Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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Trade and Professional Organizations Serving the AudioVisual Industry Associations of Dealers, Engineers, Laboratories & ProdiKers in the U. S., Canada and Abroad THE ASSOCIATION OF CINEMA LABORATORIES, INC. Omici : 1925 K Street, N.W., Room 402 Washington, D.C. 2()00fi. Officers: Arthur J. Miller ( Du Art Film Labs., Inc.), President; A. E. Bruch (Capital Film Labs., Inc.), VUe Preskleni: Robert A Coiburn (Geo. W. Colburn Lab.. Inc.), Treasurer; Ncal Keehn (DeLuxc Labs., Inc.), Secretary. Preston B. Bergin (Association of Cine Laboratories), Executive Secretary. Board of Dirictor.s: Terms Expirc-Fall 1966: [-Mst. Kenneth J. Coleman (Pathe Labs Inc.); .So////,, A. I-;. Bruch (Capital Film I abs ' Inc.); Central. W. D. Metlclen (C'alvin Prods.,' Inc.); West, G. Carleton Hunt, (DcLuxc I.abs., Inc.); Canada. P.. W. Hamilton (TransCanada Films. Ltd.). Terms Expire-F-all 1967: East. John H. Asher (Lab-TV); South I;. F. Sack (Reela Films, Inc.); Central. Irank M. McGeary (Motion Picture labs Inc.); We.u, Burton Smith (Cine-Chrome Labs.); Canada. Findiay J. Quinn (Film House, Ltd.). Meetings: Held semi-annually at the same time and place as the Society of Motion Picture anil Television Fnpineers' conventions. • 48 FILM PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK, INC. Office (of the Executive Director): 165 West 46th Street, New York, N.Y. 10036. Officers: Louis Mucciolo (Gerald Prods Inc.). President: Irving Hecht (Cineffects Inc.). Vice President: Robert Colodzin (Colodzin Prods., Inc.), Secretary; Morris Behrend (WDC. Inc.), Treasurer. Directors: Fred Adair (Manhattan Sound Corp.); John Babb (F&B/Ccco. Inc.) Robert Bergmann (Filmex, Inc.); Manny Casiano (Coastal Film Service, Inc.); Jerome J. Cohen (Jerome J. Cohen, Inc.); T. Joseph Dunford Tfi^''". ^''"'' '"'-■•'• S''"'"^^ Grccnberu (MPO Prods.. Inc.); Robert Gross (American Film Prods. Inc.); Walter Lowendahl (Dynamic Films, Inc.); Samuel Magdoff (Elektra Films. Inc.); Peter J. Mooncy (Audio Prods., Inc.); Sheldon Satin ( VPI Prods Inc.); Wilfred .Sohl (EUE/Screen Gems)William Van Praag (Van Praag Prods.. Inc.). Producer Members: Allegro Film Productions; American Film Productions, Inc • Audio Productions, Inc.; John Bransby Productions Ltd.; Colodzin Productions, Inc.; Thomas Craven Film Corporation; Directors Group Inc.; Dynamic Films, Inc.; Elektra Film Productions. Inc.; EUE/Scrccn Gems; Farkas Films, Inc.; Filmex. Inc.; Filmfair, Inc.; Focus Presentations, Inc.; Gerald Productions, Inc ■ Henkin-Faillace Productions, Inc.; Ilkistra Films, Inc.; James Love Productions, Inc.; Marathon International Productions, Inc.; MPO Productions, Inc.; Owen Murphy Productions, Inc.; Fred A. Niles Communications Centers, Inc.; PGL Productions. Inc.; Pelican Films, Inc.; Producing Artists, Inc.; Production Center, Inc.; Rose-Magwood Productions; Savage-Friedman Prods., Inc.; Mickey Schwarz Prods., Inc.; Spectra Films. Inc.; Henry .Strauss & Company, Inc.; Tele-Video Productions, Inc.; TV & Film Graphics, Inc.; Van Praag Productions, Inc.; Vision Associates, Inc.