Business screen magazine (1967)

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CONNECTICUT KEVIN DONOVAN FILMS 44 Treal Road, Glastonbury, Connecticut Phone: (203) 633-9331 Date of Organization: 1953 Branch: 15 West 44th St., New York 10036 Phone: (212) YU 6-6049 Kevin Donovan, Owner Services: Motion pictures exclusively — public relations, industrial and medical films. FACii.rTi£s: Aniflex cameras (Models S, BL), Kagra, Magnasync sound equipment; studio and portable lighting, editing equipment. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictures: Dark Is the Nielit (Public Service of Indiana); Irtjection Techniques for Some Common Foot Disorders (Schering Corp.); Progress in Connectictit (Stone & Webster); The Better Way (Northeast Utihties). JOHN CAMPBELL FILMS, INC. Box 3443, Greenwich, Conn. Phone: (203) 322-3443 Date of Incorporation: 1960 lohn Campbell, President, Executive Producer G\Tieth R. Campbell, Vice-President Ve Velsor, Office Manager Gar>' O. Hampton, Production Assistant Services: Script to screen; public relations, business, training films. Faciijties: Studio and sound recording on lease basis. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion PicrnREs: Litter-hj Speaking (N.Y. State Dept of Public Works); Lasting Impact (Selfsponsored). ROLAB STUDIOS & LABORATORIES Walnut Tree Hill, Sandy Hook, Conn. 06482 Phone: (203) 426-2466 Date of Organization in New York Cit)-: 1928; in Connecticut: 1934 Henry Roger, Owner-Director E. H. Roger, Secretary Services: Complete and partial productions, assistance to other producers utilizing our facilities; camera and sound; sound stage for rent; specialists in highly technical and scientific camera work. Facilities: Modem studio with lighting equipment; preview room; 25 cameras, 35mm; 16mm, still 18mm/24mm to 8" x 10"; complete lab for micro-macro-time-lapse; optical benches; biological, medical, physical, chemical research; optical electrical motion picture engineering; manufacturer of instruments for time-lapse, special cameras and devices, developments. Complete facilities for mass production of filmstrips. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion PicrruHEs: The Making of Pencils (Eagle Pencil Co.); Dissolving Experiments {]. Walter Thompson Co. ) ; Sound Stage Demonstrations (McLaughlin Research Com.). Filmstrips: t4easuring & Testing Chisels; Handsaws for Woodworking (Stanley Works). Photo and CineMicrography for New England Industries. CUSTOM FILMS, INC. 11 Cob Drive, Wcstport, Conn. 06880 Phones: (203) 226-0300 Date of Incorporation: 1963 Lester S. Becker, President Services: 16mm and 35mm motion pictures for business, industry, sports. FACiLrriE.s: editing rooms; equipment for location pliotograpliy. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictures: Safely Is Everybody's Business; Stock Car Racing's Greatest Cliallcngc (Grev Rock Division, U.S. .\sbestos); The Seventeenth Southern 500 (Southern 500 Film Corporation). Pboductio.v Services for Falstaff Beer; Gabriel Division, .Maremont Marketing, Inc! MASSACHUSETTS BAY STATE FILM PRODUCTIONS, INC. 35 Springfield St., Agawam (Springfield), Massachusetts 01107 Phones: (413) 734-3164-5; 734-6189 Date of Organization; 1943 Branch: 80 Bovlston St., Boston, Mass. Phone: (617) 426-8904 Lowell F. Wentworth, VicePresident in charge. Morton H. Read, President David D. Doyle, Exec. Vice-President Harold O. Stanton, Vice-President Francis N. Letendre, Vice-President Lowell F. \Ventworth, Vice-President — Boston .\. Herbert Wells, Treasurer Harold M. Fischer, Vicv-Prc.',., Production Mgr. Donald J. Caulfield, Art Director Keimeth Alexander, Chief Sound Engineer Bruc-e Jorey, Editing Director William Rhodes, Account Executive Robert Hart, S(udio Manager E. Ritchie Smith, Laboratonj Manager Services: 16/35mm motion pictures in b&w and color; industrial, scientific, pubhc relations, sales, training, religious, documentar\, medical, animated; special programs for sales and stockholders meetings; TV commercials and programs; sound slidefilms, filmograph; storyboards; technamation; foreign languages, narratives; special effects; still photography, b&w and color; script services; sales and training aids; distribution. Services .•\v.