Business screen magazine (1967)

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DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of Public Affairs: Directorate for Defense Information— Audio-Visual Division The Pentagon, Washington, D. C. 20301 • This Di\ ision is the central Annc<l Forces contact for news media and prochiccrs in the important fields of radio, television, still pictnrcs and motion pictures. Direct contacts on national and international release matters in these fields are: -Vorman T. Hatch, Chief. Audio-Visual Dioision Phone: O.Xford 7-4162 C:DR Ed«ard F. Roeder, USN, Chief. AudioVisual Productions Branch Phone: OXford 7-09,55 Lt. Col. Lonzie I. Dukes, USA, Chief. Audio\ i.sual \'( us Branch Phone: 0.\ 7-5111 AcTiviTiE.s: The Audio-\'isual Productions Branch approves release of Armed Forces stock foot:iKe which cannot be procured commcrci:ill\ for newsfilm television proRrams. theatrical productions, etc. The Branch cooperates with producers of some 35 major theatrical productions and 1012 TV series featuring or relating to the .\rmed Forces. Infomiation on Armed Forces films available for public non-profit showinR or cleared for public service T\" programs cm be obtained from the Alldio-^'i.sual Productions Branch. The Audio-\isual News Branch releases aporoximately 300 (2-3 minute) .subfccts to the T\'. newsfilm and theatrical newsfilm media annually. It maintains two small Pentagon studios for servicing the news media and radio programs, which feature inteniews with top Defense officials. In addition, the Audio-\'isual Xexvs Branch releases taped and filmed messages bv Secreta-ies and .Service Chiefs, provides advice :in<l guidance to docnmentarv film and T\' nro<lucers on military subjects. The Branch also releases to the press and teleMson approximately 2.000 photographs per year. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Medlfol Illustration Service Washington, D. C. 20305 Morris M Coldberg, Chief. Medical lllustrat'on Service Phone: 576-2866 |ohn A. Ev. Jr.. Chief. Medical lllustrat'on Serv'ce Phone: 576-2867 James \. Young. C/i!<f. Train ns Aids Division Phone: 576-2865 Miss D:itsv B. Howze. Chief. Audio-Visual Support Center Phone: .576-2864 ' nviTiES: This Institute makes or .supervises I Iriis for the .Amied Forces on medical subjects. F.\(:iLiTiEs: In-house capabilitv. and contracts through Office of the Chief, CommunicationElectronics. Dlstbiihtiox: AFIP operates a I' S. Army Audo-Vi'siial Support Center for medical films. The Institute procures and loans films for the Medical Senices of the .Armed Forces. Unclassified films .ire .ivailable to members of the medical profession, with borrowers paying return postage. For information about available films, write the Superintendent of Documents. Covemment Iriiling Office. Washington. DC. 20402 and I' (,r to The Film Reference Guide for Medicine iiud Allied Sc'enees. Directorate for Armed Forces Information and Education P;inl J. Murdock, C/ii(f, Motion Picture Division Phone: O.Xford 4-4943 Dallas Ilalverstadf, A<isistant Chief Phone: OXford 4-4944 ARMED FORCES: INFORMATION & EDUCATION • This office produces and distributes information films for the use of the Armed Forces. Films are distributed through the film exchanges of each service, through on-base theaters, and to ■Armed Forces T\' netvsorks in overseas locations. DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE The Pentagon, Washington, D. C. • The U.S. .Air Force produces approximately 400-500 reels of film each year b\' contract with commercial producers or in-service. These films are used b\ ;ill levels of management for education, trailing :ind informational briefings. Activities: Headquarters, USAF at the Pentagon, Washington. D.C. The management focal point within the Air Staff for all photographic policN is the .Aiid'0-\isiial Systems Division. Directorate of Operations. Complete address is: Hn. U.S. Air Force AF.XOPXB W;ishington. D.C. 20330 The ke\ personnel in charge of the program are: Col. William F. Gallogly Thomas E. Farmer This office is responsible for determining or v.ilidating requirements for all .A'r Force motion pictures and insuring that the capabilitv exists within the .Air Force to either procure them bv contract or produce them with in-house facilit'es. In this respect, they monitor the .Aerospace .Audio V'isual Service, a technical service under the Militarv .Airlift Command. Comnlete address isHq MAC (MAXPDV) Scott AFB. Ill 62225. The kev personnel in charge of the nrograni are: Lt. Col. Robert J. Arblaster and Maior PhOUp Krasney. The -Aerospace .Audio-X'isual Service is directlv responsible for producing or nrocuring films, adeonate photographic documentation of the total Air Force m's.sion and d-stribiition of release prints. Facilitifs: The Aerospace Audio-Visual Serv-Ve. Orlnido. .AFB. F'nrida. is the headouarters for the .Air Force world-w'de nhotopraoh'C program. Complete motion nictnre nrodiKtion fac'ht'es located at the nfi'^th Phototrraph'c Snuadron. Orlando, AFB. Florida, and at tho 1.3."2nd Photogranhic Grnun. Lei's .Angeles. California, support Air Force-wide production requirements. 1.350th Motion Picture Squadron. AAVS. Wright-Patterson .AFB. Ohio, is responsible for contract nrocuremept and commerci:il production of .Air Force films, and provides in-service engineering and film report U-pe productions to technic.ll commands. The 1350th Motion Picture .Squadron .ilso maintains the USAF Film Depositor\-. a film archive wnth historical and current film footage holdings in excess of 99.000.000 feet. .AA\'S also maintains photo(?r'>nhie units at \\-indcnbur<! AFB. T.ompoc. Calif.: Ent AFB. Colorado Sorings. Colo.; and .Andrews AFB. Camn Snrings. Md. to provide documentary .ind instrumentation coverage of .Ai'r Force missile and other act'vilies. A squadron based at Ton Smi Xhut .AB. near Siigon. Vietnam, h.andles all Air Force photogranhic requireinents — including gun cameras, strike photography and combat documentation Imt eX'JudinT reconnaissance photogranhv — throughout the entire combat zone. Combat documentarv teams, canable of ran'd denlov-ment anvwhere in the world, are "ermanentlv located at M:irch .AFB Riverside C:ilif.; Offult AFB. nm:iha. Nebr.; and Westover AFB. Chicooee F:i"s. \|.ass. Photogr iphic detachments are also located overseas, in the F:ir East. Europe and certain other areas of the world, to nrovide historical and combat documentation film coverige of important events of national and .Air Force interest. .Add tional infomiation regarding the .Air Force Film Program ma\ be obtained by contactinR: Col. William S. Bark.sdale. Jr. Commander. .Aerospace Audio-Visual Scrv Audio-Visual )grams in the United States Government Tir tV -6 .\\ .\LPH.\BETICAL INDEX Aeronautics and Space Administration, The National 80 .Agriculture, The Department of . . . 68 .Air Force, Department of the .... 65 .Army, Department of the 66 .Atomic Energy Commission. The . .82 Commerce. The Di'partment of . . .68 Defense. The Department of 65 Federal .Aviation Agency, The ....78 General Services Administration . .84 Health, Education and Welfare ... .72 Information .Agency. The U. S 82 Int:rior. Department of The 76 Library of Congress, The 84 Navy, Department of the 66 Peace Corps, The 84 Post Offic; Department, The 80 Transportation, Department of 78 Treasur.v Department, The U. S. . . 80 I7lh PRODUCTION REVIEW <5