Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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lJ^*f CDlM^J^tJ^ CANADA JACK CHISHOLM FILM PRODUCTIONS LTD. Ste. 104-4 New Street, Toronto 5, Ontario Phone: 925-22S1 Date of Organization: 1956 lohji J. Chisholm. B.S.A. P.Ag.. President M. di Tursi, H.A., M.A., Sccri'tary, Treasurer Don Hutchison, Executive Producer Harvey Naylor, Cavtrraman John M. \\'eir, Production Assistant Services: Producers of industrial, educational, sales training motion pictures and slidefilms. Specializing in construction, industrial, engineering films. Facilities: 16mm and 35mm production equipment. Extensive 16mm Ektachrome stock shot libran,-: Canadian scenic, cities, mining, industrial, wildlife. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictures: The Snakes of Ontario; Did You Know That? TV series (Ontario Dept. of Lands & Forests); Undatmtcd City Hong Kong (Anglican Church of Canada); Mine Verttilation — Duxt Control (Mines .Accident Prevention Ass'n. of Ontario): Lome Greene Bonanza Campaign Trailer: \t Isn't True — TV series (Salvation ,\nny). Thomas Craven Films (Canada) Ltd. .32 Front Street W., Toronto, Canada Phone: 363-4459 AC 416 Thomas Craven, President D. William Robinson, Vice President James Swackhaminer, Vice Pres., in charge ( See complete listing under New York City. ) Crawley Films Limited 181 Eglinton Avenue E., Toronto, Ontario Phone: 485-0325 NVilliam C. Kennedy, Manager (See complete listing under Ottawa, Ontario) GROUP PRODUCTIONS OF CANADA LTD. 10." Yorkville, Toronto, Ontario Phone: 416-921-2216 Date of Incorporation: 1961 William J. Pearce, President Tully F. Rector, Vice-President I3onald B. Young, Treasurer Terry Cake, Executive Producer .Mike Brown, Executive Producer Services: Motion picture and TV commercial producers. Facji.itik: Complete live-action motion picture and animation pnxluction facilities. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS TV C0MMERCIAI.S for: Molson's Ale; Esso Oil Co.; Westroc — Western Gypsum (Cockfield, Brown fit Co.); Scott Tissues; Purex Co. (J. Walter Thompson Co.); Tex-Maid Sheets; Joy — Proctor & Gamble (Grey Adv.); B'A Oil & Tires — British American Oil Co. (James Lovick & Co.); Ritz Crackers — Nabisco ( McCann-Erickson. Inc.); Mark Ten Cigarettes — Benson & Hedges (McCann-Erickson, Inc.); Silvikrin Shampoo (McLaren Adv.). * The Jam Handy Organization of Canada Ltd. 103 Queen Street, East, Toronto 1, Canada Phone: FMpire 3-8856 Wilbur E. Dalley, in charge (See complete listing under Detroit area) Don Horter Productions (Canada) Ltd. 22 Front St. West, Toronto, Ontario (See listing under Portland, Oregon) ROBERT LAWRENCE PRODUCTIONS (CANADA) LTD. 38 Yorkville Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario Phone: 925-5561 Date of Organization: 1955 Branch: 2100 Dnimmond St., Montreal, Quebec John T. Ross, President Donald F. Hall, Vice-President, Executive Producer Gerald J. Keeley, Vice-President, Sales Marilyn Stonehouse, Vice-President, Client Service Douglas Cowan, Director Fritz Spiess, C.S.C. Director of Photography Hebnut Englehardt, Director of Art Barry Bittle, Sw;jcrt;i*ing Editor Mary Adams, John Griffiths, Sheila Sone, Blanche McDermaid, Producers J. Peter Elliott, Director of Operations, Videotape Division John Winter, Videotape, Sales Jolm Grinsk>', Comptroller Services: Motion picture production services, on film and videotape for TV, industry, education and theatres. F.\(:ii.ities; Three sound stages, separate recording studios with M'estre.x system, 2 mobile VTR vans, 35mm and 16mm BNC Mitchell, NC Mitchell and Arriflex cameras, 8 TV cameras, 4 VTR units. GE switching facilities with telechrome special effects generator, teleciiie chain and audio facilities; Marconi TV recorder and tape-to-film transfer. