Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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fooling around Get expert t motion picture processing & printing by expert technicians / WRITE, PHONE, CABLE: bebell 108 West 24* Sf, New York 0:)ll CORNER WEME OF A^MERKHS PHOniE: (2121 924-8573 CABLES: LABSBEBELL.N. Y. for NEW 1966 Price List C10 Dirty? Brittle? Stained? Scratched? Worn? Rainti? Damaged! Send if to Specialists in the Science of ILM REJUVENATION FOR 16 MM AND 35 MM PIDWELD Process includes treatment (or: • Dirt • Abrasions • Scratch Removal • "Rain" Im services now available. I ii for free Broehure, tXTS OS FILM CARE". ^^APIO FILM Wf''^^^% y^TECHNIQUE. INC J&^ ^"j T 2 27 ST., L. I. C. 1, N. y. -^i^— T-^ H_ '1)wall •-4800 • E«t. 1»*0 ^^fcj^ \. * EXPO ^67: AUDIQVISUALS (continued from the preceding page 57) projected on a circular globe screen, positioned beneath the three b&w screens. Onyx Films, of Montreal, will help present the agricultural theme within the exhibit "Man the Provider" and they will use both sound recordings (bi-lingual) as well as eight motion pictures and numerous slides for the various sector areas: basic cycle, soil, plants, mechanization, poultry and animal breeding. The theme area: "Man and Health" will have a film and stage show titled Man and His Health, produced by Robert Cordier. The film presentation will employ six to eight 16mm black and white film loops projected on three screens. For "Man in the Community" a film titled Urhanissimo is being produced by The Hubley Studios, using three separate 35mm images, combined in a single 35mm composite print. The sound film will be an animated subject depicting the processes and problems of city growth and development. Exhibit Details Supplied by Roj^er Blais We arc indebted to E.xpo "67"s audiovisual coordinator, Roger Blais. for many of the details provided in this pre-fair report. Obviously, all are subject to the myriad of changes which always take place within the months preceding opening day. In subsequent features we hope to bring our readers other details of new a-v innovations at this latest "world laboratory" of the audiovisual medium. • 60 MILLION SEE PARKE-DAVIS FILMS (CONTINUED FROM THE PRECEDING PAGE 43) who are contributing so much in the fight to eliminate sickness and disease."" The bulk of the 60 million viewers have seen the firm"s oldest film. Going Our Way. Johnson explained. Since being introduced in 1957. it has played before an estimated television audience of better than 33 million on nearly every TV station in this country. In addition, nearly three million others have seen the film within their community group audiences. More than 14 million people have seen a 1965 Parke-Davis picture, Counter-Atiack!. while another eight million have viewed Front Line. Another film from last year. Story With No End, has been seen by 120,000. 7"mi<* For Livinii. just released, has already been seen by about 40, ()(){) persons. Prints are available without charge to groups through the firm's 19 branch offices in the U.S. or from any of the 31 offices of Modern Talking Pictures Service. Inc.. the organization handling national distribution of the films. Requests pour into Parke-Davis daily, and a list of their points-of origin reads like a page from a road atlas. Names like Hamtramck. Mich.. Zephyrhills. Fla., and Pilot Mountain, N.C., are mi.ved in with larger cities such as Los Angeles, New York and Chicago. But the difference in size and geography mean little to Parke-Davis. "We've found that people enjoy the films regardless of where they see them,"" said Johnson. "We"re only happy we can bring them to so many."" • art, film dips & products ssYiitiiroiiixeil U\ voice, iiiiisic, soiiikI effects R 6 • VOLUME 27 65