Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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PARTHENON PICTURES BOLLYWOOD •READYMADES" GOOD FILMS READY FOR YOUR SAFETY MEETINGS TRAINING PROGRAMS COMMUNITY AND PLANT-TOWN SHOWINGS "WHATLL YOU DO IF ... ?" How to he prepared for sudden emergencies — brakes fail, accelerator sticks, soft shoulder; skids, glaring lights, etc. Top awards. B & W. 12 mln. 16nim . . . $.S5. (also Smm). • • • "WHAT'S UNDER YOUR HOOD?" For teenage and women drivers. "What makes it go," in simple clarity; fuel system, ignition, power train, brakes. Animation, models and live. Color ... 11 minutes . . . 16miii . . . $98.50. "THREE FOR THE ROAD" 3 single-concept segments — "Lights Have Limits" . . . "Sudden Emergencies" . . . "Margin of Safely." Silent Sound. B & \\. . . . 13' 2 min, 16mni . . . $40.50 (also Smm). • • * "LOVE THAT CAR" Very fast and funny "entertainment" approach to auto safety through good car maintenance. Told by Jack Benny's Frank Nelson. Color ... 10 minutes . . . 16mm . . . $79.50. • * • "AND MIEN THERE WERE FOUR" Made in 1951 and still the classic in driver safety. Told by Jimmy Stewart. B & W . . . 27 minutes ... 16 mm.. .$135. • • • "HOW 10 I LOODI'ROOF AGAINSI RISINC; WATERS" Should be screened periodically in flat-land areas and broadcast when high water threatens. Color . . . 16nim. I« minutes ... $150. • • * "PLAY BALL, SON" To raise funds for youth baseball teams; recruit men for coaching; and train the young plavcrs. Color . . . 21 '/j minutes . . . 16mm . . . $185. • • * PREVIEWS — $12.50 (10 minute film x5.0()) Deductible from purcluise price. PARTHENON PI TUBES (Ted Polmer, Print Mo ler) 2625 Temple St., Los Angek <?0026 (Area 213)-385 3911 Number 1 Volume 27 BUSINESS SCREEN Preview of 1 6th Annual Production Review Features National and International Awards Competition for Business Films 21 Professional Organizations Serving Business & Industrial I ilni Users 35 Educational and Scientific Organizations Serving the Film User 42 Trade and Professional Organizations Serving the Audiovisual Industry 48 National Distributors of the Sponsored Motion Picture, begin on page 59 Audio-Visual Programs of the United States Government, begin on page .... 67 Facing Up to Our Crisis in Leadership: Follow the Leader 90 International Marketing: How to Reach 26 Million Customers Abroad ....100 The News of the Month in Perspective: Notes and Commentary 113 Skyport Cinema: Widening Horizons Among Influential Film Viewers 114 Wisconsin Film Brings State Story to Nation: We Like It Here 116 Pope Paul VI Visits the United Nations: Saga of The Journey 117 The Industry Film Producers' Journal: News of the Chapters 201 The 16th Annual Listing of Producers The Film Buyer's Key to Results: a Preface to Producer Listings 117 Alphabetical Index to the Producer Listing Section, begin on page 118 Geographical Index to Producers in the U. S., Canada and Abroad 119 1966 Listings of Specializing Film/Tape Producers, begin on page 121 16th Production Review Guide to Specializing Film/Show Writers 196 Representatives of the Film Manufacturers in the United States 216 An Index to Advertisers in the 16th Annual Production Review 224 Plus: the National Directory of Audio-Visual Dealers Acknowledgment: the colorful cover of this 16th Annual Production Review was created for us by the noted designer and film-maker. Morton GoldshoU. THE STAFF OF BUSINESS SCREEN Lditor & Publisher O. H. Coelln Lastern Manager Robert Seymour, Jr. Western Manager H. L. Mitchell liuropean Editor Robinson P. Rigg •Associate Editor Hilda Slive Production Manager Mildred Rosen Head, Mail Division Herbert Johnson liiu* One, Volume TwenlySoven of BuMnpji bci-cn Muga/mf. publiihed Mucch, 1966. Issued 8 timos onnuolly at six-week inlervoli ot 7064 Sheridan Rd.. Chicago, III. 60626 by Business Screen Mogozinsj, Inc. Phone BRiargote 4-8234.5. O. H. Coelln, Editor and Publisher. In New York: Robert Seymour, Eostern Monofler, 250 V^. 57lh St., Phones, Circle 5 2969. JUdson 2-1957. In Los Angeles: H. I. Mitchell, 1450 Lorain Road, San Marino, Calil. Phone: Cumberland 3-4394 Subscription t3.00 o your, $5 00 two yeors (domestic); $4.00 ond $7.00 foreign. Second doss postoge paid al Chicago, Illinois and ol additional mailing office. Entire contents copyrighted 1966 by Business Screen Magazines, Inc. Trademark registered U.S. Patent Office Address oil editorial and lubscnption inquirei to the Chicogo office of publication. BUSINESS SC REEN '9*