\n.ABLE to Other Producers: Photography, sound recording, color and b&w printing, processing, positive, negative and reversal; editing, scoring, cutting, interlock screening — 35/16mm projectors, animation, titles, use of sound stage, set designing, Hghting, truck mounted generators. Facilities: Mitchell, Maurer, Eastman, Aniflex, Oxberry cameras; Hydrolly, complete lighting facilities; AC and DC portable gas driven generators; two trucks; Maurer 16mm optical film recording; 16mm, V*" svnchronous magnetic recording, 16/ 17'/4/35mm dubbing .ind equalization; two printing labs for color and b&w, DePue and Peterson printing equipment, electronic cueing; 16mm b&w processing, positive, negative, reversal; Fisher Mike perambulator, Camart Portable Boom. Fish Pole, microphones, including Shot Gun .Mike; two screening rooms with 35/ 16mm interlock equipment; 3 cutting rooms; 7 cutting benches; 16/ 35mm Moviolas; sound readers for 16/17V4/35mm. optical and magnetic; animation department with two animation stands; Oxberry 16/ 35mm Bi-Pack animation camera with automatic follow focus, rotoscope, projection light, one to twentv-sLx field, 111% Ti LDSTiKii mm ■^ The detail-in-depth of these listings of business and television film companies provides the sponsor, advertising agencv and government film buyer with a complete picture of his prospective producer. In addition to names of principal officers and data on services and physical studio facilities, the facts on "Recent Productions and Sponsors" show the nature of recent studio experience, of films produced in the past ) Preview current pictures a.s a prerequisite to purchases; bidders should also provide factual data on experience, staff, facilities and financial stability. There was no charge or obligation whatsoever to these listed companies; every knoviTi source was contacted with three separate first-class mailings. OiJy those who furnished evidence of recent production were accepted for an unqualified listing. NEW ENGLAND STATES BAY STATE FILM PRODUCTIONS: over and under lighting, 360° rotary compound, adapted for technamation ; art department; hot press, carpenter shop; set designing; music libraries; film vault; still photography department with dark rooms for color and b&w; air-conditioned sound stage, over 3000 sq. ft. permanent staff of 30. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictures: Torpedo Mark 16; The Oblong Window Dishwashing Machines Maintenance (U.S. Navv); racing The Hack Out of the Hacksaw (Simonds Saw & Steel Co.); Indwttnal Doors (Stanlev Works); The Big Ten (Raybestos Div., Raybestos-Manhattan Corp.); Export; Meet the Swinger (Polaroid Corp.); Field Report (Honeywell Corp.); Your Retirement Income (Conn. General Life Ins. Co. for the Rollins Co.); Keep or Sell: The Close (Conn. General Life Ins. Co.); Safety in Numbers; Secure IFF (U.S. .^ir Force); Directory Delivery (New England Tel. Co. & Reuben H. Donnelley Co.); Heritage (Ocean Sprav Cranberries); The Touch of Diamonds (Norton Co.): The Day .After Tomorrmo (Rhode Island Apprenticeship Council); Vinyl Sliding (Bird & Son); 7"/if Day the Bicycles Disappeared {.\A.\ Foundation for Traffic Safety); Dedication to Excellence (U.S. Envelope Co.); Standard of Precision (Hamilton Standard) : Apollo (.Mass. Inst, of Technology); PJ 400 (Pratt & Whitnev Machine Tool); Millionths in Motion (Miniature Precision Bearings); Report to the Field (New Departure-Hyatt Co.). Slidefilms: This is yepco; Profit Twins (Arbor Acres Farm, Inc.); Home Territory (Norton Co.); Curriculum Development for Health Technicians (Springfield Tech. Institute). TV CoNfMERCLVLS: 0>'ality Bakers (8 for Dreikom's Bread); LaTouraine Coffee; McDonald's Hamburgers; Riversile Park; Midas Muffler; Castro Convertibles (.\mold Co.): Electric Power Companies of Connecticut (4 spots). Metropolitan Boston Area Bay State Film Productions, Inc. 80 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. 02116 Phone: (617) 426-8904 Lowell F. U'entworth, Vice-President in Charge (See complete listing under Agawam, Mass.) MARTIN BOVEY PRODUCTIONS, INC. Estabrook Road. Concord, Mass. 01742 Phone: (617) 369-2334 Date of Organization : 1949 Martin Bovey, Jr., President. Exec. Producer LawTence R. Miller, Associate Producer-Director Sebvtces: Documentary, p.r., industrial, sales, educational and television films, commercials. Facilities: .■\niflex, Eclair NPR cameras, Nagra recorders; hghting equipment for color, b&w location shooting. Moviola, other editing equipment. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AMD SPONSORS Motion Pictures; 77i. Minnesota Stoiy (Fiumers & Mechanics Saving Bank of Minncipolis) ; Plau Ball With the Minnesota Twins; (First Natl Bank of Minneapolis); Saint Paul: Fur Trade to Space Agr (First .Natl. Bank of St. Paul); rca('i<T»' .\ides: A New Opportunity (Garland Jr. Ctillege & Office of Economic Opportunity). Phoduction Services: Sports Training Films for The CocaCola Co. In Production: Boston docviment.-uy (untitledState Street Bank & Trust Co. of Boston). y^ this symbol over a producer's listing in these pages refers to di-splay advertisement in this 17th Production Review issiie. 17th PRODUCTION REVIEW 133