^; VPI Productions; WCD, Inc.; Willard Pictures Inc. Associate Mf.mhiks: ABC Camera Corporation, Inc.; Animated Productions. Inc.; Bonded Service Division. Novo industrial Corp.; Camera Service Center, Inc.; Cineffects, Inc.; Coastal Film Service, Inc.; Jerome J. Cohen. Inc.; Color Service Co.; Du Art Film Labs, Inc.; Eastern FIfects, Inc.; F&B/CECO, Inc.; General Camera Corporation; Saul Kornreich & .Sons; Mecca Film Labs Corp.; Manhattan Sound Corporation; Movielab, Inc; Precision Film Labs. Inc.: Preview Theatre, Inc.; Recording .Sound Studios, Inc.; Reeves Sound Studios, Inc.; Charles Ross. Inc. Executive Director: Harold Klein PiRi'osE: An organization of professionals in the art and craft of motion picture making, dedicated to preserving standanls ol tjuality! service, good practice, ethics and to the development of the Industry. The organization, through membership meetings and active committees, works to advance the motion picture industry in all of its branches; to establish and maintain a high standard of ethics among producers, their employees, their supplicrL their clients; to distribute accurate infor " with regard to technical improvements vise the general public on the importan , the lilm industry in the nation's econoni i encourage responsible people to enter th'ir dustry; to promote, stabilize and coordina a elements of the industry. THE FILM PRODUCERS T ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA Officers: Clilf R. Sakrv (Promotional Fn, Inc.). President: Don Bajus (Studio nc Inc.); Secretary: Anthony Lane (Ant.n Lane Studios. Inc.). Treasurer: Clark I (Image, Inc.) and Dick Polister (En Photosound. Inc.), Managers, two and year terms respectively. Members: Countryman-Klang Film PrcL. tions; Empire Photosound. Inc.; George I ar Films. Inc.; Promotional Films, Inc.; Ri cii Film Associates; Anthony Lane Film Stuos Inc.; Studio One, Inc.; Image, Inc.; Slv Films, Inc. irc Purpose: The advancement of the arts „« crafts of film production for the bettcrunt oj nd and improvement of the film industr> establishment of improved client rclation> the exchange of technical information. Pro.jects: Advertising, publicity and p relations campaign to build recognition prestige for the accredited local film produ .., to enlighten business and industry in the Vis. uses and advantages, of films and to encou gc wider use of films in training, selling, aduis ing and public relations Meetings: Third Monday of each nicfh, 6:30 p.m., Minneapolis. he nd lie nd rs; Inlernational Producer and Laboratory Groups THE ASSOCIATION OF MOTION PICTURE PRODUCERS AND LABORATORIES OF CANADA Office (of the President): 121 St. Pal :k Street, Toronto 2B, Ontario, (of the Exd tive Secretary): Suite 512 York Street, Tonto L Ontario, Canada. Officers: S. Dean Peterson (Peterson I> ductions Ltd.. Toronto), President: Rogcil. Beaudry ( Pathe-DeLuxe of Canada. Ltd, I /(«' President: C. H. Everett (Crawley FiM Ltd.), Immediate President: Frank Young, Executive Secretary Directors: David Bier (Da\id Bier StuiS and Film Laboratories, Montreal); Heinz i. K. Drego (Williams, Drege & Hill, Ltd.. f roiito); Allen Guest (a1 Guest Animatil. Toronto); Pierre Harwood (Omega Prixl'tions. Inc.. Montreal); Lew Parry (Lew P^y Film Prods. Ltd.. North Vancouver); Amc Prelontaine (Trans-World I-'ilm Laboratori), Ltd.. Montreal). Mfmbfrship: Canadian firms, proprietorshi, partnerships and corpi>rations engaged in n^ BISINK.S.S .SCREEN \'* !