Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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MISSOURI Metropolitan Kansas City CALVIN PRODUCTIONS, INC. II') TruiiMii H(i;i<l. Kansas City, Mo. ()4106 I'l',,.: (M(>i II V 1-1230 if OrKanizutioii: 1931 Uiianl W Kfik. Pnmlfitt Wfiaiii llcdilfii. Virc-Prcsidrnt Kiik Harhyclt, Viri-Pnwiiliiit l.i-i Hash, Stcntdni-'rrid.sitrfr 1,1 Hiilki'l('\. PriulitctiDU Miindf^cr ,,.; ^ Moore, M( Proiliiccr Services Li")' Kautliii.iii. Miiiuifier. I'liiv. Films Die. r>. Phillips. Maiitijier. Contract Division ^: Siiiin, Ifiiiitii and 3.5mm color, .sales s Iraiiiini; aiul oducational films; 8inm, iiid .J-'imrii serviie work and Ial)orator>' , for othi'r proihiiors. universities and in |)holoi;r,iphic departments. .\11 film ser\ ' rnl at one location. Facilities: Two ■iHes. area UJ.OOO sq. ft.; location equip il)()r.itor\ witli ontpnt of 2.5.00(),()()() ft. ).(l()(),()()() ft. color a year; Ivod.icliroine. loiiie. and Ittnini neKati\c-positive color ■ind processing, 14 editing rooms; two ■iidius with six cliannels, eij^ht phono, rc i(|nipnieiit toi lilm, lap<'. wa.\. numnetic; lime ilirectors; creative stall; complete •inim.ition and music l;icilities. [(JNT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS l(rl)X Pli ri Hi;s: (.'ok v. Kids and Cn-(>])s Aiir. Institute ot Ooopenition) ; Vdeniini Leak II Teclini(ities ( .Vmer. X'aciium Society); ' ilter of Slotivation: Hall of hire; The »i: The Pacesetter; The Cilded Lily; The ' k; Th( Puzzle; KvenjthiHfj, to Lose (Cat:[)tir Tractor Co. ) ; Where Do I Co From '<r( (College Placement Council, Inc.); Th'.nkwl/ Yon (Hallmark Cards, Inc.); You Are /i<i \Vi7/i Your Fair Share (Kansas Cit\' United Let's Talk Patients (Eh LilK & Co.); I iitial Component (NASA — IIunts\ille); III l.; Track and Field (Otfici;il Sports I'^ilni Prf); The Latest In Lxnnherinii Eiiuipmeiil; Dimensions of Desinn (Soutlieni Pine : Itttiuiry Development Series (Science !i Assocs.): The School of Si/^tems Ik s — 25 single concept films (I'.S.A.F.V HORIZON PRODUCTIONS WOivision of Longmoor-Nelson, Inc.) 31 West 73rd St., Kansas City, Mo. 64114 Bone: (816) EM ,1-.3.5S.5 !te of Oruani/.ation: 1947 te of Incorporation: 19.52 lliani \'. Lonsmoor, President jen Jiicohs, y ice-President lues P. Jouras, Secy.-Treas. jiurice W. Pratlicr. Director of Photography lilliam K. N'eerkamp, Director of '•Photojiraphy •ijer C. \\ej)l), Sound Ennineer tricia .Moore, Office Manager ICES: 16mm and .35mm motion pictures lor , sales training ;ind promotion, public rehieduc.itional ami religious fields. .3.5 mm color slidelilms tor indnstrx and education; (imiinercials, live and anim.ited; researcli. 'ij treatment and script writini;; complete pro'hrs .service. F..\(:ilitii:s: for Uimm ;mil .35nun "l 'II pictures and .3-5inm filmslrips. Sound serv• '|lepl. with 8 channel mixing console, inter«j'd projection anil Nhignasync recorders and "jiers, .Xmpex. N'agra, and Hangertone sync wd and phivhack e(iuipment. W'estrex .35 32 ' iinm optiial recordinij svstem; editing rooms, ~>\i: Iihr;iries. Uimm .md .3.5nun .Vrrillex camra-'iluipnuMit. .mimation and stop-motion camrjand related equipment. HORIZON PRODUCTIONS : RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS .Motion Pun his: the I'rieeless Ytars I Supreme Council. Order ol Dc Molav ) ; Color Pliotofiraphy ( I'.S. .Air Force I ; The Havens Steel Story (The liiddle Co.).; Prospectinn; Basic Line Service; Customer Service Sahs; (Cessiui .Aircraft Co.); VVic Louficr. Better Life (Research Hosp. & .Medical Center); Universal Vnderuriters ((iaKiii Lane Farris). TV ComMi;iu:i..M.s for: Smaks (ILdstead Associates, Inc.); D«i;i.v Paint (Rogers & Smith); Skelly Kcotane (Bruce H. Brewer & f;o.); Dierks Forests (\'aleiitine-R;idlord ) ; Kinfi Louie BoicliiifX ( WiniusBrandon); MFA ACHI Products; Plaza Association ( Cidvin-LaiK'-I'arris ) : \// \ hiMirtOKi Co. Metropolitan St. Louis CONDOR FILMS, INC. 1006 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo, 63101 Phone: (314) MA 1-8876 O.ite ot Organi/ation: 19.51 Dean R. .Moore, President Harold A. Johnson, S(des Maiuifier John F. Dinkmever. Production Manager J. L. Derden. (.'.enerul Mana<ier Skkvicks: Producers of 16mm and .35mm souikI motion pictmes iind slidelilms lor sales promotion, advertising, public rcl itions, training. TV. Complete creative, writing iuid production stalls. Productions Irom script to screen or sei"vice work; i.e., editing, adding .sound anil music to films alreadv' shot. F.Ai:ii.iriK.s; .■Vir-coiiditioned sound stage with heavy-dntv lighting. Maiirer, Bell & Howell camer;is. St;incil-Hollman synchronous m;igiietic recording Ifinmi. IT'-jmm, Vi". .Multiple channel synchronous interlocked mixing. Ifimm. IT'smm and 3.5mm Moviolas (picture and soimd ) . 