Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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I Wilding Inc. 2* ChesU-r Am-.. {Iivilaiul, Ohio Pljie: (216) 771-40:}0 HaMiiDiicl. Vicr-PrcsUh lit , oiiipli'tc listirii; under Clhir.ino area) 1 Dayton, Ohio I ' WILLIAM DITZEL PRODUCTIONS 1^1 HcmpstiMtl Hoiid, Dayton, Ohio 45429 p',„e: (513) 29S-53S1 lit of Ornaniziitioii; 1962 \«!iiim C. Ditzel, Oiciwr ^ Script and pnxUicr motion pitturcs, s, T\' proKr.iins, (.■oininertials. and nicct ,( iLiTiKs; .Anricon, Hell & llowdl, Ciiie .inK-ra.s; eth'torial facilities, mnsic library. Ill .mini.iti in.iniietl as needed. ,^., I PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS |o1)N Pii tires: P(Is Dc Dciix — Sew Laundry, '' 'rtwixic Dryness Control (Frigidaire Div., Scintilla (United .\ppeal Campaign); Hall of Fame Atiards ( .Aviation Hail of \'\ Co.MMKHc lAi.s for: D. W. .\likesell I). VW .MikeseJl C;()./\\ iliis-Case Harwood. i FILM ASSOCIATES, INC. !lO S. Dixie llishway, Dayton. Ohio 45439 Ine: (513) 293-2164 l!:e of Organ i/.ation: 1937 t'.Ka>iii()iid \m. President & Producer Vdred C. ,Ani, Vice-President & Controlh r I "f Lawrence, Office Manager & Seciirilii ■:rcr I .Scliwajjer. Expeditor; Editorial t K. D\e, Chief Enniiietr Sound Services . ..d Hartholoniew, Producer. Art & Animation Mrcctor (:>rge Wlialen. Jr.. Laboratory Services & Quality Control is; .Motion pictures, slidefilms, TV films iinercials (live or animated). Facilities; ' department; studio; lahoratorv'; titles; mi; 16mm production e(|iiipment with • ct)rding in studio or on location; .Anipex il Hoffman magnetic sonnd; Manrer Opli..(li.uks. !E>:NT productions AND SPONSORS \ Pi( tubes: a Day in the Life of a Kitchen Mire Div. of Cleneral Motors): 1965 Hainan Stake; 196.5 Little Broun ]up, (U. S. ^ .\ss'n.): It's the Combination That (Kcnner Prodvicts Co.): MATS' World ' (L'.S. Air Force); LJED 1965 (Large ■^iiie Dcpt., Clencraj Electric Co.). T\' ' iiciALs for: Bob Evaii.s' Farm Sausa<ie \ Bowman .Adv.); Ohio Xat'l. Bank (John "U .Adv.); Kenner Toys (Leonard Sive *(<); Partridge Meats ( Kircher. Helton Adv.). Metropolitan Chicago Studios ACADEMY FILM PRODUCTIONS, INC. 12:t West Clustiint St., ( lijca',;.). III. (i(t(iH> Phone: (312) .Michigan 2-5877 Dale ol Iiii<)rpor;ttion: 1950 lieiiiard Howard. Pres. & Exec. Producer Donna Lee Jolinson, Associate Producer .Seuvkes: Oeation and production of 16mm and 35mm motion pictures, slidefilms. slides, widc.screen and other presentations for 'IN', conventions, meetings and sales aids for hoth the broadcast medium and industry, education, and i)usiness. Specializing in sales promotion and medic;d films. Editing, writing, recording, titling for outside producers. Writing, directing, production services for ad ;igencies and industrial firms. Animation as well as live shooting. I".a< ii.ities: Camer;is, lights, cables, mike booms, dollies, recoriliiig eiiuipment, etc., for complete production and shooting either in own studio or on location: 30' X 45' X 14' ceiling sound stage. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS MoiioN l'i( n iu;s: Ciiliilot: Mirchdndisin^ ( .Montgonierv Ward IBM): Aliilia Index File (Continental Clasualtv Co. IBM): Sined Spectacular (Ceneral Electric): Easy Does It (.American Institute of Laundering). Sliuei-ilm: Sheelrock-Styrofoam (U. S. Gypsum). ILLINOl: ACTION FILMS, INC. .South Spring Street. l-,lgiii. Illinois lonc: (312) 742-(tS77 ite of Organi/ation: 1964 al Middlesworth. Pri sidrni >^NT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS N I'uTlKES: The Peoria T.T. Satiimal •utiisliip Motorcycle Haces; Shoic and C,o Murlevant Co.); The \Olh .\iiniial Xatioiial pioiiship Drag Races (Dodge Div.-C:hr\sler t'<i'. Wvnn Oil Co.); 1965 Indianapolis .500, Alj Wide W orld of Sport. ( Mobil Oil Co. Ford M|)r Co. Autdlite/Wyim Oil Co./P. A. Sturtevai Co.): Slidefilms for: The Pure Oil Co.; A'iricaii Trucking .Assn. T\' Commeucials; L<! Biiniett Co., for Pure Oil Co.; Procter & Chle. * GILBERT ALTSCHUL PRODUCTIONS, INC. 909 W. Diversey Parkway, Chicago, III. 60614 Phone: (312) LAkevicw .5-6561 Date of Organization: 1954 Gilbert Altschul. Pres. & Executive Producer Bruce Colling. Vice-President Len H. Slaton, Vice-President Esther -Altschul, Secretary-Treasurer Don Schumacher, Production Manager Services: Production of motion pictures, slidefilms, slide presentations for industr\ . education ;ind go\eniment. Fac:ilities: Sonnd stage; editing, record'iig and animation facilities. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS .MoTio.v Pk Tiui-s: B(if Beyond lidiij. Hiulding the Stare Image (Swift & Co.); People Are .Ml Alike (Naitonal Safety Council): Henry Plans Ahead (American Dental Association); Racing (Monogram .Models, Inc.). Slidefilms: The Personal Medium (Specialtv Ad\ . A.ssn.); Three Sides to Success (Pure Oil Company). ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVES INC. 153 West Ohio Street. Chicauo. III. (ilKilO Phone: (312) 644-81.50 Date of Organization: 1956 O. W. Neebe, President -Creative iXrector James R. Neebe, Executive Vice-President James Barlow. Secretary-Treasurer Del Schroer, Pnidiiei r-Direclor Milan Slade, .\iiimalion Director Services: Creators and produc-ers ol motion pictures, slidefilms ami related materi.ds lor business, industrv, tele\ision and educition. Ia< ii.iTIES: Art and ;iniin;ilion departinriit Studio .iffiliations. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS MoiioN ruTiius; Bnakthroiigh; Yiar End Sales Meeting (Tath;un. Laird ;md Kudner lor Procter and (iiunblel; 10 Second Opining and Closing ID. (Cioodmau Furniture Coinp.iuy). TV Commercials for; Lincoln Nation.d Bank and Company (Bonsib Inc.). * this sxTubol over a producer's listing in these p.iges refers to displ;i> advertisement in this 16th Production Review issue. CHICAGO PRODUCERS ATLAS FILM CORPORATION nil .SoMlli B.MiUv.ird. O.ik Park, III. Phone: 1312) AUstin 7-S620 D.ite of Organization: 1913 W illi.un F. Benoist, Jr., President .A. S. Br;idish, Vice-President. Production Roswell P. Mason, Treasurer J. Stephen Cr;iwford, Secretary Frederick K. Barber. Vici -President Sales (;er;ild D;i\ is. Editor W illi.un ll.irris. Editorial Ralph SiUinders, Sound Engineer (;len Nit'iuium, Laboratory Catherine .Nii-in.uin. Sigiitne Cuttir Doiuild N. Pier(|uet. Purchasing L. .A. Kruncl. Acanintant Seiivk Es: 16inm and 35mm public relations and tr.iining motion pictures and slidefilms; color ami sound; TV commercials; short subjects; theatrical shorts, p.ickaged programs. Facilities: (;.uneras. 16mm and 35mm; RC:.A 35inm and 16nim direct positive sound recording; art department; time-lapse photograph two sound stages; laborator\-; animation; 35mm optical printer; editing; creative st;iff. Magnetic recortling; .35mm. I6nun and 17'2mm. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS MoTKi.s PicTi HEs: It's in the Bag ( I'liited St.ites (Apsum C:o. ); Sro;)«(i(r ( I'.S. Nav\ i ; Hour .\fler Hour Day .After Day (The B.F. C.(H)drich Co.); Evacuation Procedures; Sonieoni Out There; The C-141 .Mrcraft; Water Survival (U.S. .Air Force); Something Special; Progress Report (Union Special Machine Co.); Z<to Defect ( Firestone "Tire & Rubber C:o. ) ; Thcrmosphere Probe (XAS.A). Slidefilms: Dynastat Control; D< signed for Rock ( Buc\ nis-Erie Compan\); Dealer Service Report; Rear Dumps; Front End Loader; Crawler Tractor; Scrapers (Euclid Division of General Motors). T\' Commercials for; Household Finance Corp. (Needham. Harper & Steers): CO. & W.D. Selhness Corporation: Illinois Claiming C:o. (Griibb .Advertising. Inc.); Wheelhorse Prcxlucts (Success .A<1vertising. Inc.). BECKER-GOESSL, INC. 5621 Dempster Street, Morton (irove, Illinois Phones: Morton Grove: (312) YO .5-3121:22 Chicago: (312) 267-0058 Date of Organization: November. 1961 Frank G. Becker. President. Photographer M;nvin E. Cloessl, Vice-President. Art Director Paul G. Rosenau, Vice-President Sales (doriii Kondell. Design Illustration Paul Clilf. .Ar/ Manager \\ illi.un Brixlt. :\rt Prodiiclion Fiul Lindherg. Photographic Udwratory \\.\n\ Hedluud. Pholograplrc Illustrator Sin\l<F-s; N'istii screen filmstrips; wide screen lilmstrips, somid slitlefilms; slides; \u-C;r.iphs; movies; TV commerci.ds: flipch.irts; easel presentations; ch.uts ;ind graphs; collateral in.iterial: slidefilm ;uum.ition, .irt. c.irtoons. illustr.itions. lettering, t>liograph\ . Fa< ii.itiks; Photogr.iphir studios, slidefilm .mimation cameras, slide production and mounting ei|uipment. film processing labs, txpesetting i.icililies. white and coloretl t>pe cell overlays. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Slidkkiims; Project 66. Xalional Deahr Muting (Johnson Motors): Salional Dealer Meeting (ILmiilton Beach); Dr. 7Jv.vago ( Metro-Cioldwyn Maver. Inc.); Management Meeting ( Intern.itiou.d Miner;ds & Chemicals Corp.): Midwest Dealer Meeting (Avon Prfxlucts Co.); Management Meeting ( A.B. Dick); Drier .A.t/r Preloading .Adjustments ( Interniitional Harvester); Torque Convertor and Transmission (Frank ('•. ^ PRODUCTION REVIEW 153