Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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SOUTHWEST STATES: FIDELITY FILM PRODUCTIONS: for 16mm. SSmm. l>&w iind lolor; stiiilios hi both Dallas and Abilene. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pk n hks: II, raid ,./ fnitl, ui-eklv series; Th,' Silent Explosion (College Lo\alt\ Alumni Support Program); Educalinti For Christum Lnmii (Abilene Cliiistiaii C:ollene) The World You Live In ( Hiuliland Cbnrch of Christ i Till Blind liifitiur (FideJitx Adv.); Wliich Church (Pidehly bookstores). 'I\' Commeiu ials forBiirniss Mills l-lonr; Frilo Lav (Trat\ Locke Adv.); Sealy .M;ittress, Skillerns Dni^stores (Sam Bloom Adv.); .\Ia\fl()uer M()\ers (N'ir^il Warren Agency); West Te.vas Utilities; Lake Ransom (iinyon; Haas Davis .Meats; Coodi Chicken Fried Steaks; Business Aid ( Fitlelifv .\dv.); Lone Star (.as; Lone Star Gas Hot Water Heaters ( BBD& O); Icee Norsworthy (Mercer). * JAMIESON FILM COMPANY 3825 Bnan Street. Dallas 4, lex. Phone: (214) TA 3-8158 Date of Organization: 1916 Bruce Jamieson, President Hugh \'. Jiunieson, Executive Vice-President Jerr> Dickinson, Vice-President. Television C:hester Cleasijn. Vice-President Walter Spiro, Secretary, Treasurer Llo\(l Abern;ith>, Producer Services Director iJavid Orr. Producer. Director l-rank Sl();m, Laboratory Matuifier B. L. Buchanan. Camera Department Head Jiunes Ferguson, Edilina Department Head Oliver II. Oliver, Sound Department Head Diiii liiglis. Creative Director L. (;. Sims. Art Director Larr> Kiiehii, 7'V Sales Manaii<r M.nyi(Ks: Industrial, edncation;.!. tr.iiiiing ;iiul piil)li( relations motion pictures. Uiimn and .35iiiiii: liliMcd 'r\' programs and commercials; .sound re<^<irding. laboratory and printing services for industrial, educational or producer organizations IA( II ITU. s: 15.000 sq. ft. studio, sound stage aiuJ and l;ilHirator\; complete 35mm & Ifiinm production e(|uipment; BCA Ifiimn and .35mm sound cli:iniiels; editing, printing, and processing Kimni and .3.5mm; color printing; 16mm Ektachrome color processing: :inini;ilion. (n-alivc st:iff. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS .\IoTio.N I'k n iiKs: 77ic Thousand Mih' Mirael,(L'.S. Corps of Kngineers); Doctor on the Elinht Deck; Weight Cimtrol for \aval Vessels; Periodic Inspeetiom of Airerajt 2 films (U.S. Xavy)Kex Shop Towels (Calkiw.n Mills); Dinoseis Seismic Cenerator (Sinclair 6i\ & Befiniiig Co )• ^^i["J'''' "' '''"^"''■' '•'>*"'e of Tennessee/ S.S.II.K. & M Adv.;, 'Ihaimnc Seetilt: What )ou Look .\t. Looking At {)uality EnRiueerinn; Lookiuf At (,)uality Construction' CenIrex (Southwestern Bell 1,1 C,,.). T\' Co.mmitif.TAl.s for: Ohio Art To\s; lndi;ina Michigan Flectric (Bonsib. IiK.); Northwestern Bell 'IVl. f:„ ( Bo/<'ll & J;Kobs»; Shamrock Oil & Belining Co (McCoiinick .