Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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jxand and the Continent were well represent ' la press room enabled them to file special .s, including television ci>verage, to their ruials. European newspapers and business ili. iiions give far more space to the indus 11 than do similar journals in the United 1 lANDn SHLAT of Germany, for example, an entire special supplement on the d trial film. I (>|)-Li'vel Conference at tlie O.E.C.D. ' [Mlgrimage to Venice included visits to Germany and England on this year's iisiderable time was spent in the Techwsistance Mission of the U.S. Agency ( ,;crnational Development and in top-level fiiLiiccs on the grounds of the Organizabr Economic Development (OECD). We ht personal kudos from Venice to Gers Lconaris-Film and its head. Dr. Georg k, for his company's splendid work on Cubic Centimeters for Life. d last, but far from least, were those al days in London where we renewed ts with European Editor Peter Rigg and ively wife. Jane Senior. A memorable on with J. Lillie-Costello of Shell-Mex P Ltd. made possible a personal review r U.S. distribution efforts on behalf of 'ompany's 1965 award-winner: The Forth Bridge. Lillie-Costello told us of his cornsponsorship of City ill the Kini;doi>i. on of Coventry Cathedral, and brought the iing feature which appears elsewhere in sue. ell's Fine New Film on Water Pollution I thus a pilgrim made some progress in ing relationships with friends, new and iroughout Europe. And as a reward, we of common i;oals in the makini; of dseftil films such as Shell International's :w motion picture on the worldwide walution problem: The River Must Live. :e limits the opportunity of sharing more al observations but this must be said: : inspired toward new goals of service ward achieving better exchange of both and ideas across the narrow Atlantic, e communication of such media draws r closer; the first flight of a super-sonic nsport jet also breaks time barriers. • Je at N'enice, fncturcd below {I to r): Lew, president of Lahoralaries Vilfcr, ~)lt Coelln, editor of BiLsincss Screen; Mile. Stcpanoff, of Cypres Films, Paris; and tmbcr Carl Lenz, president of Modern. Another F&B/CECO A Exclusive! AERO-VISION . . . o new anti-vibration mount designed for use in helicopters, airplanes or other moving vehicles . . . Five patented features provide almost 100% picture steadiness and freedom from vibration— even when using long lenses. Rental rates— $150 per day, not including camera. ./. Available immediately for sale or rent. Call or write for brochure. F&B/CECO C. MAIN OFFICE: 315 West 43rd St , New York, N. Y. 10036 Phone (212) JU 6-1420-Cable CINEQUIP-Telc« 1-25497 " (l»-,<i<tui.c^F:uiU./) ^OPAPPtlO Branches: Florrda: 51 East 10th Aue . Hialeah. (305) 888 4604; Mgr. Norman Zuckerman. Telex 51532 California; 6446 Santa Monica Blvd. Hollywood. (213) HO 5-7196. Mgr. Bill Saltzman/ Washington, DC ; 1314 Powhatan St. Alexandria. Va.. (703) 683 2520. Mgr. Greg Bell/ Atlanta: 140 Spring St. (404) 523 5653. Mgr. Gordon Craddock/New Orleans; 822 North Rampart St.. (504) 522-5364. Mgr Frank Richard 1967 Guide to Film Production Services AND SOURCES OF SPECIALIZED PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT Here's complcle data on laboratories, sound and vidL-otapc recording; music, script and other specialized services available to users in the vear ahead. This anrui.\l buyer's guide also lists film distributors and includes sources for specialized production equipment. Extra copies available at $1.00 each. A Business Screen Buyer's Guide Mailing to oitr u orltlit itlc s/iffMrfhfr\ on Soi'emher 2^th! Address inquiries to; Chicago office of publication, 7064 Sheridan Road lER 6 • VOLUME 27 59