tenjMisition mixing con.sole; equalizers and dip filters; optical and magnetic recorders; Reeves. Stancil-Hoffman; Fairchild sync; Ampe.x and maunetic interlock-dubbeis; three music libraries. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictvkes; ciiJig the Call: In the Steps of St. Patrick; Pre.wh itt Kennedy in Ireland (Columban Fathers); Castle Island Stoni (Creative TV .Associates); RS Quad (FMC C'orp. ); Monetj on the Move, Supplement (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston); jenny (W. E. Wilson Productions); It alamos a Chiquita la Senorita Mas Bonita (United Fniit Co.); You and Your Neighbors, with Ciiury Moore (United Fund of Cireater Boston): Project Waterhole (U. S. .\ir Force); Film Reports (Raytheon Co.). Slidefilms: The World in Focus; Focus on Travel; Focus on Advertisin'^ (Christian Science Monitor); Ten Minutes That Count (Liberty Mutual Insurance Co.); Cummcd Paper (Ludlow Corp.); New England Outdoor Advertising Presentation. T\' CoMMEHCi.\LS for: Roto-Broil Appliances Series (CurticeYork, Inc.); Stanlev Home Products (Hiu-old Cabot & Co., Inc.); The Whole Man (The Medical Foundation); Meet Mr. Lodge (Primary Campaign); Cool-Ray FlipUps (Fuller, Smith & Ross, Inc.); Father John's Medicine for Coughs (Hermon-Stevens Agcy.). D4 FILM STUDIOS, INC. .56 Elmwood Street. Newton, Mass. 02158 Phone: woodward 9-7770 A/C 617 Date of Organization: 1935; Date of Incorporation: 19.5.5 Joseph Dephoure, President & Treasurer Naomi Dephoure, cyfiee Jean Preo, Audio F.ngineer Romas Slezas, Editing Dept. Ralph Picardi. Laboratory & Printing Dept. Services: 16mn) and .3.5nim film production. Industrial, educational, medical, pulilic relations and training films. .Sound recording and mixing; music scoring from libraries and original; negative, positive and reversal processing. .Art department, animation, hot press titles. Editing: .\&R roll preparation and matching. Slidefiinis ;iiid slides. Still photography, color & black ;iMd white. FAf:iLmF;s: Air conditioned sound-proof studio, 400 amps. 35/16mm cameras: four Bell & Howell; Fearless sound; .\rriflex; Super 1200 Auricon; Modified Cine-Voice; Fathe, ,3 Zoom lenses. 3.5mm still cameras. 2'4" Reflex, 4x5 Studio camera. Electric Hydrolly. Three 16mm magnetic 04 FILM STUDIOS: recorders. 16mm interlocked dubbers, 17'/4mm. magnetic. .Maurer 6-track optical recorder, Va" .Ampex, mixing console. Interlock projection; sound proof projection room, 35/ 16mm projectors; 16nmi color and black & white printers with automatic fader. Oxberry animation stand; Kensol hot press; 3 multiple editing stations with optical and magnetic readers, viewers, hot slicers. .Art dept.; 4 music libraries; consultation, planning and script writing. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictures: Fuel Cell (General Electric Co.); Tresi' (Litton Industries); It's in the Rag (Cryovac Co. Div. W. R. Grace and Co.); .Aktomatic Tracking Camera (E. G. & G. C:o.); Coil Winding and Soldering Machinery: (Leesona Corp.); Football Highlights of 1964 (Dartmouth College). Slidefilms: Suburban Redevelopment ( Newttjn Chamber of Commerce ); A B C Report (Dartmouth College). TV Commerci.\ls for: Dunkin' Donuts; Howdy Beefburger (Silton, Calloway & Hoffman, Inc.); New Jifoam; Guardtron (Donald Hodes Advertising): Ski-^^'inps (L. K. Frank Adv.); Knit-Wit (Ralph Schiff and Partners); Federal Savings Bank Assoc. ( Lloyd .Advertising) . * JONATHAN KARAS & ASSOCIATES Science House, Manchester, Mass. Phone: 526-1120 Date of Organization: 19.58 Dr. Jonathan Karas, President M. Van de Ryn, Vice-President Services: Creative science and engineering con.sultants to advertising agencies, industry and film producers. Client-agency technical liaison, scientific demonstrations, exhibits; motion picture scripts, technical testing and specialized writing. F.\CILITIES: Laboratory and photographic facilities and affiliations with se\eral imiversit\ technical staffs with laboratoiy and testing facilities. Scientists ;uk1 engineers available as consultants in any branch of science and engineering and as professional exhibit demonstrators. