Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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ARROWS FILM CAP: HOM 1M1 PRFCEDING PAGF 34) ih projects in our high schcxils. l>usinesscs. acting on our own In partnership with local, state Acrnmcnts. ■actor in the success ot the Ruslifee said, has been due to their ling program. For those who *ct film field after com|X'titive ;ninations. the government proinded training at special tech I Mitule Has $5 Million Budget I the All Union Research Instill and Photography (MFK.1) has I budget devoted solely to film cningrad, the Institute of Film >nly concerned with the instrucechnicians in laboratory operadics, optics, acoustics and all S of motion picture operations, ema Design Centers in Moscov^ 1 devoted solely to studying imJs of production, processing and ic University of Moscow, there us emphasis on the importance I aids and motion picture coursred basic for a better understandnt"s elective subjects. Film is as [cxtbooks in the Russian educaJeffee stated. upport for Technical Trainees the Soviet technical schools resupport while studying for their J women take their studies and ously. he went on. even employ I correspondence courses to acidvanccment qualifications. The ■n. the more they earn. Seniority J to ability and knowledge. Trainnbraces the technology of motion najor attention is also given to II at the State Film Institute in IK) where the creative side of eluding direction, writing, acting. ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE 59) ION PICTURE • B&W-COLOR 00 FEET OF CLASSIFIED MULTITAGE IN ALL CATEGORIES . . . FOR tIES. TV LIVE AND FILM PROH SERIES. COMMERCIALS AND .3 ude: NBC News • National Assonufacturers • Miles Library • Films olor Library • Also Various Produc First! JUDSON 2-6185 id St., New York City 10019 tacf: Maurice H. Zouary AND UP TO DATE MATERIAL TO ;ALLY ANY REQUEST OF FOOTAGE THE VEDETTE 16mm For high speed audio/visual inspection (100 fpm) of both motion picture and optical sound track simultaneously. Also simple rewind up to 750 fpm. Dimensions are 53 " wide x 24' high x 18" deep (for table mounting). Call or write for full details. .. brochure available upon request... or a demonstration can be arranged at your convenience. PROFESSIONAL EDITOR/VIEWER Distributed in the United Stales 4 Canada ANDRE DEKRIE OF NEW YORK MAIN OFFICES: College Point 56, NEW YORK I NEW YORK CITY SERVICE DEPT. & SHOWROOM (212) HI 5-4200 -CABLES: ANDREMAC, N.Y.I 432West45ttiSt.,N.Y.,N.Y.10036-(212)JU6-0799 ■ III For the User of 35, 16 & 8mm Films -for fast, strong precision splicing ■ I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The only professional portable HOT SPLICER with a built-in life-time CARBIDE SCRAPER BLADE* (Si'-tprr P^i \" .■''•4-i'ifyj I • Low-v!iibilily tpliCfft mod* ot froa* • Tharmoitoticollr h«Of«d blod*l fnok* lin* p«r propOMd ASA irondard* p«rf«ci w«)dt • Hord«ned, ground chrom«-il»«l Cw* • Potanlad lifa-tim* icropvr blod* ond t*f blodet. hold.r bvlll-l.. . ,^^ ,^,,,^ p,,„ ^^,^ • Pixiiion. (•ll-fTMint pilot pint. • Mo<« ll<on 13,000 no :n ui«. $•• your photographic dooUr or WRITE FOR LITERATURE MAIER-HANCOCK SALES CO. 14106 Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oaks, California ihuuU arafHr rujJt: eier nerJ iharpening. ue utU ib^rpen il t'lr a nominal iharge of SI. (JO m VOLUME 26 57