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictures: Moment of Truth (NBC & CBS Networks); Star Route series, Lcrotj Van Dyke Shows, NHL Hockey (Telemeter of Canada Ltd.); A.F.L. Football (no sponsor listed); etc. TV Commercials for: Chrvsler Corp. of Canada Ltd. (BBD&O); B.A. Oil Ltd. (James Lovick); Canada Packers Ltd.; Imperial Oil Ltd.; Alcan (Cockfield, Brown); Lever Bros. Ltd. (Needham, Harper & Steers); Proctor & Gamble Ltd. (Y & R; Compton; D.F.S.); Colgate Palmolive (Norman, Craig & Kummel); General Foods Ltd. (Y & R, McConnell Eastman, McKim); Vick Chemical Co. (F. H. Hayhurst; Leo Burnett); Swifts (McCann Erickson); Gov't of Canada; Javex Co.; General Motors (MacLaren Adv.); Hygrade Food Products (W. B. Doner); Bristol-Myers (Ogilvy & Mather); O'Keefe Brewing (Foster Adv.); Calling Breweries (McKim; F. H. Hayhurst); Labatts Breweries (James Lovick; Ronalds-Reynolds); Coutts-Hallmark Cards, Clairol (Foote, Cone & Belding); Saladu Foods; Greb Hush Puppies (Goodis, Goldberg. Soren); Canadian Kodak (Baker Adv.); and others. LESSER STUDIO LIMITED 55 Charles St., West, Toronto 5, Ontario Phone: 924-6611 Date of Organization: 1947 Mort Lesser, President Bruce Walker, Creative Director Lock Haight, Production Manager Claude Lewis, Sales Representative LESSER STUDIO LIMITED: f Vi'orldwide Resources for Production ■i^ On this page and in the many others in this issue, film sponsors and advertising agents arc provided with details about spcciali/ing film production companies throughout the world. The 15th Production Review is literally a "crossroads" of the worldwide community of factual, business and TV filmmakers. 1" Services: 35 and 16mm film production — Hve, animated and D\TiafiIm; tv commercials; industrial, sales training and public relations films; slides and slidefilms; script and storyboard services. Facilities: 30'x4.5' studio and 6O'x80'. soimd stage; Mitchell NC w/zoom lens; Arriflex w/zoom lens; Nagra sound; editing for 35min35mm, 35mm-16mm; 16mm-16mm, 35mm interlock screening; Oxberry electronic animation stand w/35mm-16mm Oxberry camera; still photography, animation, art department, hot press tiding. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictures for: Elmer — Our Hero (Ontario Dept. of Transp>ort). SLroEFiLMS: Story of Oil; The Oil Movers (Imperial Oil). TV ComMEHCiALS for: Alka Seltzer (Miles Laboratories; Vickers & Benson Ltd.); Cat Food (Dr. Ballard's; Stanfield, Johnson & Hill); Chex (Ralston Purina Co.; James Lovick & Co. Ltd.); El Producto (Simon's Cigar Co.; Stanfield, Johnson & Hill); Export Ale (Molson Breweries Ltd.; Cockfield, Brown & Co. Ltd.); Ford (Ford Motor Co. of Canada Ltd.; J. Walter Thompson Co. Ltd.); Gold Keg, Pilsener (Labatt Breweries Ltd.; Ronalds-Reynolds & Co.); Shreddies (National Biscuit Co.; F. H. Hayhurst Co.); Wilkinson Bladies (Wilkinson; H. V. Petersen Adv.). MORELAND-LATCHFORD PRODUCTIONS LTD. 7 Pleasant Blvd., Toronto, Ontario Phone: 925-5929 Date of Organization: 1958 Hugh Moreland, President Frank Latchford, Vice-President Services: Producers of films, sound slidefilms. filmstrips, slides, television and radio programs for industry, government, education, religion and public service. Facilities: Full production services and facilities. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictures: Upper Canada Village (Province of Ontario); The Man in Room 117 (Canadian Cancer Society); Depression — Deafness Epilepsy (Canadian Medical Ass'n.); Vim-Vigour (The President's Council of Physical Fitness); 5 and 10 BX (The Royal Canadian Aii Force). MOTION PICTURE CENTRE LIMITED 577 Jarvis Street, Toronto .5, Ontario Phone: 924-8329 Date of Incorporation: 1953 G. S. Kedey, President David A. Smith, Writer-Director Margaret Harris, Office Manager Services: Motion pictures and slidefilms for TV industry, sales promotion, staff training, religious travelogues and public relations use. FACiLrriES Auricon, .\rriflex cameras, Magnasync recordinj equipment, editing, writing, screening facilities RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSOR: Motion Pkm rks; Science Off The Slulf: Pol ishes. Plastics, Paints, Pesticides — 4 films in Eng lish: Science Off The Shelf 3 films in French (Imperial Oil Ltd.); Roads to Prosperity (Ont Dept. of Highways); untitled film (St. Law rence Seaway; N.it1. Film Board). Slidefilms A Question of Faith (.\nglicaii Church of Can ada). THATCHER FILM PRODUCTIONS 895 O'Connor Drive, Toronto 16, Ontario Phone; 7.59-271 1 Dateof Orgimization: 1940 Leslie P. Thatcher, Owner & Producer Skuvices: 16mm industrial, commercial, educ; tional and medii'al motion pictures; TV prograir and coiumercials on film. FAClLrriES: .Ml equif nient, facilities .iiul personnel necessary for a ty|)es of 16mm motion picture productions. 164 BUSINESS SCREEN I NTERNATIONAl