Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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"The General wiih the Cockeyed Id" Sponsor: Associated Gcncnil Con irac tors of America, Inc. Producer: |ohn Sutherland Productions Silver Medal: iniernaiiona! Film & TV Festival of New York Columbus Festival: "Chris" Certificate ■y * * "Genesis of the Transistor" Sponsor: Bell Telephone l.ahoralories Ottawa: International Festival of Films on Science (Programmed) and: CINE "Golden Eagle" * 4f # "GifJs of Winter" Sponsor: Swissair Columbus Festival: "Chris" Statuette * ■* * "Gun Mayhem" Sponsor: Directorate of Aerospace Safety, Norton AFB Bronze Plaque Award National Safety Film Contest Columbus Festival: "Chris" Certificate -H-l-l "History Comes to Life" Sponsor: Atlantic City Press Bureau Producer: PCS Film Productions 1st Award: NVPA "Day of Visuals" » * * "Homeless Child" Sponsor: Division of Child Welfare, County of Los Angeles Silver Medal: International Film & TV Festival of New York Columbus Festival: "Chris" Certificate * * * 'How D,D, & B. Use the Polaroid Camera" Sponsor: Polaroid Curpuralion Producer: Bay Slate Film Productions 1st Award: NVPA "Day of Visuals" ♦ •» # "Image" Sponsor : Pan American Airways Producer: Henry Strauss & Company Best of Festival: Chicago International Film Festival 1st Award: NVPA "Day of Visuals" Columbus Festival: "Chris" Certificate U. S. Selection: Rouen Festival and: CINE "Golden Ea^Tle" * « » "The Invisible Power of Coal' Sponsor: National Coal Association Producer: Audio Productions Dipolma of Honor/Gold Medal: Venice Film Festival Columbus F'cstival: "Chris" Certificate "(ourney to Yesterday" Sponsor: Demer & Rio Grande Western Railroad Company Producer: Sonochrome Pictures U. S. Selection: Rouen Festi\al and: CINE "Golden Eagle" — L — M — "The Land — Legacy & Promise" Sponsor: National Plant Food Instiiuic Producer: Audio Productions Gold Medal: International Film & TV Festival of New York Columbus Festival: "Chris" Ceilificate * * * "Let My People Go" Sponsor: Xerox Corporation Producer: Wolper Productions Columbus Festival: "Chris" Certificate and: CINE "Golden Eagle" * * * "Light" Sponsor: General Electric Company Producer: Wilding Inc. Gold Medal: Internationa! I ihii A; TV Festival of New York Columbus Festival: "Chris" Certificate "The Louvre" Sponsor: Xerox Corporation Producer: National Broadcasting Co. Blue Ribbon: American Film Festival and: CINE "Golden Eagle" * * •;:• "The Many Faces of Mexico" Sponsor: Aeronaves de Mexico Airlines Producer: Douglas Aircraft Company Columbus Festival: "Chris" Certificate and: CINE "Golden Eagle" * * * "A Matter of Balance" Sponsor: IBM Producer: llcnry Strauss & Company Blue Ribbon: American Film Festival Columbus l'esli\al: "Chris" Cerlificalo _N — O — "A New Life for Jennifer" Sponsor: Lutheran School for llic Deaf Producer: Portafihns 1st Award: NVPA "Day of Visuals" Blue Ribbon: American Film Festival Columbus Festival: "Chris" Certificate and: CINE "Golden Eagle" ^ -^ -«■ "New Water for a Thirsty World" Sponsor: Office of Saline Water, U. S. Depailineiil of Interior Producer: Reid 11. Ray 1 iim Insustries Silver Medal: International Film iVc TV Festival of New 'i'ork "Open Your Eyes" Sponsor: Girl Scouts of the Columbus Festival: "Chris" t. and: CINE "Golden Eii> — P — "Pacemakers" Sponsor: IB.M World Trade C\ Producer: Film Enterpri Gold Medal: International Fih Festival of New Yorl Columbus Festival: "Chris" C 5rd Award: Society for Advan^ of Management International Filn * * » "Parable" Sponsor: The Protestant Coun of the City of New York Producer: Fred Niles Communicate Best of Festival: Chicago Inic Film Festival Cold Medal: International Filnii T Festival of New York ' and: CINE: "Golden Eji "Pennsylvania Country Cookj" Sponsor: Caloric Corporali. Producer: Bob Bailey Protli Blue Ribbon: American Film I „.. and: CINE -Golden Eagle * * « "Picture Your Teeth" Sponsor: Eastman Kodak Comnr Edinburgh: International Cor on Education (Certificate) and: CINE 'Golden Eagle * * • "Point of View" Sponsor: National Tuberculosb,?Producer: Vision Associate Sii\ci \\\ard: San Francisco In Film Festival Columbus Festival: "Chris" > ■ * * • f "The Prospects Before Us' Sponsor: Bureau of .AdvertisirAmerican Neswpaper Publish^. Producer: Nova Studios Gold .Medal: International Film ^ Festival of New York ■>rd Award: NVPA "Day of \ i -' * ♦ ■» I "Pursuit of Profit Sponsor: Procter <.^ Gamble Cor_ Producer: The lam Handy Orr "^ 2nd Awaril: Society lor Ad\uiK Managemcni International Film Colimibiis lcsti\al: "Chris" Cn . ^" — R — "Rochester: A City of Qualii Sponsor: Rochester Gas & Ek Producer: The lam Handy Org.t"" 2nd Award: Societ> for Advancciii' ManagemctH International Film Certificate: .American l"iim I 28 BUSINESS 5l