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Picn hi;: \"olkswagen Demonstration Exhibit (Volkswagen of America, Inc.) Scientific Concepts, Design, Consultants: DuPont Pavilion, IBM Pavilion. New England States Exhibition, New York World's Fair. Exhibit Consultants: Volkswagen of America; DuPont; Westinghouse: Eastman Kodak. LAURENCE ASSOCIATES, INC. 215 Stuart Street, Boston, Mass. 02116 Phone: 423-0133 A/C 617 Date of Incorporation: 1957 L. C. Switzer, President & Treasurer L. R. Miller, Vice-President R. T. Thonnan, Vice President William Lovering, Creative Director Peter Bums; Edward Ilicks, Art James McLean, Sales Susan Scoonover, Office Manager Frank McNiff, Equipment Manager Services: Audio-\isual specialists; equipment lines, production facilities. Filmstrips, slide soinid, artwork, photography, scripting, sound recording, sales anci training, safety programs. Facilities: 5,000 scj. ft. downtown street floor; three darkrooms, color processing laboratoiy, photographic and design studios: editing, screening and sound rooms; audio-visual .showrooms and repair section . RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Slioefilms: The Morwood Story ( Investment & Development Corp.); The Kelox Story (Kelox Industries); Cains 50r/i Anniver.tary (John E. Cain Co.); The 20000 Series (Mason-Neilan) ; Congratulations (Babvhood Industries, Inc.) MAGNA FILM PRODUCTIONS, tNC. 49 Berkeley Street, Boston. Mass. 02116 Phone: HU 2-5580 A/C 617 Date of Incorporation: 1955 Robert Bcrman, President Bernard F. Gregoire, Vice President & Production Supervisor Harry L. Cooper, Editor Stephen Smitn, Art Director Services: 16mm and 35mm motion pictiue production, industrial, TV commercials, shdes, filir strips, artwork; hot press lettering; creative services; sound services. Facilities: Shooting stagt areas 50' x 50' and 70' x 70'; Maurer. Arriflex Auricon, Bell & Howell Cameras; Neumann Magnasync and Ampex stereophonic recording RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSOR! Motion Pictures: On Any Given Day (Massa chusetts Dept. of Civil Defense); In Dedicatee Hands (Daughters of St. Paul); Foreign Obfea Defects; 7-85 Assembly (General Electric SAED); T\^ Commercials for: Moxie, serie; (Campbell, Emery, Houghey, Lutkins .Agency) Tern; Lincoln Juice Drinks, series (Ralph Schifl & Partners). MASTER MOTION PICTURE COMPANY 50 Piedmont St., Boston, Mass. 02116 Phone: HAncock 6-3592 3 A/C 617 Date of Organization: 1925 Irving Ross. President Alan Ross, General Manager Steven Mark, Art & Creative Director Sally Seader, Co-ordinator Services: 16mm, 35mm motion picture produc tion; slidefilms, TV commercials; sound record ing, other laboratory ser\'ices. Facilities: Studio laboratory, 16mm & 3.5mm. .sound recording filming, editing facilities. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSOR: Motion Pictures: Brandeis '65 (Brandels L'ni versity); Yachting is Fun (Grover Cronin i ; Stir vival Car (Liberty Mutual Insurance Company) Forest and The Woodsiymn (BrowTi Co.). Sltoe film: Fire Prevention (Hot Shoppes). PIKE PRODUCTIONS, INC. 97 Lake Avenue, Newton, Mass. 02159 Phone: DEcatur 2-2400 A 'C 617 Date of Organization: 1958 James A. Pike, President & Exec. Prod. "Kenneth A. MacAskill, Writer-Director Paul F. Holzwarth, Director of Photograph Robert L. Smith, Director of Recording Charles J. Eads, Manager, A/V Dept. Services: Motion pictures for TV. industry, cdii cation and public affairs. F.\ciLmES: Two stii dios, voice studio; three Moviola editing room; sound room, etc. Arriflex, Maurer. Auricon. ar>i 70DR cameras; camera lighting and soun^ equipment for 35/16mm production for studi and mobile unit for location. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSOR Motion Picture: G.I. Joe (Hassenfeld Bros.! Slidefilm: Carters Cares (William Carter Co.) TV Commercials for: Carling Brewing Co. (Hai old Cabot & Co.); Ilasscnfelcl Brcxs. (Bmns .Ac vertising Agency); Barcrolcne Co. (Silton-Call; way Agency; John E. Cain Co., series (Charle Hutchenson Agency). TR PRODUCTIONS, INC. 683 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. 021 16 Phone: COpley 7-5760 A C 617 Date of Organization: 1947 Date of Incorporation: 1951 Oscar H. Cheses, President. Gen. Mgr. Alfred D. Benjamin, Vice President. Production Manager Thomas Flennng. Art Director Gene Jones. Music Director Edward B. Shaw, Sales Manager Robert M. Kellawav, Audio Engineer 108 BUSINESS SCREE