Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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m !bles violas K nders cjnd •aders conslaiiliy ddds new products to its chain of professional equipment for the ^f1otion Picture, Television and Photo Instrumentation industries. Write for free literature-specify items that interest you. moviol manufacturing co. 5539 RIVERION AVENUE NORTH HOlirWOOD. CAIIF PHONE TRIANGLE 7-217 Crab Dollies Differential Gear Rewinders H Motor drive for Synchronizers A complete quality line of reels for every purpose • 16mm melal reels and cans, 400' to 2300' • 8mm melal reels and cans. 200' to 400' • 35mm metal reels and cans, 100' to 2000' • 16mm plastic reels. 50' to 2200' • 8mm plastic reels, 50' to 400' • 35mm plastic reels and cans, IOC • Fibre carrying cases, all sizes • Aerial Spools MICROFILM -Aluminum spools for unexwsed film; plastic reels and storage boxes lor exposed tilm. We specialize in fast service. Write lor :atalog and prices. TAYLOREEL CORP., 185 Murray St Dept. 3, Rocfiester, N. Y. 14606 GUIDE TO FILM WRITERS: (CONTINUED FROM Ilir PRECEDING PAGE 98) HOWARD TURNER .1? West 7.")tli Street. .\(.\\ V(irk. N.V. 1002:1 Phone: TKafalRiir 3-3211 AC: 212 DICK UPTON 4IS S. Foiirtli Am-., Lihertyxiile, Illinoi.s Phone: 302-0174 AC: 312 Date of Organization: 1960 W. J. VAN DE MARK 502 Linden I'hiie, Oiuiford, New Jersey Phone: 27(i-!)()49 AC:: 201 Date of Organization: 1962 W. J. Nan De Mark. Wrilcr-Dircclor ROBERT WALD 33 \\ indliam Place. Clen Hock. New Jersey Phone: Glihert 5-S2;}4 Hobert W'ald. Write i-Dircrtor BENJAMIN S. WALKER 11704 Charles Road, Silver Spring, Md. Phone: WHitehall 6-0186 AC: 301 D.itc of Ort;ani/:iti()ii: 196.'^ JOHN L. WASHBURN & ASSOCIATES 261 RockinKstone Ave., Larchmont, N.Y. Phone: TEnnyson 4-8741 AC: 914 Date ol ()n;aiii/ati()ii: 19.5.3 HUGH GORMAN WHITTINGTON 1216 Conncclicnt Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 I'hones: FKderal S-6198; EMerson 2-7326 Date of Orijaiiization: 1962 Hugli Whittiiigton, Writcr-Dircctor-Editor PAUL C. WOODBRIDGE Bragpatch Seriptshop White Hiver Junction. Vermont Date of Organization: 1945 Paul C. Woodbridge, \VnYer-Co»i*i(//ati/ Next Issue: Annual Film .\war«ls Uevie« I ■w The next issue of Business Screen will feature a cdmprcliensive review of national and international film awards, with speeial focus on "most honored" pictures of 1965. The Editors will also appraise current Film Festival programs, noting their respective values, costs and methods of judging. These uill be experience reports, based on our constant contact with current film award programs. • ¥ SINCE 19422 SCRIPTS LIVE ACTION r SLIDE FILMS l: ANIMATIONJ titles ,j over forty experienced people creative arts STUDIO 814 H ST NW WASH DC 737-0302 W/^€y 'm a^{7C Oy^ X. he objectives of Comprehensive Service Corporation are. as the name implies, to render the most comprehensive and satisfying service, with complete understanding of the needs of all who require motion picture equipment, accessories and supplies. We point with pride to our long list of large and small customers all over the world, who have been coming to us. again and again, over the many years. Our ever expanding business is proof of their confidence in the quality of our products, our dependability and expert knowledge. COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE NEW YORK . HOLLYWOOD 10023 90038 a^ i\J%l OFF THE PRESS! YOUR COMPLIMENTARY COPY OF FOTOMATION FILM TIMETABLE Handy plostic computer timet your nor ration, music, effects. ^or slidefilms, sales promotion & presentations, TV and motion pictures. FREE! TO ADVERTISE OUR EXCITING OVERNIGHT PRODUCTION TECHNIQUE OF MOVIE MAKING FOTOMATION! Tell your salei ilory in FOTOMATION uiing lh« popular TV commercial malhod of "quick cul»," with •till pholot, lron»por»nci««, artwork and graphic color daiign! W« giv* your film life ond animation with svery typo of Comoro movomont, zooms, pant, dittolvot — »ynchronii«d to modorn percuuivo mutici Production timo ii in DAYS, not MONTHSI G^t the tuti itory with your fOJOMAJION TimelabU Call Al Slahl 212/CO S-2942 ANIMATED PRODUCTIONS. INC. 1600 Broadway, New York 19 ■R 7 VOLUME 26 1965 121