Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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NATIONAL DISTRIBUTORS OF SPONSORED FILMS MODERN TALKING PICTURE SERVICE: Jiiiic Gerisch, Coiiiinunicatums Manager John Sullivan, Accoiiiiling Marwger National Sales Offices E astkhn Division Sales at Boiitoii: llfiS ronimonwc;ilth Ave-.. Boston, Mass. (12 1 34 Phone: (617) 734-3732 Jack I-anglois, in charge at \\ iishiiijjton, D.C.: IS34 "K" St., N.W.. \\;ishii,ui„„. D.C. 20006 Phone: (202) 7S3-055S Kiank Hufford. in charge f^KNTRM. Division Salfs 160 E. Grand Ave., Chicago, III. 60611 Phone: (312l 467-6473 Jim Ik'iiko, RtfiidiKil Manager Jack Fowlie SoiTiiwiM DnisioN Salls 1411 Slocum St., Dallas, Texas 75207 Phone: (214) Rl 2-4106 Belt Do« niiiR, Regional Manager NN'estkhn DnisioN Sales at San Francisco: 16 Spear St., San Francisco, Gal. 94105 Phone: (415) Vlkon 2-9414 (iordon GiiiiiiiiiiiKs, Regional Manager at Seattle: c/o Rarig's, Inc. 2100 N. 45th St., Seattle, Wash. 98103 Phone: (206) MEIrose 3-3878 Clark Rarig SOL'TIIEH.N DiVISIO.N SaLES 714 Spring St., \.W., Atlanta, Ga. 30.308 Phone: (404) TR .->-.5666 Ken Chastain, Regional Manager BAf.KGnoiNi): The outgrowth of a pioncoring program in the field of talking motion pictures by Electrical Research Products, Inc., a subsidiary of the Western Electric Co., formed in 192r at tlie hnth <,t the commercial sound motion picture medium. .Modern Talking Picture Service first emerged as the noii-lhcatrical department of that company. An earl\' pioneer in the lic-ensing and operation of porlahje projection .service for industry, etc.. .Moderns present trade name was adopted !>> its licen.sees in 1935 and Frank Arhnghaus, then of ERPI, was placed in charge of this growing activity. .Modern hecame an independent corporation on Julv I, 1937. under the ownership and management of its distribution employees. SEHVitts: In 1965, in its 28th vear. Modern represents over 400 organizations from industry commerce and the professions, distributing their public relations films to .schools, (..lieges, pl:uits, olfites, and to (he public and private clubs, and socml groups throughout the United States and Canatla. Other |)rimarv chann<>ls of distribution in win, I, .Modern is a leading specialist include; theatres showing sponsored short subjects; tclevisir.n stations. Modern operates a network of 32 regional libraries. For sponsors utilizing Its service, the r ompanv promotes, ships cleans, repairs, maintains and stores their films! Additionalh. it counts anrlience attendance records lheircomm<-nls an<l l.irnishes the sponsor a monlhly t.ibulalion. K.vten ,, ,■ ||5M facilities and e<juii)ment b.r promotir,!,,,! printing are maintained at N,-w York l„-,„l,, „.,s. All regional libraries are e(iuipp,.d lor ,i. ,„nic lilm inspection and handling. In 19«). .Modern eslablishe.l Its .Modeni Leaniing Aids division to distribute educitional films for pur.l, s.ibs.ription (series rental) .ind lease-to-bin Mi \ distributes film series developed by the Physical Science Stud> Committee, CHE.Mstud>, Colonial Williamsburg, SMCG, and others. Regional E.xcuangks are located in Anchorage Alaska (811-8th Ave.); Atlanta, Ga. (714 Spring St., N.W.); Boston, Mass. (1168 Commonwealth Ave.); Buffalo, N.Y. (1122 W. Chippewa St.)Cedar Rapids, la. (129-3rd Ave., S.W.) Charlotte, N. C. (501 N. College St.); Chicago, III. (160 E. Grand Ave.); Cincinnati, Ohio (9 Garfield PI.); Cleveland, Ohio (2238 Euclid Ave ) • Dallas, Te.\. (1400 Slocum St.); Denver, cAo (922 Bannock St.); Detroit, Mich. (14533 Second Ave.); Harrisburg, Pa. (928 N. 3rd St.); Honolulu, Hawaii (742 Ala Moana Blvd.); Houston. Tex. (4084 Westheimer Rd.); Indianapolis Ind. (102 E. Vermont St.); Kansas City, Mo! (3718 Broadwa\); Los Angeles, Calif. (2400 W 7th St.); Memphis, Tenn. (214 S. Cleveland St )■ Milwaukee, Wis. (1696 N. Astor St.); Minneapolis. Minn. (1114 Nicollet Ave.); New Orleans, La. (715 Girod St.); New York, N. Y. (1212 Ave. of the Americas); Omaha, Neb. (1410 Howard St.); Philadelphia. Pa. (1234 Spruce St.); Pittsburgh, Pa. (910 Penn Ave.)St. Louis, Mo. (621 N. .Skinker Blvd.); San Francisco, Calif. (16 Spear St.); Seattle, Wash. (2100 N. 4.5th St.); Summit. N. J. (315 .Springfield Ave.); Washington. D. C. (927-19th St N.