Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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WEST CENTRAL STATES EMPIRE PHOTOSOUND INCORPORATED: Instituff.) T\' CoMMKRciALs for 3M Co. ( Macinamis. John & Adams): Croat \orfherii Railway Co. (Joliii \\ . Kornex AiK. ). Sails MkktING: 1965 The liifi Sr// (IiittTiiatioiial Minerals & Clu-tnical Corp.). Phkskn tations: Theo. \\". HaniMi UriwiiiK Co. 196.5 Sales Meeting; Fanners Union Central E.\cliange 1965 Annual Meeting. ANTHONY LANE FILM STUDIOS, INC. 74(11 W.iv/al.i BIwI.. Miimiapolis. Minn. Phone: (612) 545-2518 Date of Organization: 194S Branch Offices: New York: 2 Overhill M., Scarsdale. Phone: SC 5-3477. Neil McCaffrey: Washington. D.C.: 2S2S Connecticut Ave.. N.W. Phone: 332-7617. Lawrence Criswold: California; 28.59 Federal Ave.. W. Los Angeles. Paul W'urtzel. .Anthony Lane, Chainiuiii of thi lioiird William R. Heideman, President Sereno S. Scranton. Director Teeliuieolor Equipment Sales .Muriel Ho\orka, Comptroller David Court. Procliietion Coorclinalor .Seiuk:k.s; 16 and 35nun production of industrial and T\' films and connncrcials. Hunting ;ui(l other sports films a specialtv . .\nimafion: sound slidefilins; recording for radio, T\' and films. I"a( ilitiks; Sound stage; recording 16 and 35nim magnetic. V4" tape; three music libraries; sound effects lihran.'. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS MorioN I'll niu.s: Hiiitonili — The Wonder (■lay: Our World of Cliemieals (Archer, Damels, Midland Co.); Melroe lioheat — Grain and Fertilizer llaiidlinfi (Melroe Mfg.); Cre.w from Beyond tli( S'ortli Wind (Anthony Lane Studios); Seven Rules of Bicycle Safety (Colden \;ille\ Safet\ Council). Slumcfilms: Carpet Maintenance (Ad\;mce Floor .Machines Co.); Sature'.s Clieekerhoard (Forest Industries Information Conunillee) . LOW & ASSOCIATES, INC. 7708 .Morgan Ave, South, .Minneapolis. Minn. Phone: (f)12) 866-4110 O.ilc ol Organization; 19.59; lac. 19()1 R. (ilenn Low, President & Producer l<ose;uiii(' E. Low, Vice-President & Associate Producer Instill S. Fdwards, Vice-President \\\u\e\ P. Armstrong, Dire<tor Richard W. Laird, Art & Aiiiiiinlidn Director jarnes ('.. filoegc, Writ( r Si-.nvif Ks: Writing and production ol motion pictures for industry and government. Slidefilms; T\' commercials and producer's services. I"acil.ITlK.s; .Modern studio with complete live action and ;uiiinatioii production f;i(ililies. .Vrrifle.v and high-speed camera e(|uipmenl, sound stage. .\agra. .Magnas\iic and Stiincil-llolfnum sound e<|m'pmenl, eleclrical interlock sy.stem, ColorTriin (|Uint/ lighliir.; Moviola and complete editing er|uipment. RECENT PRODUC'IONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pkimii-.s: I DM (lloncvwcli. Inc.; XTDS WDS Mark I System (ININAC, Div. Sperry Rand Corp.), Two Chissifietl l-'ilms (Army .Munitions Comn, id); Mdal Parts l-'alirication. Automated Assi I'ly; Cost Hiduetion; Classified Milal Parts; M. production. Loadinn,, Assemhiy and Packanin^ (Juality Assurance: Tunnel Destruction ( Picatii. \ Arsenal); The Mamj l-'acels of ItDL (llarrv l^i.mioiul Laboratories) ; Air Force Pliotonraphy Base Photo Lab (I'.S. Air Force). PROMOTIONAL FILMS, INC. 1.(13 C;amhridge St., Hopkins. Minnesota .55343 Phone: (612) 935-2183 ( Mim.eapolis ) Date of Incorporation: 1955 .Alfretl K. Peter.son, President & Prod. M^r. CMti R. S;ikr\. Sales .