Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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T PRODUCTIONS INCORPORATED : IQil PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS (,,,], Pi( iiHKS: Siirrdcrtif {drnvrvtv Maiiitr IVixlucfs); Huill-ln Durabililii (Clark lit Company); Design for Profits (Iowa liiriiiK C^ompaiiy); licliiiul Your liallol I lioartl of I-"Iottioii Commissioners); Trr/c (Metropolitan Criisiide of Mertv ) . \is: Application for SiictTus (Ford Mar ^-.titiition) ; Apinoach to Perfection (Allen (4)rnpan\); Good, And 'I'uesdinj (Gun irreii Printint; ("omp;un'); Thomas Coitp r\ ('tuiinl)elt C<>:npan\, Inc.); Nielsen Index (A. C. Nielsen). * PINNN PRODUCTIONS 4(.l Erie Street. Cliieano, Illinois (JOfill pine: (312) 7S7-S432 lie of Organization: 1957 111 J. Powers, President .1 Powers, Secreldry-TretiMirer ilcliel. Production Director H. Johnson, Creative Director \\UMn licRotli, Sales Director SKnpi.ick, Art Director vard I"itz>;er;ild, Craphics Art Driector Hold .Vrnston. Plioto^rapliic Director U Mat/, Comptroller IJiia Colz, Account Executive .■Vi D()\le, Production Coonlinator F|iik Rossi, Sliij)j)infi & Packifi^ Coordinator C|ie Matferer, Assistant Art Director Lj Sonnderberg. Artist ijk Hiiberkorn, Artist ti Acct. Executiic M Spiel, Animation Cainerman Jji Majewski, M.irxin Collins. Producliini (iiig Saknarai, Lidxtratonj Technician ii((ES: Creation ;ind production of slidefilms. A (ides, slide presentations and Vista-Sell pror.ij> for iiidnstr\', business anil education. Com'• ' hiilios for cre;iti\e product and fashion iph\ iiicludiMg artists, ilesigners and writI .1 collateral materiiil and sales promotion riijictinn. Special packaging and shipping facilielfor ipiantitx' prognnns. Facilitie.s; 2 0.\erl animation cameras, Mitchell animation »i|ra with stands; full range of 35mm 4 x 5. "jlO and 11x14 cameras; automatic slide iiviter: automatic slide duplicator; three color ri:-s.">ing hibs for roll, sheet film and color ri's. B & W lab for processing film and enir^Tients, Creati\e ;irt department with Healing type machines. 20. 000 sipuue feet of shootiiltrea. EjENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Slaijini^ Aliidd in REID H. RAY FILM INDUSTRIES : 'l'\' films, T\' connnerciids, anim;tlion and gr;ipliic design, .Screening room with interlock fiicilities, (See complete listing under St I'.nil. Minn.) RMP Productions of Chicago 203 North N\ abiisli .\\e., C;hicaKo. Illinois Phone : (312) 372-SfiS3 ken Drake, Execulicc in charge (Sec complete listing under Rose-.Magwood Productions, New York City) I.iKII.Ms: iodaij Shou >i| 42 Water Heaters Youtluiuaki' (Sears, Roe 1^. anil Co.); Plant & Aninud Relaliintships; 'j History of Texas; Retoltition of Mexico. I'ls of 8. Piii;si;Nr.\Ti<)Ns: Kellogg's Ke\ Bis■i{<' Sales .Meeting; Kroehler S;des .Meeting, ipany Meeting; (Leo limnett Co.. Inc.); •{•en.' Sales Meeting Film (Swift & Co.); ■istmas. 19f-)5; Ilistorv of Shoes (Sear.s, Roe<V< and Co.); 100 Percent Club Meeting (In'■jational Business .Machines). * Reid H. Ray Film Industries, inc. 08 South l.aSalle Street, Chicago. III. (i(l(>04 "hone: (312) Fl G-0S;)7 Hyde krebs, \'ic< Pres.. General Sales L. Johnson, Midwest Acct. F.xecutivi horotln Power, Special .^vsistant ,<eid II Ra\, President & Producer j'lllsworth Polsfuss, Director Hobert Winter, Film Editor reative staff for scripts, stor>lx)ards for the duction of motion pictures, sound slidefilms. * SARRA-CHICAGO, INC. Hi Fast ()nl;nio Si.. Chicago, III. (>()(ill Phone: (312) Wllitehall 4-5I.)l Date of Organization: 1937 William Newton, President Marvin Baile\-, Vice-President Jack f^)nrad, Vice-President Ihuold l.ignell, Vice-President Pat Saviano, Production .Manager SiiKVK:Es: Production ol TV commercials. Fac;iliTiES: 16mm and 35mm equipment, three stages and processing hdioratorv'. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS T\' CoM.MKiu I Ai.s tor: .Mlst.itc Insurance; Campbell Soup; Commonwealth Edison; Clearasil; Green Giant; Kellogg's; Nestle"s; Pillsbur\ ; Procter & Gamble; Pure Oil; Schlitz; Stiukist; Swift; United .Air Lines (Leo Burnett); .