•\dv.);Cener;.l Tire (D'Aicv Adv.) • .MobNielte (McCaiin Krickson); Hamm's Beer (Campbell .MithmO; Bainlx) r:oioui;il Biikerv Products (Bel-Art Adv. i ; Lone Beer; Aunt Jemima Cornmeal; C;uild Jewelers; Delta Steel (Clenn Adv.); American Opiimetric Ass'n (Clav ton Davis Adv.); Pearl Beer; Frilo-Lav; Burdens Milk 6e Ice Cream; .So. I'nion C is; Vlrs. Bartlis Bread (Tracy Locke Co); Sk( Oil ( Hmce Brewer Adv.); Southwestern Be. IVl. (C;ard ner); Bond Bread (Sage Adv.); M uie.sota Federal Savings ( Kerker Peterson); Dr Pepper (Grant Adv.); Ideal Tovs (Grev Adv.); Ideal Gain.s liy-a-Diink (.Smith f ;reel:md ) /ides JAMIESON FILM COMPANY: Jewelers; Pier On,. Imports (Bloom Adv.); Associates Capital Fiiumce; .Martha White Flour: Cardui. Soltice. Hoehii Chevrolet (.Noble Dui\ .Vdv.); Bruc-e Terminix (Greenshaw & Bush)'; I'liion Planters Natl Bank ( L;ike. Spiro, Shurman); First'l. Lubbock (B\rd Adv.): Ashland Oil & Uclining ( B.iiph Joues Co.); .Allied Finance (Jack Taylor Assocs.); .Moitons I'oods ( Oook .Adv. ) . KEITZ & HERNDON, INC. 3601 Oak Grove, Dallas 4. lex. Phone: (214) LA 6-.526S Date of Organization: 19.50; Inc.: 1960 L. F. Herndon, President R. K. Keitz. Executive Vice-President Tom "ioung, Vice-President. Art Director John Hionaiigh, Vice-Presi<lenl. Production Maiuiiiier Don Lusby , Sales Manw^er Seiukes: 35mm and lOmni color .md b&w motion picture production [or sales, training, educational, government ageiic\' films, and TV commercials. Complete slidefijm produition services. Facilities: .Sound stage, optical printing; animation stand; 35inni and 16inm motion picture equipment; .sound facilities; editing; animation art staff; location truck equipment. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS .NIoTioN PicTiiu-s: Iheck (.'.ran Sport ( Huick Div. ol CMC); Three-Screen Show ( Bnmiff International, Inc.); C.ood Times lie-in With Dr Pepper (Dr Pepper Co.); 92 Trucks (Genenil Motors Corp.); Wheels To Adventure (Humble Oil & Relining Co.). TV Commehc:ials for: Dr Pepper Co. (Grant Adv.); Coca-Cola Co. (.McCannFrickson, Inc.); C:o!ioco (C:linton E. Frank, Inc.); Rainbo/Colonial Baking Co. ( Bel-.Art Adv.); Orkin Fxtcnninating Co. ( Kinro Adv.); Black Cow Suckers (Don Kemper C;o., Inc.); Towie Olives (Tracy-Locke Co., Inc.); American Familv Ins. (.Mathisson Co., Inc.); B. C. Headache (C. Knox Massey); Morton's Potato Chips (Crook Adv). SHULER PRODUCTIONS 3.505 Iiirlle Oeek, Suite 412. Dallas 7.5219 Phone: (214) LA 8-1767 Date of Organization: 19.52 \lis. Lindii Shuler, President. Ex( cutive Producer Robert C;. Shuler, Vice-President. Treasurer Barbara Crismond, Office Manafier Seiutces: Writing, research staff. Production services for Uiiiiin ;ind 35inm public reliitions, (■iluc:itional, publii iillairs, s;ifet\, documentiUA .uid indiistriiil lilms; T\' lilms and series. C^reative and production services a\;iil;il)le to other producers. Facilities: Complete production facilities available for sound stiige and lociition lilming including music scoiing sl.igc with Kimui :ind .35inm interlock. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS MoiloN Pi( iiius: \ iij Mixid) I'.Mglisli Spanish/Dutch; Here's Tixas T\' Series ol 13: Conu' to Texas (llund)le Oil & Belining f ;o. ) ; Search in the Sahara (Ch;implin Oil & Refining C;o.)/Trac\-L()cke Agenc\ ) ; 7'/ir lius and Vs ( Wiiid Body Works); Wooicn'.v Hinhts — 3 llie;itric;il tr;iilers (Business & Professional Women's Club); Si'EriAL Ass|(;\.xient,s for: U.S. Dept. ol Commerce; (;lenn .