Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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X'enice: L<i Ba-\ilic(i ihUa Salute KKITISli NATIONAL FILM ENTRIES: ((ONIIM tD FROM THE PRECEDING PAGE SIX) Ph>.sics & ChtmislM of \\aler. Sponsor: Unilever. Producer; World Wide Pictures. ('ati'|j(>r\ I-: .Manpo«iT Training Films Work Stud> In Printing. Sponsor: British Productivity Council. British Federation of Master Printers and Kindred Trades Federation. Producer: Basic Films. Instructional Technique. Part I): Visual Aids. Sponsor: Ministry of Defence (British Navy). Producer: Stewart Films. N.B. The director of this film. Richard Need, was awarded the British Industrial f-ilm Correspondents Group Prize for the film which most imaginatively communicated its message. * « * Category G: Safety Education Films The Stable Door. Sponsor: British Insurance Association. Producer: Ronald H. Riley & Associates. Ihe Nature of Fire. Sponsor: Fire Protection .Association. Producer: Kinocrai Films. And Then There Was One. Sponsor: Alien &. Hanbury. Producer: Verity Films, in association with the Film Producers Guild. ■ii Other motion pictures which received cither silver trophy awards, diplomas or awards of merit in the British National Industrial Film .Awards Competition are noted. These vsere not iiirlnded amoiiR the 15 entries being sent to Venice: Project Halton Fields. Sponsors: Shell-Mex and B.P. Lmiited. Producer: Guild House Films Limited. • This informative sales promotion film shows the latest developments in domestic oil-fired central heating; the advantages of new systems: techniques and comprehensive facilities of the sponsor's "Designed Advisory Service." Distribution is by private invitational showings only to prospects for the service. Winner of a Silver Trophy. * * * The Paper Machines. Sponsor: Walnisle\ (Bury) Group Limited. Producer: The Film Producers Guild. • An impression of the men and machines that make a paper machine — the largest and most complex single manufacturing unit in any industry. Winner of a Diploma award. * ■* i: Air Age Marketing. Sponsor: British Huropean Airways. Producer: Verity Films Limited. • Film's aim is to persuade executives to analyse their distribution systems and to ask whether traditional methods of costing and the distribution of their products can he improved by air shipment. (Certificate of Merit .Xwardl More Power from Water. Sponsor: The Ministry of Technology. Producer: Film Workshops Limited. • This picture gives a broad picture of the past, present and future of water power: its special concern is the method of finding the t cie of turbines by the use of model testinjji Ministrs of Technology's National Enj!«| Laboratory. (Certificate of Merit .Award ■ • « A Family of Firms. Sponsor: ThomasTd Limited. Producer: Verity Limited. • Purpose is to inform people about t « range of Tilling interests. (Certificate t M Award) * • • One Man and His Bank. Sponsor: The id| Bank Limited. Producer: David Cobhi \ ductions for Charles Barker & Sons. agi:v, ■ The film illustrates the various serviis ) plied to its farmer clientele b\ The id! Bank. (Certificate of Merit Award) ENTRIES FROM FINLAND (Category designations not identifiei Textiles, 14 min.. color. Sponsor: Meavi Oy. Producer: Sektor-Filmi. * * * Fazerila, 14 min.. color. Sponsor: Oy Ka H .AB. Producer: Fennada Junior. ENTRIES FROM FRANCE Category A: Business A: Industrial Suh;ts Sud Ouest. Sponsor: Esso Standard. S. M. Productions. Pdu Categor\ B; Industrial Product Fil> Exemple La Rochelle. Sponsor: Simca biles. Producer: Les Films Jean LeherivLe Medicament. Sponsor: ('Iiamhre S\ndule Fahricants de Products PharmaceutiquC' ' Produier; Les Films ilu Cvpres. (rONTINL'ED ON THE FOLLOWING PAG ] mvimMm mmQUARu-mm lamps: Colorlran, Academy Awartd winner*, now offers its fametd Super-80 and Cine Queen lights with quartz-iodine lamps. No boosting required! All the advantages of quartz-iodine lighting! Colorlran long-life quartz-iodine lamps maintain constant intensity and color temperature . . . never produce filament "sing" under any conditions. Super-80 available with 1300 watt quartz iodine R 80 lamps operating from 120V. AC or DC Cine Queen available witli 1000 watt quartz iodine Par 64 lamps, operating from 120V. AC or DC (213) 843 1200 1015 Chestnut St., Burbank, Calif. A BERKEY PHOTO COMPANY Scientlftc/Tactinical Academy Award — "for advancements in the design and application to motion picture ptiotograptiy of ligtitmg units using quartz-iodine lamps." i B LSI NESS St REEN ■