-Vlberto Culver; .American Bakeries; Ken-L-Ration; Oscar Ma\er; Quaker Oats; Sterling Beer; 7-l'p (J. Walter Thomp.son); Dr Pepper ((irant .AiKtg. ); Northern States Power; Iowa Power; Hamms Beer; Red Ball Jets; .American Dair\ .Assn.; Malt-O.Meal; .Admiral; Wilson .Meats; Toro (CampbcllMithun); Reynolds .Aluminum; Toni Co.; Kemper Insur;mce; Ser\iS<)ft; Hamilton Beach (C'linton E. Frank); Robin Hood Flour; Rust-Oleum (D'Arcy); Procter & Clamble; Maryland CMub Coffee (Tatham-Laird) ; Sunbeam ( Perrin & .Assoc); .Miles Lab; Texize; Pet Dairv ( Heniler.son Advtg.): Alberto Culver (BBD&O); Sunbeam; Chicago Tribune; Sara Lee; Johnson's Wax; Peoples Gas (Foote, Cone & Belding); Go Dog Food; Zales (Bloom .AiKtg.); .Alberto GuKer (Knox Reeves); Serta ( M;icManus, John, & Adams); F & F ( Lilienleld) ; .Michigan Fruit; Joh Morrell & Co. (Geyer. Morey & Ballard): I'irst Wi.sconsin Bank (Cramer-Krasselt). SDZ, INC. 156 East Superior, Chicago, III, (i()(i(l3 Phone: (312) DE 7-1015 D;ite ol Incorponition: 19fi5 Divisions: Showuiandi/ers, Inc., Broadcast I'Viitures Bernard H. Baker, President & E.\eciitiv<' Producer John II. Steu.nt, Vice-President & Producer Gordon Dupee, Vice-President, Profirainnud Instruclion Williiim C;. Biiiier, .Associate Producer Robert WcDvck. Music Director John Ciorav'. .Ar^ Director .Seiuu ES: Total creiitive ;mk1 production scr\iifs for motion pictures, slidefilms, film strips, business theater anil staged i-onvention servii-es. Emplo\ee communic;itions and training |irogr;uns for industrs. Fai ilitie.s: Inilustrial stages and st.igettes; motion picture and slide iirojecfor ei|uipment; show domes ;inil tenis; Poinl-olPurcluise The;ilers. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Si.n)i:iii.Ms: Etuploijee Pri \entat:oi\ ( ( li.impicin Papers. Inc.); E.mphnjee Presentation ( Me.iilJohnson, Inc.); Three Giant Steps ( Montgomerv Ward ;md Co.). STAi:Kn PmiDi i Tii)\s: Rheem Sales Meeting; Ilawker-Siddeley Emplo\ee Meeting. CHICAGO PRODUCERS SOCIETY FOR VISUAL EDUCATION, INC. (Subsidiary of General Precision Equip. Corp.) 1.345 Divcrsey Pkwy., Chicago, Ml. ()0«iI4 Phone: (312) .52.5-1500 Date of Organization: 1919 John G. Kennan, President Walter E. Johnson. Vice-President Casimir V. Wejman, Treasurer James McEiitee, Coninurcial Productions Si;hvii:ks: Cjcalors and proihiiers of sounil slidefilms, filmstrips, and slides for industr>'. Producers .md distributors of sponsored filmstrips for industiA to schools ;ind ihnrches. FA<:lLlTn;s: .Art ilep;irtment, Ludlow hot press typeset, 1)&\\ and color processing, automatic and semi-automatic single and ilouble-frame 35nun sliile binding, slide c;imer;is, ;mim;ition camer;is, b&w and color still photograph\ . RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS , .Air Coud'tioniuji. Senit e ( Intern.itional Hanester Company); Packaged Pronram for In-Service Audio-Visiml Education (Ohio State l'niversit\ ); The Story of Coated .\hra.sives (C;o;ited .Abrasives Manufacturers' Institute); Water Science for the Home (Ciilligan Incoqior;ited); Conimunitdlions (East Ohio (;;is Coinp;ui\ ) . SPORTLIGHT FILMS 20 North Wacker Dr.. Chicai;... III. (iOfiOfi Phones: (312) 23C-.Sy55; 236-.S4.SS Date of Organization: July. 19.55 .Alfred D. LeN'ine, General Manager. Producer Tom C^arnegie, Talent Director CMiiules Lee. I'nit Manuficr Miir\ Ciirroll, Comptroller Robert Reimer. Dick I'pton, Writers SiiHvii Ks: Motion pictures for industrx , T\', eilucation, commercials, "how-to" marketing; special events and direct sponsor assignments; in-pl;mt iinil entertainment, instructional documentaries. Faiii.ities: On loc;ition or studio; Bell & Howell 70DRs, Cine II, .Arriflex. Echiir: Nagra tape recorders, mikes, lip s\nc. color or b&w; suppK c;unera crews to cover events; color or l)&w stock film ,i\ail.d)le. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS MorioN Pu:TlUK.s: 1 Tor the Money (Thompson Industries); From Start to Finish (Eli Lilly & Co.): Driver's Choice (Brxant Mfg. Co.); '^5 IXDY ".oOO" (Sportlife ".500" Films); Hon to Hit Long Ball (Wilson Sporting GiM)ds), SPUR PRODUCTIONS, INC. 57 West Grand V\e., Cliicauo, 111. (i(l6I0 Phone: (312) ,321-1222 Date of Inioiporation: I9Wi R:nisom P. Dunnell, President l-"r;ink B.d)coik, Secretary-Trea.\urcr Rolx'rt Fahsbender, Sales Munaiicr Patricia Hannnan. .A.v.sY. Secretary-Treasurer Skhvicks: Proihiction of T\' c-onnnercials; indiistri;d and sales tr;iiiiing films. Fai II.ITIKS: Uimin ;md 35nun ei|uipment. Midwest Represenl.iti\es for: M;nk \'II ( "onunercials, lIolbwiMul. (';dif. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS \(\\\ inciii por.iti'd in l')(>(ii TAKE TEN INCORPORATED 360 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. III. 60610 Phone: (312) 346-0782 D.ite of Organi/.ition: 1961 David R. Hayes, President & Board Chairman John Frigo, Vice-President. Musical Director Leo Peyton. Comptroller (Cont'd on P. IfiO"* Ih PRODUCTION REVIEW 157