Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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KLUGE FILM PRODUCTIONS : J 'mixing, editing, printing and I)&\v proitacilitifs. |[CNT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS \t,.iis I'll n Ills; Oiithoaids (West Ikial C^o. I ; •iciii for Piniltnj ( Aliliott Liilxiratories) ; tcturc of Rcinwt ( Paul-Lew is Laboratorctlir Sorter ( Ciitler-Hanimer, Inc.); Travr Frrifiht (Droit Mfg. Co.). SWANSON PRODUCTIONS pirf IJlili;.. MilvN aiilvii-, \\ istonsin I me: (414) BR 1-S774 ■ of Organization: 1939 , ,irt W. .Swanson. Prcsidtiit I '.ilx'tli Swanson. Secretary ' K Swanson, Treasurer is: Creators and producers of all elements inn and 35mm sonnd, color, sales, sales '.;. documentar) , pnl)lic relations and .sound 1 .ind T\' films. Facilities: Motion picture center with sonnd stages, offices, projection, recording and editing facilities. Main stage 40' x (HY witli standing sets. Ifiinm and 35mm .Arriflex cameras and Magnasvnc reitirding; music script .md art facilities. Fearless dolly, gear head. .\I-R mike Ijoom, 3 channel pla\l>ack interlock, ''4" .Magn.icorder, hlimpetl Arriflex; KKj.OOO-watt hea\\ lighting. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS .Mulio.N I'k n lus: \\< Lihi It llin ( St.itc of Wisc»)nsin ) ; Ideax In Motion 19fi5 (Ilankscraft Co.); Maraflex liacon Team; Velh-Pak ( Mar;ithon Di\., .American ("an Co.); Fredoni. Minhticr Than Missiles (.Murphy Products); Bed Thread (Dow -Smith C;o.); Card-Con; A. O. Smith Enaineerinp. Lahorutorij (A. O. Smith Co.); KearneyTreaeher Corporate Story ( Keanie\ -Tre^icker Co.); Future of the Liberal Arts College (Lawrence University); Jinfile jumj) (Block Adv.). T\' CoMMEiici.\LS for: Speed Queen (CJeer.Murray .■\gency); Kohl's Foods; Jingle Jump ( lilock .\dv.; West Bend Humidifiers (West Bend Co.); Wi.sconsin Finance Co. (Cooper, Strock 61 Scanell). SOUTHWESTERN STATES PRODUCERS ARIZONA * CANYON FILMS OF ARIZONA, INC. I \. Seventh Ave., Phoenix, Ariz. 85007 lone: (602)252-1718 hte of Organization: 1953 (.\Tnond .-v. Boley, President ' ' f^rt J. .Allen, General Mpr., Secy. Trcas. : s: .Motion picture producers for industry, -liji.sion. advertising and education. T\' spots; mil slidefilms. Contract shooting or editing ^de producers. .Art. animation and script F.\( iLiTiKs: Three soimd stages (largest IIM)'). sound recording facilities; Magna\l,irk I.\ DC interlock, dubbing facilities or '4" tape equipment. Set lighting and com■ rtable lighting. Synchronous camera, reind dubbers, camera crane. Set construc• and 35mm production; location equipWj.. .Sound stage and e<|uipment available on f^il to out-of-state producers. lENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS 1 1 ION PuTiiu.s: Arizona Shoucase (.Ariz. tjf Fair C^ommission ) ; Peace For A Cunfi^hter ri>Ic Springs. Ltd.); So Room For Failure la. Inc.); Love For One Another ( liish. ' ..irity & Development Fund); Campus In 4 SiiM (Ariz. State University). TA' Commer1I.S for: \'allev National Bank (Jennings & Impson .Adv.); Kraft Auto (.Scantlin & Co.) jt Western Financial Corp.; Salt Ri\er Project |iea Bennett Adv.); Hv Road Ford; Schwartz nut Butter; David Biscuits (Torobin Adv.) NEW MEXICO JACONA FILMS CORPORATION ox 230. Ht. 1, Santa Fe, New Mexico hone: (.50.5) 455-2511 fJate of Organization: 1960 >orothy S. Ewing, President liixwell Ewing, Executive Producer ini C;lidden, Vice-Pres. & Prod. Supvr. 'a\i(l S. C;lidden, Secretary-Treasurer vk:e.s: 16min and sound slidefilm ppKluction Jusiness and industrial films for public relas, sales and training. \'isual communications JACONA FILMS CORPORATION : coun.sel, script writing, original photograpln-. sound recording and editing for all 16mm. Facilities: Efiuipment for 16mm sound and 35min filmstrip production. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS MoTio.v Pi( riHi;s: Kil Carson iMud; Brub^mg the Corpe (New .\le.