Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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DOLPHIN PRODUCTIONS: miiiTCials (live aiul .uiiinattHl) ; 35mm anil I,,,' color ami li&W. For Dolphin liiteriiaIflevisioii fommorcials for iiitcniational ri'\()iciiin ami adaptatioTi of existing I iai for miilti-liiiiiiial markets; dealer trail.irthini;. aiiaK/ini;. planning and plaeing ulvertising campaigns around tlie world. lis; Four editing rooms; working ;irrauge\ill all studios in Ne\\ York City; out-of..iineetions for loeation pliotogr;iphy. |[.!NT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS ' v Pun His; C(iit)ii.\il World's i'dir. Hair nd Fair Stijlis U)(i5; .Vice '\ Easy (Clair, i-i/i on the \FL (CBS T\' NeUvork); ret Vice (Twentieth Century Fox). T\' lu lAUS for: CHS T\' Network; Michigan; U.S. Coast C.nard ( Jepson-Murray Pan-.^merican Miles Laboratories, Inc. : Otto Int;nti. Inc.); Procino-Rossi, Inc. iir.iMm .\dv. ); Colorforms Toys (Chalek & >4r. Inc.); The Esterl)rook Pen Co.; Bemzic Corp. (The Runuill Co.); Wise Potato ; Co. (The Lvnn Organization); U.S. Air EAST/WEST DISTRIBUTORS: Sh;nvK:ES; .Motion pictures; IX connnercials. FaCILITIKS: 3.5 ;md Uimm production e<iuipment, lights, soimd records, canier;Ls, etc.; editing rooms; 3.5 ;uicl Himm projection ;ui(l conference riHJins. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS MoTio.N Pic ri i(i;s: jouriuij ihroiifih Atuirnt Lands (.Arabian .Vmerican Oil Co.); Savajos Look Ahead (Standard Oil Co. N.J.). T\' CosiMKHC lALS for: Elinor Uandshunj (Hollvwood BrcMcl C!o.); \our Heart (New York llc;nt I-"uncl ) ; Splendid S/j/iirjjc.v (Miiniesota Mining Mc.Manus, John & Adams). •or Reserve (Hum.'. Smith. Mickleberry). Kevin Donovan Films West 44th Street, New York, N.Y. 10036 one: YUkon 6-6049 A €212 '(See complete listing under Connecticut) * DYNAMIC FILMS, INC. ecutive Offices: 40.5 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10022 jone: (212) PL 1-7447 jite of Organization: 1948 (visions: D\namic Theatre Networks, Inc. Dsnamics. Inc., D\i)amc Programs anch Offices: 133 Carnegie \\a\ , N.W., At'lanta, Ca. .30301 Phone: 404-524-7211. Don 0"Reill\, Manager. l,3()-7th St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222 Phone; 412-471-2780. William Mathews, Manager. [ithan Zucker, President alter Lowendahl, Exec. Vice President |a>'ne Leonard, Controller fina Hrownstone. Director of Promotion 'and Public Relations is; Producers ;mcl distributors of all andioiiiaterials including films, filmstrips, sound His. t.ipe and easel presentations lor inpublic relations, sales training, employee IIS and speci;ilized \isual aids. .Mso theatriitnres .md short subjects, television proiiig. special foreign language revision, 1 film productions, etc. F.acilities: Sound recording and dubbing studios, editing IS for .ill Uimm ;md 35miii ;iiidii)-\ isiKil pijliictioii. I^ENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS .Nlriox PicTiHE-s: Chemisiry at Work Sericf, !('. Chemicals); Indianapolis 500 ( MontgoniWard); Invasion of the Monsters (CHy of Nil York Dept. of Sanitation); \ational Sales .^< 'iiig I .\yerst Laljoratories) ; Revolution at SJi/ S;)ring.v (.Armco Steel Corp.); Continental/ ^rinii ((Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.); Bull) Pinolion (C.eneral Electric); Case of the Chised (■ (• (Nal'l. School Committee for Kconomic Ejcation); Drafi Racing, U.S.A. (Ashland Oil); T CoMMEHCiALS fof: U.S.O. (D'Arcy Adv.)_ EAST WEST DISTRIBUTORS, INC. '5 West 45tli St.. New York, N.Y. 10036 ••hone: (212) JU 2-fiSOO pate of Organization: 1958 liruce McConnachie. President i'lorton Mc<'oniiachie. Vice-President Joseph L>don, Secretary, Treasurer lieorge Leuck, Production Manager ! 'om Martin. Production Manager oe Dushock, Editorial Head ELEKTRA STUDIOS, INC. 33 West 46tli Street, New York, N.Y. 10036 Phone: (212) JU 2-.3606 Date of Organization: 1956 Samuel Magdoff, President Jordan Caldwell, Executive Producer Bert Hecht, Producer Sehvkks: Production of industrial, edncatioiuil, sales training films, trailers and T\' commercials. Fac:ilities; .St;ige; ;inimation st;iff ;ind facilities; editing, design. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pic:TUHii,s: Patterns of Communication (Western Electric); Agilon (.