Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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lEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Oice of Public Affairs: Directorate for Infmotion Services— Audio-Visual Division jie Pentagon, Washington, D. C. 20301 Its division is tlio cfiitriil Anned Forces conid^'jr news media and producers in the imporinl ields of radio, television, still pictures and )o|ii pictures. Direct contacts on national and ite.itional release matters in these fields are: Fl)ert W. Har\e\', Deputy Director nfomiation Services { Audio-Visual) ^hone: oxford 7-4162 ."irman T. Hatch. Chief. Radio-TV K'etcs Branch Ime: oxford 7-5111 ijij. F. N. Satterlee, USAF, Chief, News '''hoto Branch ■Phone: OX lord 7-1252 llnakl E. Hanich, Chiej, Motion Picture ^froduction Cooperation Branch Iphone: OXford 7-4596 Ir.iTlEs: The Motion Picture Production Co 11. tiiin Branch approves release of Armed stock footage which cannot be procured ri.illy for newsfilm television programs, il productions, etc. The Branch cooper h producers of some 35 major theatrical inns and 10-12 TV series featuring or re ... ;.i the .\mied Forces. Information on Armed "oi's films available for pubhc non-profit show ■ ■" fleared for public service TV programs can iiied from the Motion Picture Production tn,.iution Branch. 1e Radio-TV' News Branch releases approxi najy 275 (2-3) minute) subjects to the TV, ie\.film and theatrical newsfilm metlia annualh . t i,.intains two small Pentagon studios for ser\' riii the news media and radio programs, which interviews with top Defense officials. In I. the Radio-TV News Branch releases .ip and filmed messages b\' Secretaries and lf:1:e Chiefs provides advice and guidance to ' iitan,' film and TV producers on military I News Photo Branch releases to the press iniitelevision approximately 2,000 photographs ir. noNs: The only film directK produced A i»f Office of Public .\ffairs for the Secretar>' w '4ense is an annual film report on the prog '1 achievements of the Armed Forces. It tetl to be available in April, 1966. I Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Medical Illustration Service ims M. Goldberg, Chief, Medical 'Illustration Service ■Phone: .576-2866 Jin A. Ey, Jr., Asst. Chief. Medical 'Illustration Service jPhone: 576-2867 Jnes N. Young, Chief, Training Aids Division iPhone: 576-2865 |ss Daisy B. Howze, Chief, Audio-Visual \Support Center 'Phone: 576-2864 Jf(vmEs: This Institute makes or super\-iscs Hill for the .Anned Forces on medical subjects. Fa||,itiks: capability, and contracts uirjigh the .Arnn Signal Corps. DiliuBiTioN: AFIP operates a U.S. Army Signarorps film exchange for medicjil films. The Insiite procures and loans films for the .Medi!*l|er\ices of the .Anned Forc-es wherever and wrjiever they are needed. I'ncla.ssifietl films are 'vJable to members of the medical profession, wt borrowers paying return postage. For in'" 'ton atxjut available films, write the Covemf'rinting Office. Washington 25. D.C., and io The Film Reference Guide — Medical Ti^Mlied Subjects. Directorate for Armed Forces Information and Education Paul J. Murdock, Chief, Motion Picture Division Phone: OXford 7-2967 Dallas Halverstadt, .Vssistant Chief Phone: OXford 7-2967 • This office produces and distributes information films for the use of the Armed Forces. Films are distributed through the film exchanges of each service, through on-base theaters, and to .Arme<l Forces TV networks in 31 overseas locations. DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE The Pentagon, Washington, D.C • The U.S. Air Force produces approximately 40()-.50() reels of film each \ear b\ contract with conniiercial producers or in-service. These films are used by all levels of management for education, training and infonnational briefings. Activities: Headquarters, USAF at the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. The management focal point within the .Air Staff for all photographic polic\ is the Audio-N'isual Systems Division, Directorate of Operations. Complete address is: Hq U.S. Air Force AFXOPXB Washington, D.C. 20330 The ke> personnel in charge of the program are: Lt. Col. Lewis S. Clement, Jr. Thomas E. Fanner This office is responsible for determining or validating re(iuirements for all .Air Force motion pictures and insuring that the capability exists within the Air Force to either procure them by contract or produce them with in-house facilities. In this respect, they monitor the Aerospace .Audio A'isual Service. This organiaztion is a technical service under the Military .Air Transport Command and is directK responsible for producing or procuring films, adequate photographic documentation of the total Air Force mission and distribution of release prints. F.\<:iLiTiKs: The Aerospace Audio Visual Sei-vice. Orlando, AFB, Florida, is the headquarters for the Air Force world-wide photographic program. Complete motion picture production facilities located at the 1365th Photographic Squadron, Orlando, AFB, Florida, and at the 1352ntl Photographic Croup, Los Angeles, California, support .Air Force-wide production requirements. 135()th Motion Picture Stiuadron, .APCS. Wright-Patter.son .AFB, Ohio, is responsible for contract procurement and commercial production of -Air Force films, and provides in-ser\ice engineering and film report t\pc productions to Technical Comniands. The 1.35()th Motion Picture Squadron also maintains the I'S.AF l"ilin Depository, a film archixc with historical and current film footage holdings in excess of 99,000.000 feet. APC:S also maintains photographic units at Vandenburg AFB, Lompoc, f;alif.; Ent .AFB, Colorado Springs, C'olo.: and .Andrews .AFB, Camp Springs. Md. to provide documentary and instrumentation coverage of .Air Force missile and other activities. .APCS also maintains combat docunieiitar\ teams capable of rapid dcploMuenl anywhere in the world. These teams are pcnnancntlv located at March AFB. Hiverside, Calif.: Offutt AFB. Omaha, Nebr.; and Wesfover AFB. Cihicopce Falls. M.iss. Photographic Detachments arc also located overseas, in the Far East. Europe and certain other areas of the world, to pnnide historical and combat documentation film coverage of important events of national and .Air I'orce interest. .Additional information regarding the Air Force Film Program may be obtained by contacting: Col. William S. Barksdale, Jr. Commander. .Aerospace .A\idio A'isual Service. Orl.mdo AFB. Florida 32813 Phone: (.305) 841-5611, ext. 501 Audio-Visual Programs in the United States Government is -k ii \y. ALPHABETICAL INDEX Aeronautics & Space Administration, National -^ Agriculture, The Department of .70 .Air Force, Department of the . 67 .Army, Department of the 68 .Atomic Energy Commission, The 84 Commerce, The Department of 70 Defense, The Department of 67 Emergency Planning, Office of _74 Federal .\\iation Agency, The 80 Health. Education and \V elf arc _74 Information .Agency, The U.S. . . 84 Interior, Department of the . _..78 Library of Congress, The 85 Navv, Department of the 68 Peace Corps, The ... — S5 Post Office Department, The — 82 Treasurv Department. The U.S. ... 82 16| PRODUCTION REVIEW 67