\ico Highwav Dept.); Immunization (New Me.vico Health Dept.); Los Moehis ( Bidderamo Hotels!. Slidefilm: Safe Handling of Anh. Ammonia (Steere Tank Lines). OKLAHOMA HUMPHREY, WILLIAMSON & GIBSON, INC. Motion Picture Division 1400 Skirvin Tower. Oklahoma City. Okla. 73102 Phone: (405) CE 2-3221 Date of Organization: 1926; .\l. P. Div.: 1964 .Mitchell \\"iIliam.son, President Ellis C;ib.son. Vice-President & Sales Mananer Don Loewen. Vice-President & Art Director .Mont> .Mann. Executive Director & General Manager. Motion Picture Operations Sermces: Creating, producing industrial, business, training, technical, historic.d. educational, religious, travel motion pictures; T\' shows and commercials; theater commercials; videotape production; slide and filmstrip presentations; producers .services; a<Ki.sor\ senices; sales meetings; clo.sed circuit T\'. F.acilities: 16nun and Smm productions, live, artwork, animation. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pk n hks: /,/ Plan Purina (Ralston Pmina International): Cool Comfort for Sales (HECO .\lfg. Co.): Solvent Research. A Customer Service; Seven Steps To Service; Your Free Key To Qualitii (APfX) Oil Corp.) T\' Commeb(:i.\i_s for: Shawnee Milling (^o.; Oklahoma City Federal & Loan C'o.; .APC'O Oil C^)rp.; James Sausage Co. (Hnmphre>. Williamson & Gibson, Inc.). >, iB SOUTHWEST STATES TEXAS SABRE INTERNATIONAL FILM CORPORATION SuitL SIS, C.ili/ens .National Bank Building, Abilene. Texas 79(>0I Phcne: OR 4-2431 Date of Orgaiiiziition: 1965 J. E. Perkins. President John E. Kirk, Executive Vice President General Manager Davitl Dodge, Vice Pres. Dir. of Photography Bobln .Morrow, Vice Pres. Director Puhlie Relations J. D. f^one, Secretary-Treasurer Paul Kenworthy, Assistant Secretary Robert E. .Anderson. Production Manager SEnvic:Es: Motion pictures, 16nim and 35inm. sound slidefilms. T\' films and commercials, sxiidication services. F.-\c ilities: Creative department; 16mm anil 35mm production equipment; .sound recording in studio or on liKation. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pkithis: TIu York Story i York College); T/ir Christian & T/i< Dance (York Chri.stian Foundation). Synduated Spots: Series of 13 for Consumer Fiiuince Spotarama Inc. SlideiiLMs: Hidden Dollars (Columbia Life Insurance Co.); Play it Safe (Reserve Life Insurance Co.); Seven League Boots (Bob Jasper Productions); Journey of a Life Time ( Methodist f^hnrch > Metropolitan Dallas CARLOCKE LANGDEN 712 Reliance Life Bldi;.. Dallas 1, Texas Phone: (214) Rl 1-5239 Date of Organization: 1960 Bett\ Whitlock, President Gerald L. Armstrong, Vice-Pre.s-idcnt Seiuices: Creating, pr(xlucing business motion pictures, slidefilms, T\' c-oinmercials. Scripting ser\ices — all t\pes; c-olor and l)&\v still photograph>-; technical supervision; direction of videotape productions. Facilities: 8min, 16inm and 35nun production — live or animation. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORl MoiioN Pi< ri lu : Th, Child ( Iniicpindent School District). Slidefilm: 77ic .\malie Story (.Amalie Snsoiig .Adv.). T\' Commeiu lAUt for: Wolfl)rand (Crook .Adv.); Gand\s Dairies (Rosenberger Adv.); Lone Gas (BBD&O): Dallas Power & Light (SEEUT\). Phesevtations for: .American Gas .A.ssociation; Interc-ontinental .Mfg. Co.; Blue Cross-Blue Shield of Tex;is. this symljol over a produc-ers listing in these pages refers to display adverti.sement in this 16th Production Review issue. FIDELITY FILM PRODUCTIONS .3024 Fort \\orth A\e., Dallas, Texas Phone: (214) FE 9-8349 Date oi Org.uiization: 19.54 Branch Office: Texas: 901 S<). First St.. Abi lene. Phone: (915) OR 4-1342. Brett Alh son. Assi.ftant General Manager Nonnan E. C. Naill. V.P. ami General Mgr. Robert Holton. Director James Ciable. 7'\' Director Rolx-rt Rogers. Production Supervisor Cieorge Ch\ka. Director of Photography Brockfortl Gordon. Director of Photocraphy James Talle\ . Editorial Supcrvi.<ior Norris Ragle. Sound Services: T\' c-ommercials; industrial, sales, training and religious motion pictures; filmstrips: radio recording. Facilities: Production capabilit\ h PRODI CTION RKVIEW 165