\gilon Milliken); Doc Buzuird (National Assoc, of Broadcasters); Packaging (Eastman Chemical); World of a Cirl (Scott Paper). I^W;.L-JL4iJ.J.Ulli^ E U E/SCREEN GEMS: .Aspirin; Falsfaff ( Dancer-Fjtzgerald-Sample) ; Kod.ik; Lark Cigarettes (J. W;dter Thompson); Jello; C;hrvsler ( Young & Rubicam); Betty f Crocker (.Neednam Ilarpc-r *< Steers); .American Airlines; Polaroid; Rhcingold Beer (Doyle, Dane & Bernbach); National .Airlines ( Papert, Koenig & Lois); Ballantine Ale (Sullivan, Stauffer, Colwell & Bayles); Scott Tissue (Ted Bates); Parliament f:ig;ireltes (Benton & Bowles); Cfievrolet (Camplx'll-Ewald); DuPont Corfam (N.W. Aver); Re\ioii Top Brass ( (irev .Adv.); ('lairol (Foote, Cone & Belding); U.S. Steel (BBD&O); U.S. Rubber (Fletcher Richards); American Oil Co. (D'ArcyAdv.). EUE/SCREEN GEMS 711 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. Phone: (212) J U 6-5582 Date of Organization: 1959 Branches: Illinois; 230 North Michigan, Chicago. Phone: (312) 782-8290. California: Columbia Hiiiich, Hollvwood Wa\ & Oak St., Burbiuik. Phone; (213) HO 2-3111. Ro\ Hollingswortli, Executive Producer; Burt Harris; Buss .Max berry; Ed Beatt> ; Jack Daniels, Directors. Michael Elliot, Vice-President. Executive Producer Steve Elliot, Vice-President, Executive Producer .Alfred Mcndel.sohn, Vice-President. General Sales Manager Dick Kerns, Vice-President In Charge Of West Coast Production Bill Sohl, Division Manager Jim DiCangi, Production Manager Pat DeRosii, Su/xri i.ving Editor Errol Linderniiin, Sales Managi r Jack Martin, Midtcest Sales Representative John Lewis, Director of Department of Process Photography Jerry Creenstein, Post-Production Co-ordinator Tonv Seiiiiger, Producer/Sales Representative Mark Druck, Producer/Sales Representative Michael Nebbia, Director/Cameraman .Arthur Ornitz, Director/Cameraman Sol Ehrlich. Director Cene I'ric-(lm;in, Director/Cameraman Martv Invin, Sound Engineer Si;iuic:ks: Industrial films, TV commercials, filmstrips and slides. Fac;ilitiks: Creative department: East C:oast. four stages and ecpiipment; West Coast. Columbia Pictures sound stages and back lot; casting, wiirdrobe, opticals, titlc-s, animation; Ifinini and 35miu production ecpiipment with recording in studio or on location, lu.imictic or optic;il somiil, Uimm ;ind 35mm, tr.insfcrs. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pkh iies for: National Council ot Churches of Christ of the U.S.A.; I'.S. Air Force Recruiting; I'.S. C:\psum; .Americ;m Petroleum Institute; AT&T; M.ivtag; U.S. Arnn , Avon; Johnston 6c Muiphv; U.S. Social Sc-curity Agency; Buclwejser Beer. T\' C:c)MMiin< iaus lor: Marlix)ro Cigarettes; United .Airlines (Leo Burnett); Bayer CHARLES ELMS PRODUCTIONS, INC. 163 Highland Ave., No. Tarrytown, N.Y. 10.593 Phone: (914) ME 1-7474; NYC (212) MU 6-8877 Date of Incorporation: 19.52 Ch.irles D. Elms, President Chiirles D. Elms, Jr., Vice-President Ruth .M. Elms, Secretary. Treasurer Services: Research and production of 16mm, 3.5min and 7()mm "Widescope" motion pictures; slide motion; sound slidefilms; slide-presentations; training iiKinniils and charts for sales promotion, sales tr;iiiiing ;ind education. Facilities; Studio and technical laboratorv , mobile camera, sound ;ind lighting <(piipment, "Widescope" c;imer.i RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS MoTio.N Pic:tihes: 1966 S.M.I. Mid Year (Philip Morris). llow To Develop Sales Impact In Compact Space (Philip Morris); Stop Trouble Before It Starts; Service Is Our Bu.siness (Gas Consumers Service); Our Cu.stomers; Our 20th Anniversary (Federal Boiler Co.). MATT FARRELL PRODUCTIONS, INC. 213 East 3Hth Street. New Yi>rk. NY. 10016 Phone: (212) .MU 3-835 S Date of Incorporation: 1951 Matt I':iirell, President & Ceneral Manager C. Lillian I";irrell, Secretary-Treasurer Williiim Mc.Alc-c-r, Vice-President ix Director of Photography fosepli I-';iro, Production Manager Skuvic i-.s: Production and distribution of sound motion pictures and sound stripfilms for business and industry. Facilities: Comnlete Uimm and .35mm motion picture and stripl^ilni prinluctioii; color iUid l)&w; sound studio, magnetic film recorcling, editing services, script, foreign language, art uiirk. .mim.ition. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS MolloN I'lc n UK--; (.rriMcr oil ) our Side; Mdk lidltlt Magic. Modern Bulk Loading of E.xplo.sives (Hercules I'owder Co.); Don M the Drain; This is r.S.S. Black Base; Corrosion Control of Underground Steel (U.S. Steel C^orp. ) ; The Sami is Mallory (P. R. Mallorv Co.). FILM ENTERPRISES, INC. 485 Fifth Avenue, New York. N.Y, 10017 Phone: (212) MU 2-3973 Date of Incorporation; 19.59 James R. ILindlew President F. William Br>ant, Jr., Secrctary-Trea.surcr Howard .A. M;inn, Production Supervisor Johan Holm, Production .\ Judv Collins. Office Manager Ruth Nnssbaum. Bookkeeper \h PRODUCTION REVIEW 127