16mm interlock projection. Samenco time-lapse motion picture control. .Music and sound effects librarv . 3.5mm and 16mm .Anscoclirome proces.siiig and 16min color and b&w printini;. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS MorioN PicTi KKs; Disc-Brakes ( W ;igni-r Electric Co.); Keokuk (I'nion electric Co.); Olympic Presentation — Champ (Missouri); Otlumica — Operation Bootstrap (Iowa. 111. (las & Electric Co.); Merchandising Meat (Ilussman Relrigeration). TV Co.MMEHCi.VLS for: Buster Broun (Brown Shoe Co.); I'.S.A.F.; KSD-TV; St. Louis Counlij: Du))ont; Mon.santo. CONTEMPORARY CLASSROOM STUDIOS 64 IS .\laino .\ve., St. Louis, Mo. iiionc: (314) \0 3-7580 Date of Organization: 1965 John E. C;idell, Lxecutive Producer Selva Revnolds, Director of Public Relations Ralph II. ('otter. Director of Ri .search Sliiu I' i:s: Limited to spei-ialty of planning ;nid producing sponsored eilucational motion pictures and slidelilms for free ilistribution to schools. Planning includes market researih, aiidii'iice-acceptance rese;irch and pre-production testing. Nation-wide consulting services. F.mii.itiks: Research depiirtment; writing and art department; Uimm and Sinrn production, sound recording; titles; tilnislrip maslering. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS (New coinp;in> oiu.mi/id in l')(i5 i FRANK JAMES PRODUCTIONS, INC. 224 North Mi-riimec, St. Louis, Missouri 63105 Phone: (314) PA 6-2116 Date of Organi/ation: 1962 I'rank Roth, President James B. Newcombe, Lxecutive Vice President Patrick Murphv , Vice President Charles P. Re.iv. .\rt Designer WEST CENTRAL STATES FRANK/JAMES PRODUCTIONS: Liiulii Kiive Recker, Art Designer Louis .M;iinieri, Art Desifiner Si;nv K i:s: Creation and production of sales promotion programs including motion pictures, sound slide films, recording and phonograph records; live industrial shows. I".\i ii.itiks: Staff of art and product designers, writers, directors, producers. I'se f:iciliti<'S of service studios wherecvci' iicedcci RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictlhcs: The Cool World ( Inleniational Oil Burner Corp.). S<7/ Fruit Cake All Year (Freund Bakeries); Salrs Safari; Sportacular (Crove Laboratories); The Polar Cutters (Gane Bros. & Lane, Inc.). GUGGENHEIM PRODUCTIONS, INC. 14 North Newsltad, St. Louis, Mo. 63I0S Phone: (314) JE .5-9 ISS Date of Incorporation: 19.56 Charles Cuggenheim, Pr<:sidcnt Richard Ileflron, Lxcditivc Vice-President Sidnev' Aronson, Vice-President StHvicKs: Production of theatrical and non-theatrical motion pictures. ilitiks: 16mm and 35mm editing, projection, sound reit)rdini;. iMmci.i ;iinl liglitiiiU t.K ililics. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS .Motion PicTinEs: .A President's Country; Sifiht Of The Dragon; Flight Of Gemini IV (U.S. LA.); .A Tradition Of Conscience (St. Louis Post-Disp;itch); \Vi//j Each New Day (St. Louis Bd, of Educ;ition ) . * HARDCASTLE FILM ASSOCIATES 7319 Wise Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. 63117 Phone: (314) .MI 7-4200 Date of Organization; 1930 J. H. Hiirdiaslie. Producer Liimbert K;iiman. Director Rich.ud H.irdi.istle. F.dilorial Ridiard Hardc.istle, Jr., Production Seiutcrs: Production of sound motion pictures, slidelilms, T\' dixnmentaries and commercials in b&w ;md color; advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and training films for business, civic ;md religious org;uii/.ations; local coverage or c-ompletion serv ii-es for out-of-town producers. F.\rii.iTii-;s: .35min & 16mm .Arriflex. .Auricon Pro 600. Cine Speci;ils; sound stage, Nagra, .Ampex, Stancil Ilollman iind .Magn.isvnc recorders; iilit ing r ns, Moviol.i; port;d)le ligliting equipiiK'nl lor loi'.ition production. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS MniiDN I'll n Ills, ilirilii^i Homes o\ St. Louis (KSD r\); Henry Tuttle — Man or iifiir (I'nited I'miil of St. Louis); Mayor Tucker Campaifin Film ( DAicv Adv. Co.); GP.ATS (Emerson Elec. Co.); 7-1';) and ~-Croun (Seven-lp Co.). PREMIER FILM & RECORDING CORPORATION 3(t:t3 Locust Streil. .St. Louis, Mo. (i:lUI3 Phone: (314) JE 1 -.3.5.55 Date of Incorporation: 1936 Theixlore P. Desloge, President and Lxeculivi Producer Wilson D,il/ell. Vice-Pre.sident & C.Vii. .\/gr. Piitrick Murpliv . Director of Sales Roger E. Leoidiardt. Production ManaRcr John Cainie. Editorial Supervisor Skhviiks: Creators and producers of business, industrial, relig ous. documentary and T\' motion pictures and sound slidelilms— 16mm or 35mni l^ PRODUCTION REVIEW 163