Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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Mm and Events Along Prodiu lion Lines Capital Labs' Garland Miscncr l)c\ clops New Color Scene Tester w A new additive colur scene tester, currently operational at Capital Film Laboratories' new Miami. I'lorida laboratory, has been desiencd by Garland Misener, the company's technical vicepresident. He described the new printing unit at the recent lOOth Technical Conference of the SMPTH at Los .Angeles. To obtain framc-to-frame color balance changes in the scene test prints at a rate of 10 frames per second, rotating aperture wheels are used to modulate the red, green and blue light beams in the dichrotic mirror optical system of the printer. The printed result is a "color ring" of seven picture frames, each with a different color balance. The color ring is automatically repeated at fi\c exposure levels, with intensity control by a fourth modular wheel. FvuliMtcs Deiisitirs of Negatives \\ ith the color range printed at each exposure level, the timer can make accurate color balance evaluations for printing negatives of different densities. An extended color range mode is provided for testing editing negatives which may have a wide range of color balance. This mode of printing may be switched in or out as needed. The scene-tester prints by optical projection and operates in normal room light. This facilitates safe handling of negatives and more efficient operation. • . . . agency consultant Penney Edmund Penney loins Niles-Cini As the Agency's A-V Consultant Writcr-dircctor-produccr Edmund Penney has joined NidesCini Advertising, Los Angeles, as audio-visual consultant. He will continue to head his own film production company, Edmund Penney Productions, which will headquarter at the agency. Ed Penney 's recent credits include such documentaries as A nisei's Flifihl. Laniiiiai^e of Drawinfi. and Soiii; of America. He recently completed The Malzlers for the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. • * * * Two New Films from Kodak i-: Two new 16nini reversal films: a low-contrast duplicating film and a high-speed camera original black & while film have been announced by the Eastman Kodak Company. YOU'RE INVITED TO JOIN OUR SUBSCRIBER FAMILY! • To get all the news and features-in-depth about the latest and best in audiovisual tools and techniques, just fill in the convenient Reservation Form below and mail to us today: Yes, Enter My Subscription to BUSINESS SCREEN MAGAZINE n One Year (Eight Issues) $3.00 NamB: n Two Years $5.00 Company: Position: Address: City St.-fe Zipcode: □ Check Enclosed □ Company Q Bill Me Subscribers in Canada and abroad pa, jO a yeor; $7.00 for two years. Crawley Appoints Thomas Glynn Vice-President, Special Projects .7 Crawley Films Limited has appointed Thomas Glynn vice-president in charge of Special Projects for this leading Canadian film company. Glynn's present duties include supervision of several films for Expo 67, including a five-theater, 10-scrcen show for the Canadian Government's Historical Pavilion and a 70mm production for the Canadian National Pavilion. He joined Crawley's in 1945 and was head of the company's camera department for 1 1 years. • * * * Buscher Directs Ridgefield, N. J. Library of Association Films, Inc. i^ Kenneth L. Buscher has been appointed Manager of the Association Films. Inc., Ridgefield, N.J. film library. Mr. Buscher was U.S. Property and Fiscal Officer from 1951 to March of this year. A colonel in the Army, he was responsible for logistical and fiscal support to the Army and Air National Guard of New York. This involved the receipt, storage and issue of federal equipment valued at approximately $200 million and yearly expenditures in excess of $20 million. • * * * Just Call 'em "The Film Group" i? There's a new company name for the Chicago studios of Hedman Gray & Shea, Inc. As Michael Gray, ncwly-cIectcd president explains it, "wc just got tired of spelling all those names and then describing what wc do. Now it's all in the name: The Film Group, Inc. But they're still located at 430 West Grant Place on Chicago's near-north side. • * * * News of Executive Appointments: Maurice \V. Ste\ens is now with The Film-Makers, Inc., serving as a producer director in that company's Chicago-based studio. '■ Ian Michael Summers has joined Applied Concepts, Inc., New York City, as director of client relations. V Charles A. Perry, Jr. has been named field sales manager for x-ray and motion picture products in the Atlanta. Ga. district office of Diil'ont's Photo Products deparlmenl. « * * Filmaek Appoints Harlan Croy as Vice-President of Film Division Harlan Croy has been named \ ice-president in charge of the Industrial anil Business Film Division of Filmaek Studios, Chic cording to president Mack, the veteran prod also direct a new depart industry-oriented emplo\ ing programs. REFERENCE SI Fall Issue of "Free Film Offered by Sterling-Movi Sterling Movies, Inc., tors of sponsored films, a ing copies of the new fal of Free Film News, a pictc descriptive catalog of 1 films available to organii audiences. Twenty-three categories arc included in the new including art, fashion, i travel, and professional-ti In addition to a large seic individual films. Sterling of eral film forums, film ser a feature plan which provit on a regular weekly or basis. Bookings are handk automated system and are ; as far in advance as the g quires. Copies of the new Fr News are available from Movies, Inc., 43 West 61s New York 10023. * * * Ask for Your "ColorTran Berkcy Technical Corj tion Picture & Television is distributing the first ed a new publication called Tran News. Installatiims plications of ColorTran |l are shown and briefed, ai nical material on lighting informative presentation eight-page, two-color bu'r printed in S'-ixll" ^ punched for 3-ring bindi ot this and succeeding i-be obtained by writing i> Tran News. 1015 Chesi Burbank. Calif. 91502. Single-Reference Manual. i> List Offered by Bebell & B<i •A Bebell c<: Bebell Color tories. Inc., has unified its motion picture photograpl oratory service price li' reference manuals into or' ing. Each section is indexi tabs for quick reference tc picture services, slides ar strips, transparencies anc prints, graphic arts and ci ing services. C\ipies are available fr bell & Bebell at 108 West '. New York, N.Y. 1001 I.