\/g;. & Cr(atite Dir. (George Dimgliert\, Tech. Dir. & Prod. Asst. James .Mitchell, Prod. A.sst. SiiiuTCEs; Script-to-screen production serxices lor color and h&w sound motion pictures, lilmstrips ;ind slidefilms for business and industriid promotion. ;id\crtising, product, training, public rel.itions; hunting, fishing, other outdoor films; icligious, c(luc;itional iuid orgiuiizatiouiil films; live or animated T\' commercials. C^ompletc I6mm color-.sound motion picture printing services. Facilitiks: Lighting, photographic and souiul e()uipment lor studio or loc;ition; script writing, ;ut, ;inimation, film editing and sound editing depts.; film music librar\ ; full recording, sound nu'xing, conforming, interlock and projection booth facilities. I'ndcrwater camera e(|uipment for acpiatic pli<)togr;iph\ . Printer for I6nnn sound-color motion pictuics. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS MorioN l'i( iiTus: LiA'ara Magiea de llydiaClean: Think Ink: Lube Raw^er (Cra\ (^o.. Inc.); 7"('.v(;.v Fi.shiufi Manic ( Theo. Hanun Brewing Co,); // Only . . . I (Lutheran Hrotlierhood Fraternal Ins. Society, Inc.); Triple-K Cultivator: Texas Potato Harvester: Minimum Tillage Eqtrpnienl: Farnduind Power Ditcher: 440 Spreudir: 430 Spreader: Corn Blurr: WIucI Rakes: Hay Mill (The Farniliiuid Co.); Pollard 54{); Pollard 640 (Pollard Rake Co.); Leopard Hunt (Jimnix Robinson). Si.joi:! 11..MS; Windrincer (Owatonna Mfg. Co.); Operation Shipshajte (Gra> Co.); Pakorol X-F: Between Camera and Album: Ow World. One Industry: Buck Ro<iers Show (PAKO C;orp.); Civic Plannin<i (Northern States Power Co.); Select Your F.mploymcnt (Control Dat;i Corp.); T.V7" Promotion (C'has. Phizer Pharmaceutical Co.); Another Bends Solution: 17.\' Auto Mac (Remis RagC;o.); The Arion Ar-Tik (Minnesota .Audio \'isual. Inc.). T\' Commehcials for: Prodiiclioii Credit (Colle-McVoy Agency). * REID H. RAY FILM INDUSTRIES, INC. 2269 Ford Parkway, St. Paul. Minn.. .55116 Phone: (612) 699-139.3 Date of Org;iniz;ition; 1910 Branch Offices: 208 So. Lii Salle St.. C:hicago, 60604. Phone: (312) FI fi-()897. CKde Krebs. Rci<l II. R;i\, President & Producer .•\li(c \I. (iriswold. Seeritary l%lls\\()rtli II. Polsfuss, A.sst. Secretary Ik Prodiii ir Mrs. Ruth .\sliton, .A.vsr to the President .Mrs. I'"r;iiices llostettler. .A.s.sV. 'Treasurer T. J. Il<'rm;inn, Controller Civile krebs, \' ice-President. C.eiural S(dcs Webb Iledin, Twin City Area Acct. Exec. Fd. L. Johnson, Midwest Acct. Executive (iordon R. R;i> , Art & .\ninmtion Director Rr\im .Allen, Laboratory S( rvices & {>uality Control Robert 11. Winter. C7iic/ Fdm Editor DonakI Anderson, Chief Sound En^iiutr Skh\I(:ks; Cre;ili\(' staff for si-ripts, stor\l)oard, music scoring, ;m(l the production ol motion piilures, sound slidelilms. T\' lilms, T\' commercials; animation and gi;i|ihic design, sides meeting progr;nns; 16 and 35mm l;iborator\ de\ •■loping, prinling. editing, interlock screening. ;md 6channel recording s<'rvici'S. Fa( ll.iriKs: .Anim.t(ion Department; sln<lio-slage; 16 ;md 35nim editing e(|uipment; recording e(|ui]iinenl. in< hiding .Nagrii. !i" l;ipe, I6nini niiignelic, I (ii optical, 35min magnetic, 3.5imn optical (R(;A REID H. RAY FILM INDUSTRIES: licensee), studio and location recording; 3()( here portable gas-electric generators; 3' lOnim .Arriflex cameras, 35 ;uid 16inm M Ciimeras, still i)liotogr;iphic e(|nipinent; ai inciiiidescent lighting e(inipment from 1.5i M-R arc to (^olorTran and (piartz portable ('omplete 0.