\dv. Agency; J;unie.son I'ilm ('().; others. * I Ills s\mi)(ii, .ippc.uing over a producer's listing, indiciiles thai displii\ advertising containing ailditional and useful reference data appears on other pages ol this 16lh Annual Production Review issue. BILL STOKES ASSOCIATES, INC. 5527 Dver St., Dallas, Texas Phone: (214) E.M 3-6.558 Date of Organization: 1965 Date of Incori^oration: 196.5 Bill Stokes, President John Stokes, Executive Vice-President Joiiiiii\ Be;isle\, Vice President Execulit Producer J;itk Benton, Director Eilmstrip Services Bob Boe\e, Art Director .Mario Xoviello, Director of Photography 1 Services: Producers of motion pictures, soui slidefilms and slide present;itions for sales ar. training. Complete iuiimiition ;uid filmstrip ser' ices lor other proilucers. Rental services of m' tion picture iind filmstrip jiioduction equipmer! Facilities: Art and :mimation department; Oj berry animation st;ind ;ind c;unera ( 16nim' ar^ 35mni). .Arrillex I6mni c;imera ;md blimp, porl dollies, portable sound e(|uipment, 16nim Magni sync and W Ampex tape recorders, custom ar libiar\ music, interlock screening, .Moviola, stphotograph) laboratory. Etpiipment for larfl quantits transparencv' (35mm) production. Souil stage 5.()()() s(|. ft. 1200 amps, electricitj Total f;uiliti<-s 1 I.OOO s<i. ft. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSOI Moiton Puithes: 7"/ic Diversa Story (Divers inc.); 7'/ic Inside Men ( If :S Corp.); OperatiL Rifle Shot (Tnicv -Locke Co.). Sales Mee iNcs: Si.v Orientation Slide Profiratns (Frito-La! Inc.). Fii.MSTHiRs: Egbert's Education (.Meisj Photochrome Corp.); Downhole-Looking V ( L:ukiii P;icker Co.); The Broker's Opera; All. lex (Tr;ic\ -Locke Co.); 7'/ic Cornedess Squar The Brid'^e ( Dr Pepper Co.); CoM.vHKier Con/al (Campbcll-Taggart Assocs. Bakeries, Inc.l Boomtown—l'.S.A. ( .\mer. .-^s.soc. of Petroleui Landmen); The Story of Two Technologies (DoV Smith Dowell); 7"/i( Ennineered Bake-Q Packafic (Just B;iked Products Co.); Chart C.reat & 7/i( ('.lory Machine (Bill Stokes Assocj Inc.). i' VISUAL PRESENTATIONS, INC. 4519 Maple Ave.. Dallas, lexas Phone: (214) LA 6-7701 Date of Org;iniz;ition: 1961 Diitc of liKi)r]ioriition: 1962 J.iiiies .\l. (iutiirie, Prisident ]. Bert Bodiiguez, Vice-President Robert E. Betluuil, Sicn lary-Trcasnrer P:itrici;i D. Engliuid, Production Supervise' John T. D:i\ is. Production Coordinator Si;n\i( is: Production of T\' comniereials; dustii;il ;iiid tr.iining lilms; s\ndic;ited televi^ .series; ;mim;itioii; slidelilms .md lilmstrips. 1 ciLiTiEs: .35mm ;ind Uiinm |iroduitic)n facilitie .■\ir-coiulitioned sound st;ige. Closed-circuit leli' vision. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND S P O N S 0 « MonoN Pun HI s: Lout Star Sport.\iiian iC.l .\genc\ ); Jim rhinuas — (lutdoors (Jim Tlioiii.i Mtirk l\' .\ir ('onilitionin-i ( Norsworth\-Merii > Eorndand I'.S.A. (Ennis Business I'orms); l'ni<«Fund I9(i6 (Tr;icy Locke-). T\' Commebciai for; Burger Be<-r ( Midhind .\genc\ ) ; Lone ^' Beer ((Meeii Agency); Dodge Bebeliioii (Bl &t)); P:itio Mexiciin l-'ood; Comet Bice (NoR woithv-Mercer); D.ilkis Power & Light ( BoEei & Smith.). Listing Data is Fully Copyrighted V-T Duplication ol this list for aii> purpose is < pressK forbi<l(len u ithout the written (DIIm ol the i)ul)lishers of Business Screen .Mag.izin' Inc. This list is kevcd so m.iiling will 1> immediiitek delected. Its lonte'iit is ;iii exclu.siv fe;itiiri' ol this publiiiition, gle;ined Ironi moiilli of cd;iori,il rese:u\h by Editors of this Bevie» 166 BUSINESS SC REEN 196