Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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II orld ill t'aviis ,|ii If iiiiil Iwni' and m-rvc so knit. "li till' miiul has scarti'l\ tlioiit^ht I,-! (• thi' hand interprets it. Ill' into tlie \\()rld. make our home there. iipt ourselves to new eircnmstances. r ( new surroimdiniis. We find a was' oi (;. Can that also hi' called a craft. laking of onrsilxesy O O O |n< the world I came, the barest chance lined to he me". o e o 1 (.hancT? .\nd where do wc belong I ' .ipparently incoherent flood Miat carries ns from day to da\ ? I'^mcnts torn from an abandoned plan. I along the pavements with the dust; reflections caught ujxin the glass iD.ikc tlii'ir recognition and then pass. ill Council House of the city, ( Duiisellors hold a Friendship meeting, tliemes of Friendship and the ■.icial societv' are constant in all (leliherations.'l iv lives, so many fragments of life ' ! irought together to make their meaning. o o o V a Church? Our honest sexton tells ill building, with a tower and bells.' rent life within ■ rent .society within I I hi rent world within rent Creation. reflections cauf^ht upon the <ilass li 'i make their recognition and then pass." Monday nioriiiiin the Provost of ICathedral meets with his staff.) the Cathedral breathes the lite I City, breathing in and breathing out; Bple entering into the Cathedral, bie Cathedral going out into the Cit\ . . . lie Cit\''s indnstrv' . . . j!)hurch not interfering in argument, jting as an ear which can hear God png through society to us for society. e e e the Cathedral Youth Club they are ling, contri\iiijj, improvising, and I ting, in movement and word, a fesentation of their world.) o e e scflri;ig of the world on our senses c thinfis seen and unseen, emotion and ise, enjoyment, disturbance, acceptance 'cllion. leap forward from a continuous r of li<:htning: Not clear as of day, h each thin'j. distinct and cutting . . . 'ct it is day, is morning, is a tumble '1, fire and shadow, contained ingle spotlight, focussed on growing .self. (Outside on the Cathedral walls, is an image of the strniigle between good and evil) "the sword of Michael, from the Armorie of God, Was given hint tempered so, that neither keen Nor solid might resist that edge: it met the sword of Satan with steep force to smite Descending . . . . . . Then Satan first knew pain." o o o "Under the trees, by the untroid)led waters. In the beginning time of our lives When the soioid of the conflict is hardly more Than the roar of bees in branches of lime-tree Or traffic on the other side of the hill. We turn and ask of the future 'How are we to comprehend you?' " "Dust as wc are. the immortal spirit grows Like harmony in music: there is a dark In.scrutable workmanship that reconciles Discordant elements, makes them cling together In one society. Wisdom and Sjnrit of the Universe: Thou Soul that art the eternity of thought. That givest to forms and inuiges a breath And everlasting motion not in vain By day and starlight tlius from my first dawn Of childhood didst thou intertwine for me The pa.ssions that build up our human .soul." (In 19fi5 the MaNor of West Berlin came to visit the destro\i'd C^athedral. I Anil in the city is a ruin, Hi'd stone, like a cooling lire, .•\nd the tall shaix's of w indows. Passages for the wind, looking Neither out nor in, Birdwings among their lapidar) branches. « e e The International Centre was built by West German students out of the stones of the old Cathedral. .\nother cit> of ruins, a city over the water: Dresden, too, lav shattered in 1945: .\nil here. too. young men and women came To help their one-time enemy— This time England to Germany— To build afresh in the place of destruction. o o o ill till ruins stands the Sanctnan, in which i . a cross made of charri'd beams from the burnt Cathedral, and another of medieval nails, symbols of rectmciliation. o o o The things to which tlic Cathedral is being called to witness, under the charred and under the of nails . . . is that new kinds of relationships arc possible between man and man because of a new kind of relation.ship established between man and God through Jesus Christ." * » * The e\es of men peep and peer. Looking outward, looking forward. Looking up to buildings rising Like an unanswered question: seeing The new estates: what new estate Of human kind and human kinship grows? * • * (hi the village of Offchurch . . . miles from Coventn.-, is Retreat House. From time to time the \'icars spend two or three da\s together at Retreat House, away from the noise and business of the city. Where the\ can pool their experiences and thresh out their difficulties, ciuestioning themselves, exploring their thoughts, feeling their wav towards how our fragmented society can best be reconciled and the whole nature of man fulfilled.) * * * Under the thrumming, the blare of the city. Sounds cacophonous, dissonant, jarring, a hidden harnumy stays to be recovered, .As under the crested pitch-battle of the seas Deep down the gold is lying, the old treasure. Or, taking the soundings of dark earth, Si)ring uncovers a concord, the buried music; .\ theme proposed in the ground, discussed In variation by bird and daffodil, .\nd taken up at last among the branches So all the rivalling .sounds of human life .Arc reconciled in music. "La sua voluntate nostra \Hwe. Thy will is our peace. Thy kingdom eonw. Thy will be done on cartli • "City ill llie Kingdom" Comes to .America i^ The first American showinv: of City in the Kiuiidom will take place on Sunday evening, October 30. when H. C. N. Williams. Provost of Coventry Cathedral, brings the picture to Christ Church in \\ innetka. Illinois. This suburban Chicago church has served Coventry during its rebuilding years and a presentation ceremony (at which the Provost \\\]\ officiate) takes place at morning services which precede the evening showing. Arrangements for the projection have been made by Midwest Visual Equipment Company of Chicago using new Bell & Howell equipment. BER 6 • VOLUME 27 47