\berr\' animation unit for I' 35nmi film with ]o\ stick electronic conli maximum progr;immiug flexibilitv. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSts .Motion Pictihes; Radox Qtdk-Pik System rett-Cravens Co.); \\7i«/'.s \(w for 19()f aiul At 'Em: Cet Up and Co: Qtnck on /// lake: I'p and Cor»iing; Hillside Comhim Takes a Setv Shape in the West ( Deere tv Seipiences for Walt Disney Productions Ptill Stik-Clam: Report on the \etv D, ■ nunts in Loufi. Boom Cranes ( Harnisc ' Corp.); //',y To Your Benefit (Northern Power Co.); The .■\ntr:um Home (\' haeuser): Baiikin<i: \o Limit to Dinu ( Rank Public Rchitions and Marketing .A.At oiV/i/ig Communication Bn akdoioi: Af 1 . .Arc in People: Communication Fiidback: ( in>j. .\ltiludes Throufih C(nnmunication; municatinfs. Management's Point of View — ( Rureau of Nat'I. .Affairs); Careers in A/i . ( Rureau of Medicine & SurgeiT, I'.S. \ Free As a Bird (Bombardier Snowmobile, I Slidefilms; Wheels in the Woods: Sovh Xciv on Tracks: 1010 Whid Loader and hoe (Deere & (^o.): Motiey Haiulling for 7 Basic Internal Safeguards (.N.AR.AC .Ass 1 B;iiik .Audit. C'oiitrol & Operation): A/ori. ; R(rit: Operation Feedback (Bank Public H«tions & M:irketint: .Ass'ii.V RUSTEN FILM ASSOCIATES, INC. .5910 Wayzata Blvd., Minneapolis. 5.5416 j ' Phone: (612) 545-16.56 Date ol Organization: 19.58 Paul D. Rusten, Producer Ted K. Larson. Production Manager Dnane O. Nielsen, Photography Suzanne Monahan. Production .Assi.stant Si:h\tces; Creatise design, writing ;md full ioduction of business, ediiciitioiud and rcligiis motion pictures, .sound slidelilms and TV duinientaries; talent and art services. Facilits: (';miera. sound recording, lightinix and e<lii(! (■(|iiipment, sound st;ige. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSCS Motion Pictiiu-s: The Customers (Toro \g. Co.); 7V11.V I.V 77iie/ (Thiel College); Fram Fm (St, Olaf College); The I'ndcreulter CWr ( Mannix Intern itional. Inc.); Si.inKFiLMS: Fittion of Law Ltd>els ( Wood ("onversion C.>): The Trojan: The Coif master: The 70 Inch h: The Crcensma.stir: The Flail King (Toro MO GEORGE RYAN FILMS, INC. 1019 Currie Ave.. Minneapolis. Minn. 554(1 Phone: (612) .335-8864 Date of Incorporation; 195.5 (George M. lUau, President Robert Sp;uling, ('•ineral Mancgcr ^ Producer Si n\i( Fs; Producers ol Hiinni ;md .3.5 mm inoln pictures, T\' commercials, sound slidefilms. 1»< II rriFS; 26' x 4S' sound stage; 22' x 40' St.* with practical kiti'hen, Pyrex oven; 16inm ;J .3.5mm .Arrillex, ('ine-special; Magnasync, .Apcx and Nagra '4" recorders; I6mm and 35ii) Moviola, editing facilities, lighting ;iiid accev ries. .Audio-visual consnlt;itions iind coinpl'? still services. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSOS MoiTON PicTiTU-.s; C^ood 'Th:i>gs from the (<■ din ((ireeii (iiant C^o. ); Street Core Xamed Isin: Highway Marvil in the Sudan Dcsl (Bros). T\' Commehcials for; TORO {C\Stanhaek: .Meyers Bread; (Associates Capitd 162 Bl SINKSS SCREEN • 19)