^V.): Don Mills, Ontario, Canada (1875 Leslie St.). Si>i:c:ial Activities: A ph>sical handling services is maintained for technical professional and special films. Recent references for sponsor reading (available on letterhead request or bv telephone from listed sales offices) include: The Modern Fact Rook of Sponsored Film Distribution; Rnsiness Films at the Movies; How to Reach the Television Audience with Bu.finess Sponsored Films; The Teen Age Market; and Ilotv To Hit The Bull's Eye With Your Business Motion Tieture. Skvi'oht Cinkma: Free movie lounges in airport terminals now operating in Atlanta. Cincinnati, Cle\-eland, Denver, Kansas Cit\ and Minneapolis. 1-^iIms provide entertainment and infonnation for waiting passengers and are shown continuousK for about ten hours each da\-. Modern Marketinc; Programs: Handles the sale and rental of business programs to industry; also coordinates marketing programs in the spon.sored film field. NEWPORT FILMS, INC. 630 Ninth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10036 Phone: (212) JU 2-1180 Se\inoiir Berkowitz. President Seima Fier, Vice-President Barr\ Berkowitz, Sahs Manager Ken Mt-IKvaine, Film Editor Services: Exclusive distributor of sponsored film for theatrical ROTHACKER, INC. Rothackcr Building, 241 West 17fh Street, .\ew York, N.Y. I ()« I I Phone: (212) 989-2929 Douglas D. Molh.ickcr, Jr., President W. Slanficld Cooper. Vice-President Edward V. Psotta, Vice-President .Ma\ine B. Dawson. Secret nnj-Trcasurer Ba< kgiioi'nd: Established in 1910 as the Rothacker l'"ilin Manufacturing Co., pioneer piodncei and distribnlor of spon.sored films, the organization was subsetiiienlly reorganized as Rolhacker. Inc., and is ciirK'iilly engaged in specialized business film distribution throughout the world. SE«vlc^x AN» Oi'eiiathins: Distribution of sponsored business films through theatrical, non theatrical and television outlets is handle* tr the New York office and the various distrul throughout the United States and Europi £ phasis is put upon reaching exactly theau ence the spon.sor wishes to reach; and t^ dividual approach is accomplished thron rate promotional campaigns, audienc-e ■-• publicitv and physical handling done n separate b;isis for each film. .\ general catoj is not published since each title receives anxc sive handling, thus assuring the sponsor oral complete identification and a closer tie-iiw his film. Prints are all hand-inspected, ui read, cleaned and repaired and a complete -co maintained on c-ondition of each print. Aiini vidual print breakdown with classifications i wa\-s available and print lifetime guarar-e a part of the service. MonthK exhibition ]-m sent with full information of each Special questionnaires and personal atteiao at screenings provide additional informatic aj can be key<?d to supplement companies' jth public relations efforts. FoHEicN Distribution: In addition to full )v« age throughout the United States and Ciad Rothacker, Inc., offers international distriitic .service for Europe and the Orient. TIi basis of operation is from Gennany wii distributors located in England, Franc-c, .'•itc navia, the Benelux countries, ltal\ and S-t?* land. The foreign distribution is handled i' ally the same manner as the domestic wit! emphasis on audience selectivitv and standard of the circulation of each film i this t\pe of activit> continues to grow throiltoi Europe, the number of specific outlets i sp cialized categories continues to increase. * INC. STERLING MOVIES U.S.A., Executive Office: 375 Park .\veiuic. New York, .N.Y. 100: Phone: (212) .586-1717 . Charles F. Dolan, President If -Sophie C. Hohne. Senior Vicc-Presidcni G. Roger Cahancy, Executive Vice-Presiml Morton J. Fink, Vice-President, Directo Sales Gordon J. Hampel. C.rncral Manager Operations Television Presentations, Inc. 375 Park Avenue. New York, N.Y. 100211 Phone: (212) 42l-9t)66 Robert E. Brock way. President Ira C;. DeLumen, Executive Producer Creative Pro<;ramming Services 375 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 1( Phone: (212) 586-1717 Robert E. Gur\ itz. President Edward Atwood, Production Manager National Sales Offices Eastern Region 375 Park Avenue, New ^ork, N.Y. Phone: (212) 5S6-1717 .Morton J. Fink; .Sophie C. Hohne. Ra W^ S.ilo; Robert \'aii Honten Washington, D.G. Sales Office 1750 Pcnns>lvania .Avenue, N.W. 2021 Phone: (202) 29S-.5980 MiDWESTKiiN Region 200 Si.iilh Michigan A\emie, Chicago, I 60604 Phone: (312) 9.39-60.56 I-"raiik J. Havlicek, Regional Sales MatlOgl ^^'KSTEnN Region 6290 .Sunset Boulevard, Los .-Vngclcs, '<''' 9002S. (Continues on pap I 62 BUSINESS SCRKEN I