Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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Photoprints and posters usiiifi this material were widcUj distribuUd to steel companies and used for Indlvlin hoards and display annotineements iihich lirlpcd promoli llic picture. STEEL AND AINIERICA: districts in \vhich Bethlehem has operating facihtics. A New Year's Day showing in Cleveland was promoted by Republic Steel Corporation by means of (!) Steel and America posters displayed throughout Republics plants and offices in Cleveland, Canton and Massillon, in the lobbies and windows of Cleveland's major banks, and in the offices of the Canton and Massillon Chambers of Commerce; (2) postcard-size reminder cards distributed to nearly I2,(KK) employees; (3) radio spot announcements; and (4) spot ads in the TV sections of local newspapers. I'. S. .Steel Iiifoniis Its Slockhdiders U.S. Steel advised its 372,()()() stockholders of the corporation's participation in the making of the film, told how interested groups can obtain information about showings by contacting the company's public relations department. BriKhurcs issued by Atlantic Steel Company. Granite City Steel Company, and Republic Steel now include an announcement of how groups can borrow prints. In the Lafayette. Calif., school district, a print K)aned by Armco Steel Corporation was shown simultaneously to ten classes, with a total of 450 students, by means of a closedL-ircuit TV network serving the schools. In addition to its recent award at Venice, Sicel and America took first prize in the Community Service Category in the International Management Tilm Festival held by the So I, ciety for Advancement of Management. It received a Golden Eagle Award from CI second prize at the National Visual Prev tion Association Awards, a George Washii Honor Medal from the Freedom's Foundau. and a Certificate of Honor at the 1966 Amican Mlm Festival. • ENTERTAINING AS HE INFORMS VIEWERS OF 'STEEL AND AMERICA THE INIMITABLE DONALD DUCK ENLIVENS THESE ANIMATED ROLES Donald pours molten iron into a nuiUl to cast (t suord. irliicli, because it is Itrilllc. soon breaks. And you know tcluil lluit docs lo hint! Donald leams that if he re-heats the hi jiicccs of the sword in a clay pot and ad hit of charcoal or carbon, lie can make As a Pilj^riin, Donald holds u sntall in^ot made of sieel. Available in small quantity, steel was rare and jirccious incliil in those limes . . . iV The audience acceptance accorded this excellent American Iron & Steel Institute motion picture offers some notable lessons to all sponsors. First of all: Steel and America is top-flight entertainment, created by a company with "built-in" boxoffice stature and professional competence. The film delivers a message alright, but does it with superb live action sequences and bright animation. And there's more. The spiinsor has wisely chosen two foremost national film dis DISTRIIU'TIO.N ANALYSIS OF "STEEL AND AMEKIC V UN ONE YEAH Comiii. Prints Mctlicwl of Di.slribiiljdii .'Niidienei T\ ' Showings Showin Ks in Field Modern T\' Distribiilinii 17,9I5,fiO() 107 75 Steel Co. T\' DislrilMilion 1,S9.1,()()() 2.5 • Sterling Community Distribution 807,771 17,038 .37.5 Steel Co. f^oinnuinity Dislribiilioii 2()2.()0()' • 1.8.30 .,,,,... Prints: Non-Indust. Go's. e e 0 o 2.5 AISI Spare & 3.5mm Prints Totals: 4,32 39 933 2().8I8,.)7I 18,8(i8 •Incl. Sled Co. Community DM. •• .f Aug. 1 •••inel. nrciKn versions •••• filts. not ill yil As a seientist in a modern steel eominiuy Donald finds his fellow researchers usi latest in scientific c(iuipmcnt in their u tribution companies and the results arc . ident. Behind the whole program, fin there's strong promotion and cooper.: publicity by both distribution and steel >. panics. This is the kind of combination n^ winning friends for America's steel makers. \ Uelow: i/iiiiuf:. pupils in this Pearl /in . \ cl<i.\sro(nn icatch intently as the color fricli unfolds. "With Donald in the film. I wanted learn about -steel," .says one of the vietet ^M ^^•**^ ^^-^ ,^^a ^HliiI^' Mv^ '^iKflBiiBM ! 42 BUSINESS SCREEN • 1"