Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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PARTIIKNON V# IMCTCRES IIOLLYWOOD N...E..W SALES TRAINING FILMS by PARTHENON TWO CHEERS FOR CHARLIE" (Mutual and United of Omaha) Your salesmi'ii iisiialh' see \oiir Training Film onl\' once and retain little. But a Sales Film which he uses on his prospects he will see many times . . . and every time absorb more of the "right way" until he's got it in his hones. This doublebarrel Sales Training Format is tough to do and it costs, but it pays. See Ttio Cheers . . . also .see; i^ i^ ^ "GOOD OLD SAM" (Merrill Lvnch. Pierce et al) 1 he same sidewise Training approach as Two Cheers above . . . here used to inculcate a deep contcpt of fnndaineiilal investment theor\ in llie brokers' Kegistercd Hepresentatives. Hut, a mH.v(— the Training must come as a bonus; the film must first be a first-rate working Sales I'lhii. Tr }J for loan prints, write r phone Ted Palmer at: PARTIIEN )\ IMCTURES 2625 Temple St., Los Ang Is 90026 ■ (Area 213) 385-391 1 LO\ E THY CUSTOMER" (Ford Motor Company) Instead ol scolding the service writers and mechanics for the teenth time, this film goes upside down and •■iinipdlhizcs with their hard lot . . . ,ind then shows them the better selling methods, \ia the self-interest route. OTHER PARTHENON SALES TRAINING SUBJECTS "THE R\RDEST\' CASE" To motivate car salesmen to sell the full line including trucks (l-'ord). i^ i^ -{^ "HEAVY GOING" To persuade the "entertainer" type salesman (heavy tnicks) to build solid "fact-and-figure" proposals for his big-ticket jobs (Ford). MM?-? "THE FILE ON HENRY ROYALL" To persuade the "inside man" (branch bank managers) who never expected to hit the street that in today's world he must sell . . . tiiat he ran sell . . . and, in a detailed, here's how ( Hank of America). •U ii i^ "LO\T THAT CAR" .\ 10-miinitc theatrical t\pe color I oined) on C^ar Care, to remind Service Station employees, in a way they'll remember, of the .services lhe\ can sell (American Oil Co.). "THE OPINION MAKERS" lo show how to make ones opinions rdective, williont taking lime away Iroin work (Am. .\l.-(lical I'.A.C.).' All films: 25-:)() iniiuites. I'review prints are available to couipanies iiilendini^ lo sponsor similar lilnis for their own slliiations. Sorrv, no rentals. Pidiirc of 'Active Citizenship" at Woi. Ji (CO.NTINIM.I) FROM PAGE 23) for the entire program, and a Plant Site Administrator at each facility. The partisan segment included: two corporate Vice Presidents to serve as chairmen of the volunteer Democratic and Republican booster organizations formed at each Hughes plant. Also, two Political Coordinators — one for each party — was appointed at each company location. These people acted as chairmen ot their parties' local, volunteer booster committees. Handbook tor (,'ampaign \\'orkers A detailed "Plant Site Administrator's Handbook," was made available for campaign workers and provided policy guidance and ground rules for conducting the program. It should be pointed out that all employees who worked on the campaign did so simply as "extra duty." The accomplishments of the "Active Citizenship Campaign" at the Hughes Aircraft Company speak for themselves: A total of 6,374 employees who required registration or re-registration were registered to vote in the November 1964 election. Of these people, 3,530 were registered on company premises during break and lunch periods. In all, 97 percent of Hughes personnel were registered to vote. This was 24 percent higher than the national average. Thirty-six pt)litical rallies were held on company premises. Total combined attendance for all rallies is estimated at 40,000 employees and guests. Over 100 candidates participated in these programs including Senators Goldwater and A "Active Citizensliip Program" ^«rc' Hughes' employees opportunity to meet the candidates. Office seekers like Pierre Salinf^cr (above) gave prepared speeches Imt also minf^led with groups of workers. f^-' During last campaign, ;r tial hopeful harry C.oldwa! plant visitor, talked to u Murphy, Senate candidates a and Fannin of Arizona, and Jib Salinger of California. Fja candidates for the U.S. Houd Representatives made appeaipi at Hughes plants as did two ^fnatorial candidates and In hopefuls for various state ■! municipal offices. Democratic and Rcpul» political committees were C(J» active at each plant site, at committees made political fr ture available to intercstedat ployees, set up lending lihik scheduled political rallies, ani«il an untallied number of roundfc and forum discussions ■ ■•" lunch periods. And as a pre this year's activities, the jM Who Cares is being shown interested employees. 10,.5()0 Employees Gave Fuij Another national record cl up by the ".Active Citizii Campaign" was for first yea3jl tributions by employees at a pany conducting such proi Over I0,.'^0() Hughes emp made contributions throug| campaign or privately. Coi tions were designated for political parties and nincty-n dividual candidates. Sixty-foi cent of those who made p (coNCLnnpn on page PROFESSIONAL TITLE Typographi and Hot-press CraftsK J SINCE 1938 n rile /or FREE 1) * KNIGHT TITLE SEM 145 Wetl 4Sth Sf , New Yo • 24 BUSINESS SCREEN • »